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I want to be taught how to create epic scenes in Blender, various effects, explosions, smooth camera movements.

Translated239 USD

  1. 428    4  0   1
    1 day239 USD

    Good afternoon
    I can teach you a little something interesting, but it doesn't come in just one lesson, etc.
    It's all pure improvisation with shaders, etc.
    So this needs to be understood, not just learned.
    If you're interested, message me privately and I'll tell you everything.
    Добрый день
    Я могу научить немного интересному, но это не дается за 1 урок и тд
    Это всё чистая импровизация с шейдерами и тд
    Поэтому этому нужно не учится а понимать
    Если интересно, напишите в лс я всё расскажу

  • Stanislav O.
    20 January, 6:43 |

    ви явно за адресою. ще можна серед бухгалтерів пошукати знатоків блендера і 3д 🤷

Current freelance projects in the category 3D Modeling

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Adaptation of the model for 3D printer printing.

Adapt and slice the model for 3D printing. Print workspace: 230×250×370 mm KLEMA 250. Files attached in various formats.

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Adaptation of models for 3D printing.

Adapt the model for 3D printing, change the size and add a hole for wires. The files are attached.

3D Modeling ∙ 1 day 6 hours ago ∙ 5 proposals

Project published
28 days 6 hours ago
  • 3D modeling
  • Blender
  • Camera Techniques