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Create an email chain in iGaming

Translated200 USD

    1 bid hidden
  • Paul Schultz
    20 December 2024, 15:20 |

    Hello, how are you?

    I am a fullstack developer with rich experiences.

    If you are interested in my ability, please contact me.

    This is my contact info.


    slack address:[email protected]


Current freelance projects in the category Email Marketing

Email newsletter setup

Email newsletter setup is required. 1. Greeting. 2. Message about successful payment. 3. Message about unsuccessful payment. 4. Message about not using our service for 7, 14, 30, 60, 90 days. 5. Message about the remaining balance in the account. Any email newsletter…

Email Marketing ∙ 1 day 15 hours ago ∙ 4 proposals

Email channel setup

241 USD

We are looking for a specialist who can help set up the email channel. This is about an MVP, and primarily, we need a high-level setup of the channel, ensuring: ✅ Setting up communication between CRM and Selzy ✅ Configuration in Selzy ✅ Setting up a communication chain with…

Email Marketing ∙ 2 days 9 hours ago ∙ 4 proposals

A custom mailing program is required for sending according to specified parameters.

A custom email program is required for sending out based on specified parameters. There is a database of client email addresses, with a balance amount associated with each address. 1. It is required to upload a report in .CSV format. 2. Set the time for sending. 3. Create an…

Email MarketingWeb Programming ∙ 2 days 11 hours ago ∙ 11 proposals

Email Marketing Assistant

121 USD

Looking for an e-mail marketer for the MailKey agency. This is a project-based job. Currently, there are two projects that require involvement. Online stores for household goods and for pets. The following skills are needed: - regular mailing according to a template - 2-4…

Email Marketing ∙ 4 days 10 hours ago ∙ 10 proposals

Setting up mailing and customer interaction

24 USD

Hello! The request is as follows: there is a client database (full name, date of birth, phone number, sometimes - email). It is necessary to set up a process for interacting with clients for the purpose of upselling. Specifically: 1. set up automatic message sending…

Email MarketingLead Generation & Sales ∙ 5 days 10 hours ago ∙ 8 proposals

Andreas Cohen Karma Business Solutions B.V.
Israel Рамат-Ган  15  0
Project published
2 months 3 days ago
2 months 1 day
  • copywriting
  • igaming
  • Content Creation
  • Email Campaigns