Oleg L.
CV (in the original language)
Я працюю в компанії, яка займається інтернет-продажами. Часто потрібні доопрацювання/виправлення на сайтах
Accomplished projects' reviews 45
21 May 2024
24 USD
Install the font on the opencart website
We worked with Oleg for the first time, everything was great. Provided all the necessary data quickly. I recommend working with him!
18 December 2023
72 USD
Correction of the problem with the utm cutting
Everything as always is great! + + Thank you for your collaboration
8 December 2023
36 USD
Tracking events on the site
Everything is well. A good communication. I recommend
| Response feedback
6 December 2023
60 USD
Technical optimization on the website opencart by TZ
A good customer, as agreed. I recommend cooperation!
1 December 2023
12 USD
Correction of the errors on the site of Opencart
I recommend to work! A Wonderful Order
29 November 2023
19 USD
Correction of the error after the project
As always pleasant to work together.
28 November 2023
22 USD
There are three banners to be created.
I'm very pleased to work with Dmitry - an unbearable and innovative customer.This is the second time we work together on design, and I can’t miss its professionalism and great cooperation.☺
25 November 2023
24 USD
Keep all UTM mits when the language is switched
Everything as always is great! Recommend to Spy.
24 November 2023
24 USD
Correction on the site of opencart
It was pleasant to work.
9 November 2023
12 USD
Banner on the Black Friday website
Thank you Olga for your work.
Everything went well: fast payment, feedback, pleasant communication.
I recommend cooperation!
30 August 2023
24 USD
Потрібно зробити, щоб при виборі опції змінювався url товару
I recommend the customer to cooperate, always in contact, was clearly set the task, all ok
28 June 2023
12 USD
Do not show a brand in the filter if there are no goods in it
A wonderful collaboration. I recommend it!
28 June 2023
24 USD
You need to add the OCFilter filter to the brand page
A wonderful collaboration. I recommend it!
29 March 2023
12 USD
Replace the special symbol in the search engine opencart
Good customer, I recommend you to collaborate!
13 July 2022
24 USD
Correction of the Connected Options Module
Everything is great. I recommend cooperation!
28 June 2022
You need to fix the line of the module on opencart
everything is fine + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
17 June 2022
164 images must be parsed
Thank you for cooperation!
Interesting work, clear task. I recommend the buyer.
10 June 2022
You have to remove the code into a separate file and connect it
Everything is great, I recommend cooperation!
20 May 2022
12 USD
Rights at openpart price
The project was not completed due to technical complexity on the site.
19 May 2022
24 USD
Add the OCFilter to the search page
excellent cooperation. I recommend !
12 May 2022
Робота з опціями в карточці товару opencart
Thank you for your collaboration, it’s great.
10 May 2022
12 USD
Автостворення акаунту при оформелнні замовленя
Everything is great. I recommend cooperation!
28 April 2022
Repair the search on the site of opencart
All superb, clearly delivered TZ, fast payment
22 April 2022
24 USD
Налаштувати виділений сервер
Thank you Olga for the interesting project, I recommend the customer to cooperate as a good person. Everything in time, payment in full volume, always on communication, by word - one positive emotions from collaboration!
8 April 2022
12 USD
Processing of the Module Fast SMS Registration/Authorization opencart
It’s all in order, clearly, on contact frequently. I recommend cooperation!
28 March 2022
18 USD
You need to add the functional module Recommended goods opencart
The cooperation went successfully. There was a little delay in checking. But the weekend still. Everything at the level.
| Response feedback
8 September 2021
10 USD
Copy from the site the flowing list of tables
A great customer, goes well to contact, understands the situation, and knows what he wants!
12 July 2021
You need JavaScript in a separate file.
Excellent work, clear setting of tasks, the customer is always in contact. I recommend
| Response feedback
13 May 2021
36 USD
OCFilter on opencart 2.1
In general, the cooperation with the customer was successful. The project is implemented.
| Response feedback
6 January 2021
35 USD
Обработать 1032 картинок
Отличный проект, отличный заказчик, рекомендую для сотрудничества!
1 December 2020
23 USD
Обработать 717 картинок
Все супер, спасибо за совместную работу!
17 November 2020
26 USD
Обработать 734 картинки
Отличный заказчик! Высокий уровень контактности, четко поставлена задача.
Рекомендую к сотрудничеству!
28 October 2020
60 USD
Repairs and improvements on the website of the online store
All is OK! All is OK! All is OK! All is OK! All is OK!
21 September 2020
23 USD
Processing more than 600 images
Everything is great. The work is clear, the task is clear, the work is clear. I hope for further cooperation.
10 July 2020
24 USD
Upgrades on the site of opencart 2.1
Clear TZ, always in contact. I recommend it.
| Response feedback
20 January 2020
12 USD
Install and set up the module on opencart
Everything is fine, we can cooperate.
Thank you for work.
3 January 2020
Make the background shining when opening the filter on the mob.
A good commander. Thank you for cooperation.
I recommend it.
14 March 2019
24 USD
Implementation of opencart2
All is well, a clear layout of the TZ - I recommend cooperation.
29 October 2018
Classification of goods by availability
I recommend cooperation!
3 October 2018
Нарисовать арт баннер для интернет-магазина одежды
Хороший проект. Замовник чітко ставить завдання.
20 July 2018
12 USD
написать 12 текстов
Очень вежливый и пунктуальный заказчик. Сразу после проверки поступает оплата. Приятно и легко иметь дело с такими заказчиками. Спасибо!
3 July 2018
20 USD
написать 20 текстов, сначала выделенные категории
Приятно и легко работать с таким заказчиком. ТЗ формируется четко и понятно. Оплата за работу проводится своевременно и в полном объеме.
26 June 2018
22 USD
написать 32 сео текста для сайта
Выполнила уже третье задание. Каждый раз убеждаюсь, что работаю с отличным заказчиком. ТЗ всегда составлено понятно и полностью раскрывает условия написания текстов. Всегда на связи, быстро отвечает на появившиеся вопросы. Оплата осуществляется сразу после завершения проекта.
8 June 2018
10 USD
написать 10 текстов
Отличный заказчик и интересный проект. Оплата своевременная. Больше бы таких заказчиков и заказов!
6 June 2018
14 USD
написать 14 текстов
ТЗ составлено полностью и подробно. Внимательный и вежливый заказчик. Рада совместной работе!
17 May 2018
18 USD
Correction of WordPress errors
Все супер. Спасибо за интересные задачи!)
| Response feedback
Latest published projects |
Install the font on the opencart website
24 USD
Placement of texts in product cards
Create your own web site
92 USD
You need to make your own website.
Correction of the problem with the utm cutting
72 USD
Tracking events on the site
36 USD
Correction of the errors on the site of Opencart
12 USD
Correction of the error after the project
19 USD
There are three banners to be created.
22 USD
Technical optimization on the website opencart by TZ
60 USD