Improvements to the website on CMS WordPress (ACF)
encrypt buttons with links
example HTML code of an encrypted button with a link
(<button type="button" data-decoded="true" data-decoded-text="aH****6Ly9sa*********bGJldC5jb2******mhRczdTYw==" class="link-button btn btn-big-text btn-with-back">Join</button>) - without * , I will show how it looks on the site.
write the correct semantic tags to improve visibility and readability by search engines
I will send the h1-h4 structure for all pages.
зашифровать кнопки с переходом на ссылки
пример HTML кода зашифрованной кнопки с переходом на ссылку
(<button type="button" data-decoded="true" data-decoded-text="aH****6Ly9sa*********bGJldC5jb2******mhRczdTYw==" class="link-button btn btn-big-text btn-with-back">Join</button>) - без * , покажу как на сайте выглядит.
прописать правильные семантические теги, чтобы улучшить видимость и читабельность поисковыми системами
Структуру h1-h4 отправлю для всех страниц.
2877 91 0 Hello.
I am ready to make improvements to your website.
I need more information.
Write to me!
Готовий зробити допрацювання вашого сайту.
Треба більше інформації.
3442 71 1 Hello.
I can help with the implementation.
Write to me - we will discuss the details.
Можу допомогти з реалізацією.
Пишіть - обговоримо деталі.
7648 104 4 1 Good afternoon. I am ready to encrypt the buttons on your project and write the correct semantic tags according to your instructions. I look forward to collaborating.
Добрый день. Готов зашифровать кнопки на вашем проекте и прописать правильные семантические теги по вашей инструкции. Буду рад сотрудничеству.
3093 47 1 Hello. Message me privately, I am ready to start right away!
Здравствуйте. Пишите в личные сообщения, готов приступить сразу!
Current freelance projects in the category Content Management Systems
Connect CRM to the websiteThere is a site on WP. It needs to be connected to amo crm. The site is a business card - two types of feedback forms: one in a pop-up, the other in contacts. The forms are standard: name, email, text. Please leave approximate prices from-to right away. Content Management Systems, Client Management & CRM ∙ 1 hour 15 minutes ago ∙ 5 proposals |
Optimize the speed of the website on WordPressWe are looking for a specialist to speed up the website. It is necessary to conduct a speed audit, optimize caching, code, check plugins, improve server settings, etc. Please clarify the cost of the work. Details – in private messages. Content Management Systems, Web Programming ∙ 1 hour 25 minutes ago ∙ 12 proposals |
Tensioning design on WPThere is a page layout in Figma. It needs to be implemented on WordPress. I am attaching the layout. Let me explain a bit about what we see: At the top "Watch Showreel" - the text rotates in a circle. When clicked - a YouTube video in a popup window. Fill out the brief - a… Content Management Systems, Web Programming ∙ 2 hours 18 minutes ago ∙ 28 proposals |
Redesign of WP sitesNeed ongoing assistance with redesign and bug fixes in PHP/HTML/JS/CSS in WordPress 40-80 hours/month. AWS lightsail hosting. Written English is required, sufficient with a translator. Content Management Systems, PHP ∙ 11 hours 37 minutes ago ∙ 21 proposals |
Copy the design of the Apple company's website
500 USD
Technical task for the development of a website similar to AppleGoal: To create a modern, stylish, and functional website visually similar to the Apple website, with easy content management and updates.Design:Complete redesign and replication of the visual style of the Apple… Content Management Systems, HTML & CSS ∙ 1 day 9 hours ago ∙ 29 proposals |