Oleksandr Mischan

Design & art
Outsourcing & consulting
The Smart City of Singapore
On the basis of official data from Singapore sources, I developed a presentation on the development of the concept "Smart City" in Singapore.
Interesting information, I am happy to get together. A pleasant review!
Strategic planning with SWOT analysis
Complicated but interesting robot. The same creative approach guarantees and to fulfill your orders!
Intersectorial policy and analysis of its effectiveness
Interesting robot, which relates to economic and territorial clusters, as an important stock of modern regional economy. You can read and use these materials for your activity!
Administrative Services
This is done by me by an individual robot, made on the basis of my own vision of the situation.
The language in it goes about the fact that the services of the organs of the government have to be transferred to the local level to the organs of local self-government and closest to the population.
Interesting robot - read, you can, dear colleagues, need it!
Reviews and compliments on completed projects 114
12 March 2024
19 USD
Writing the thesis
Great work, I recommend the executive!
12 February 2024
17 USD
Searching for VKR
The work is done quickly and efficiently.
10 December 2023
43 USD
The task is performed within the specified deadline, according to the specified requirements. I recommend the executive
3 December 2023
48 USD
Consulting with the organization report
Great and in time I recommend.
28 November 2023
48 USD
Preparation of analytical material on the economy of Laos.
This is a very responsible execution!!! Everything was done in time, all amendments were taken into consideration and made!!! I highly recommend Alexandra, please do not regret!!! I am 100% satisfied with all of you!!!The !
20 June 2023
12 USD
Formatting the course work according to requirements
I highly recommend! Man pleasant, initiative, was done not only what was written about in the task, but much more, with which very quickly. 10/10, I recommend for collaboration.
13 June 2023
48 USD
Зробити реферат
Good work done, all in time.
7 June 2023
31 USD
Curriculum of the course "Actual problems of police activity"
I did it well and timely.
7 June 2023
43 USD
Курсова робота
Qualitatively and quickly done work
26 May 2023
36 USD
Курсова робота на тему : Адміністративна відповідальність державних сл
Not looking at the difficult topic of the course work, everything is done well and in time.
25 May 2023
120 USD
Write a Diploma Work
Despite the time of nerve and so on, the work was done well. In general I am satisfied.
20 May 2023
14 USD
Create these
The work was done very well. It was a pleasure to talk to the freelancer. I recommend it.
2 April 2023
10 USD
Write these reports.
Not the first time I collaborate with Alexander, the work was done at the highest level, it was always in contact.
I recommend it!
4 December 2022
12 USD
Thesis for Master's Work
It performs the task well in the agreed time. I went to work responsibly. I strongly recommend.
1 November 2022
29 USD
Write a research proposal
Everything is great! Great work! I have done the job, I recommend it!
19 September 2022
Improvement of the Medium Assistance Project of the Dniproblr Management
Thank you for your work, it’s all great!
15 September 2022
26 USD
The article...
Excellent quality of work, thank you for cooperation. I hope I have the opportunity to work together in the future.
7 August 2022
24 USD
Write a research proposal
Thank you, work is done! A very good presentation and text of the work.
2 July 2022
Write a motivation letter for entrance to college.
Everything is wonderful, a result of pleasure.
30 June 2022
10 USD
Motivative Letter
Good work done) satisfied with the result in full volume))
It’s okay, thank you for work.
22 June 2022
12 USD
Report and presentation to graduate project
Good time for the day! This is not the first time I work with this artist, it’s all perfect. A person is able to catch the idea and the theme of the project and make it a "confete" at a minimum of time. I recommend cooperation!
15 June 2022
13 USD
The production practice report is premeditated
Thank you for the quick work.
14 June 2022
12 USD
Write tesa in Ukrainian for the University
Great, high quality and fast! I will be glad for further cooperation! Thank you for the work done!
13 June 2022
36 USD
To obtain a diploma
Professional assistance) everything done literally for the night) I recommend, don't regret
6 June 2022
48 USD
To complete a diploma in psychology
Co-worked very pleased, Alexander took into account my request, clearly responded to my appeal. I highly recommend to everyone. It feels the experience and skill of this freelancer. Very much thank you.
4 June 2022
14 USD
Work Course Project
The task was performed timely, responsible approach, I recommend.
3 June 2022
Management Time
Thank you for good and good work!
18 May 2022
Motivation letter at college
The work is done well, even with delay.
16 May 2022
48 USD
Scientific Research Methods
The task was carried out quickly and quality. I highly recommend this executive!
13 May 2022
29 USD
The course work. International Relations
I'm happy with the work, the routes have been done, all in time and quality, I recommend 🙂
26 April 2022
17 USD
Reference on Nationalism
It was a great pleasure to work with Alexander. It is clear that a person is well understood in profile subjects and works skillfully with concepts and theories. I recommend it all, thank you very much!
22 April 2022
10 USD
Writing the theses
He wrote work at a high level and in time, he was always in contact.
I will
I recommend !
11 April 2022
Work is done well, thank you.
29 March 2022
10 USD
Write these reports on the topic "Management of IT Companies"
The task was performed despite the difficult situation in the country.
10 February 2022
10 USD
Article on the Conference - Law
Thank you Alexandra for the responsible approach to the work. It is clear that the analysis of the researchers' points of view has been made, the conclusions on the subject of the study have been made. Tactical, quiet, without any unnecessary emotions. The article was sent for review and we will wait for a reply. I recommend !
| Response feedback
24 January 2022
59 USD
Нужно написать статью для РИНЦ 25-30 тыс знаков.
Very pleased with the work of Alexander, everything was done at a very high level.
10 November 2021
19 USD
Write the thesis to the conference (publication for the diploma) [2 thesis]
Great work, as always!
Correction was made at the last moment – quickly and quickly, everything worked well.
28 October 2021
Theory of Games in Political Decisions
It’s not the first time that the work is done at a high level! Thank you !
27 October 2021
10 USD
Fandrasing (Politology and Politology)
The work was done quickly and well, thank you.
22 October 2021
95 USD
Подготовить курсовую работу
В который раз хорошо справился с работой! Отличный специалист
9 October 2021
87 USD
Writing control work: The State. the personnel policy. Foreign Experience
A great performer! Blin was constantly in contact, and informed about the course of the project. The work was very worthy, we are very happy and we will work more!
| Response feedback
7 August 2021
26 USD
Дякую за виконаний проект!
Робота виконана якісно. Виконавець завжди на зв'язку. Бажаю успіхів!
17 June 2021
168 USD
The Master’s Work
Over the course of the work, the execution keeps the progress in mind. The work itself is done in a high quality and timely manner. We do not work for the first time. Extremely I recommend!
| Response feedback
3 June 2021
26 USD
Course work
The best in your business. The work was done on “Excellent!” In the future I will continue to work together, a professional with a big letter. I recommend to everyone!
3 June 2021
29 USD
Курсовая 2
супер супер супер супер супер
2 June 2021
29 USD
супер, советую, очень шустро отвечает на входящие и так приятный в общении. Правда, при расчете срока выполнения работы, берите с запасом , примерно 2-3 дня. А так рекомендую
1 June 2021
10 USD
Diary of Practice
Qualitatively and in time
28 May 2021
26 USD
Reporting on Comprehensive Practice
A remarkable executive. The assigned task was done well.
26 May 2021
12 USD
Introduction (MS PowerPoint)
Thank you for the presentation and for the presentation of the instructors. The teacher is always in contact. I wish success!
24 May 2021
26 USD
Assistance in writing control works in psychology
Work is done quickly and efficiently
20 May 2021
31 USD
Make two works one (with the layout)
The work has been done in a high quality and in time. A lot of thanks!
| Response feedback
12 May 2021
11 USD
Writing of the original theses (ground law, environmental law)
I recommend cooperation, I put a relatively difficult task to accomplish, but the work was done at a decent level!
6 May 2021
24 USD
Corporate Social Responsibility in Ukraine
The work is done well, I'm happy with everyone.
I advise
5 May 2021
31 USD
Individual robot from the discipline "Global Entrepreneurship"
Excellent work according to all requirements.
One of the critical tasks was to invest in the fixed time, with which Alexander successfully managed.
I recommend cooperation
5 May 2021
10 USD
Introduction (MS PowerPoint)
A lot of thanks! The presentation was performed properly and timely. I wish success!
25 April 2021
13 USD
Practical work
The work was performed in accordance with these requirements. There was no improvement. I recommend this author to perform. I hope for further cooperation)
| Response feedback
14 April 2021
17 USD
Writing a report on the pre-graduate practice of the IEA
Everything is great! Thank you for work!
12 April 2021
20 USD
Thank you for cooperation.
The work is done properly and timely.
Alexander is always in touch.
I wish success!
Excellent performers, the work came, quality and unique is high!
10 February 2021
20 USD
The educational project
The work was done well, all wishes were taken into account. Dialogue with Alexander is easy.
| Response feedback
1 February 2021
20 USD
Школьный турнир по мини футболу
Работа была выполнена в срок, очень качественно и профессионально)
28 January 2021
22 USD
Наукова стаття
Не первый раз сотрудничаем, Александр и в этот раз хорошо выполнил свою работу. Ответственно отнёсся к моим правкам и сделал качественную статью. Благодарю)
5 January 2021
10 USD
Report of International Finance
A very kind and decent execution.
24 December 2020
12 USD
Fundraising Campaign Project
Excellent work done in time!
Great thanks to the performers.
| Response feedback
8 December 2020
12 USD
Independent work on “Documentation of Management”
It works well and timely, thank you very much.
27 September 2020
21 USD
Social responsibility of people during the period of self-isolation in COVID-19
The project was made in a short time.
| Response feedback
20 June 2020
20 USD
Audit and 2 reports
Everything, as usual, at a high level, was a little delay over time, but in the end everything was justified by quality, I recommend!
| Response feedback
16 June 2020
12 USD
Writing control work on the subject
Alexander did the work on conscience, very skillfully! I did it like myself) I am very happy!
| Response feedback
16 June 2020
13 USD
As always, everything is at the level. I recommend cooperation!
| Response feedback
13 June 2020
12 USD
Posts Tagged ‘bank investment policy’
Very quality done work
11 June 2020
19 USD
The course of benchmarking.
Good and quality work. It’s not the first time I’m working with Alexander. I recommend to everyone!
7 June 2020
Реферат. Дисципліна «Методологія наукових досліджень»
Работа виконана якісно та вчасно. Окреме дякую, що завжди були на зв'язку та оперативно відповідали. Успіхів Вам))
6 June 2020
Preparing answers to tickets for physical disciplines
very fast, quality
Thank you very much
29 May 2020
10 USD
tasks in political science
Great work, fast and quality! I recommend cooperation!
21 May 2020
10 USD
Writing the thesis to the conference (publication for the diploma)
Writing the theses for the conference. The work was performed greatly, all the issues arising were discussed and edited in the process.
A trustworthy author, I advise for cooperation
9 May 2020
17 USD
Course of Tourism
I am glad that Alexander me. The work was done quickly and, most importantly, quality. I thank you and wish you success.
30 April 2020
19 USD
Course work "Importing income tax in Ukraine"
I liked communication. The work was done timely and responsibly.
I recommend Alexandra.
25 April 2020
Report on Information Law
Very good work and a pleasant execution)
13 April 2020
Обзор литературы по теме
Обращаюсь не в первый раз, как всегда всё на высоте
6 April 2020
10 USD
Analysis of the online activism campaign
Thank you for the fast work.
29 March 2020
The theme is “Motivation of a healthy way of life”.
As always: fast, quality and good work. I recommend Alexandra.
26 March 2020
87 USD
Diploma project, according to the theory of judicial examination super urgent
Great, I recommend it. In a very short time, with quality at the height.
| Response feedback
21 March 2020
15 USD
Доработка курсовой
Было приятно работать. Быстро и качественно доработали работу и в отличном качестве. Всем советую обращаться.
14 March 2020
41 USD
Writing of Course (Judge Examination)
Excellent work done in the shortest possible time. Also Alexander is ready to help after performing the work, namely to accompany the work before delivery.
| Response feedback
28 November 2019
12 USD
Curriculum on the subject “State Service”.
It’s not the first time I’m working with Alexander. Everything is done in the quality as required and in time. I express gratitude!
19 November 2019
48 USD
Writing theoretical part of the diploma
Very pleased with work. I will advise you to cooperate.
With Alexander! I didn’t make a mistake when I chose him. 🙂
19 November 2019
24 USD
Reit, translation from English. Materials for the Dipl. The work. by UPR. IT projects
Everything is done in the shortest time! Formed in scientific style. The contact comes out quickly.
30 October 2019
12 USD
Scientific Research Practice
Thank you for the performance. Everything is clear.
30 October 2019
120 USD
The Master’s Work
I was very pleased with Alexandra’s work. I recommend it all.
16 June 2019
41 USD
Завершение квалификационной работы
В дальнейшем знаю к кому можно обратиться. Качественно, быстро, и всегда вовремя получал ответы на мои вопросы.
13 June 2019
Форматирование диплома
Быстро, качественно, всегда на связи, сообщает на какой стадии выполнения проэкт. 10/10. Рекомендую
27 May 2019
15 Tests for the Bankruptcy Procedure Code of Ukraine
Good quality work! I recommend cooperation!
24 May 2019
19 USD
Diplomatic work
The work has been done very well and in time!) I recommend it!)
24 May 2019
72 USD
Bachelor’s Diploma
Thank you very much for the great work done! )
20 May 2019
13 USD
Control work
2 works are pleased with their quality and performance in time. I recommend !
| Response feedback
19 May 2019
13 USD
The work is done quality and quickly. I recommend !
| Response feedback
17 May 2019
17 USD
Make a presentation of 10-15 slides
It turned twice! Everything is done in time and quality, I recommend it!
10 May 2019
36 USD
Bachelor’s Diploma
Very pleased with cooperation.
A lot of thanks.
20 April 2019
13 USD
Course work
We are not working for the first time. Everything is done quickly and quality. I strongly recommend cooperation!
17 April 2019
14 USD
Reference and Practical Work "The Economy of Work"
Thank you for work. I'm sorry that the check-up time was delayed from my side.
I recommend it.
16 April 2019
17 USD
Course work “Corporate Environmental Responsibility”
I am pleased with the work) thanks.
15 April 2019
Made in advance, very good quality. I am more satisfied with the work than with all previous projects.
5 April 2019
14 USD
The course of the discipline “Org. that governs. Activity of ADM. The organs »
Everything was done as agreed.
4 April 2019
72 USD
Writing a Diploma
Good work, all comments are quickly corrected.
14 December 2018
11 USD
Report on International Patent
Everything went well, Alexander tried, fixed the shortcomings and even tried to supplement after the main work was completed.
3 December 2018
48 USD
Diploma in Law in Ukrainian Language
Everything was done quality and in time.
Alexander is always in contact, informs about the course of the work.
A courageous and responsible executive!
18 November 2018
13 USD
Course work
Only positive emotions from cooperation) responsible execution and quality work) all the nuances are discussed and there is a willingness to go to the meeting) I strongly recommend)
9 November 2018
Scientific reference on the topic: Law as a science
Everything is done pretty quickly and well!
17 March 2018
Course “Budget Policy in the State Income Area...”
A well done work. Everything as agreed. We thank you. We’ll go again.
17 December 2017
Report on macroeconomics
Everything is good. Perfectly completed, quickly and quality.
14 December 2017
The Banking Union of the EU
The work is done well! Alexander, paid attention to the note and worked quickly (although I wrote about it quite late). Responsible execution.
24 November 2017
Theoretical tasks of the economy
Very well performed the task! We will work together and further.
| Response feedback
Recent proposals 10 | Budget | Added | Terms | Proposal | |
COURSE WORK "Business Project of a Hotel Focused on Eco-Tourism"
29 USD
Motivational letter
12 USD
3 examination papers (session)
48 USD
Chapter 1 of the dissertation
120 USD
Creative and analytical tasks on the proposed topic
41 USD
Writing the thesis
19 USD
Consultation on the writing of a doctoral thesis
21 USD
Searching for VKR
17 USD
Primary search for VKR
17 USD
Economics on the topic of the conference
24 USD