Bogdan Shelelo
Language Proficiency Level
Design & art
Photo, Audio & Video
284 USD ROBS Car Rental Service
Website Development -
Creating a website on WordPress
Website Development -
Website design, php code
Web Programming -
Creating a website on Opencart
Web Programming -
Creating a website under the key
Website Development -
HTTP:// - website design
Web Programming -
Silença Tech - Blog - website guidelines, design
Web Programming -
100 USD Website of the DUBROVA Visit -
Website Development
Reviews and compliments on completed projects 44 2
24 September 2024
99 USD
Fix bugs in synchronization from Opencart to Opencart, minor adjustments to the site.
Approached the task responsibly. Completed the project with high quality. I definitely recommend for collaboration.
17 September 2024
31 USD
Assistance in setting up the SimplePars parser
Quickly solved the problem, quickly set up. Everything is great.
3 May 2024
95 USD
Site support on OpenCart
Good specialist in OC. Understands his business and always ready to give additional advice if necessary.
25 March 2022
225 USD (отзывы, акции, карточка товара)
The project has not been completed within the specified deadlines, even more. The executor disappeared.
Aleksandr Rudenko | Personal
27 October 2021
123 USD
Доработки opencart (стикеры, категории, языки, сортировка)
Богдан к сожалению болел.
Затянул сроки, но выполнил доработки свыше ТЗ.
Дальше сотрудничаем!
Aleksandr Rudenko | Personal | Response feedback
13 August 2021
123 USD
Доработки opencart (стикеры, категории, языки, сортировка)
The executor disappeared. He does not respond to the messages. The project is not implemented.
All the deadlines of the project have ended and even more.
Freelancer did not enter the service from the middle of the project.
No assumptions are only facts. I think it was always possible to get in touch and explain the situation.
Aleksandr Rudenko | Personal
20 July 2021
19 USD
Персональный проект
Спасибо за работу. Все качественно сделано
Natali Fisher | Personal | Response feedback
14 June 2021
88 USD
Open Cart (transmission by categories, ajax charging of goods...)
A professional of your business! I recommend it.
10 March 2021
193 USD
Доработки по ТЗ магазин на open cart
Молодец! Приятно работать с исполнителем!!!
Profile deleted | Safe | Response feedback
3 February 2021
26 USD
Google Page Speed Project Optimization on WordPress
Thank you for the work done.
Qualitatively and quickly.
29 January 2021
12 USD
Wordpress and WooCommerce
As always quickly and efficiently.
and thank you.
29 January 2021
12 USD
WordPress Developer
Bogdan, thank you for the quality work, and the quick performance.
21 December 2020
30 USD
Персональный проект
спасибо за работу, все сделано четко и оперативно
Natali Fisher | Personal | Response feedback
29 November 2020
40 USD
Доробка сайту
Приємо співпрацювати. Завжди на звязку. Дуже добре знає Opencart, розбирається у всіх питаннях. Будемо співпрацювати і надалі.
Mikola Rimar | Personal | Response feedback
20 November 2020
47 USD
Кастомизация главного меню.
Очень внимателен к деталям. Оперативно выходит на связь. Знает opencart на 100%
Profile deleted | Personal | Response feedback
15 November 2020
52 USD
Карточка товару та опції
проект в мене був трохи специфічний, і багато хто з розробників говорили, що на опенкарт не можна цей функціонал реалізувати. Богдан з задачею справився, постійно на звязку.
Mikola Rimar | Personal | Response feedback
14 November 2020
14 USD
Персональный проеект
Спасибо за работу. Все согласно ТЗ.
Natali Fisher | Personal | Response feedback
11 November 2020
33 USD
Персональный проеект
Богдан спасибо за работу. Было выполнено на отлично. Будем и дальше работать
Natali Fisher | Personal | Response feedback
3 November 2020
47 USD
Calculator - cms opencart
A good performer. Always in contact. The work is performed quality. All wishes were taken into account and decided on the way.
3 November 2020
14 USD
The order form does not work. Opencart
Everything is OK, everything works. Work done in time
1 November 2020
Set the correct work of the new Post plugin for Woocommerce
The work is done great, I can recommend the executive!
26 October 2020
28 USD
Calculator of mq. for the floor cover for opencart 2.3
The work is done in full according to TZ. He was always in contact.
Profile deleted | Safe | Response feedback
16 October 2020
17 USD
Small improvements in WordPress (Woocomerce)
Fast and efficiently performing the task.
He was always on the link.
I recommend this specialist for cooperation.
18 May 2020
47 USD
Парсинг + Завантаження в магазин товарів до магазину
Ваш відгук і оцінки не будуть доступні публічно, доки виконавець не додасть зустрічний відгук про вашу співпрацю.
Roman Bogutsky | Personal
24 April 2020
Решить проблему с появлением в индексе страниц дублей товаров
Хорошая работа исполнителя. Был рад сотрудничеству!
Vladislav S. | Personal | Response feedback
21 April 2020
Создание скрипта для формирования ссылки
Все отлично. Не первый раз работаем.
Leshii Leshii | Personal | Response feedback
21 April 2020
33 USD
Get a few points on the WooCommerce WP website
Everything is done well and honestly! I recommend it. We continue to work on other projects.
17 April 2020
Published by Journal Theme Opencart
He fixed everything very quickly. Understanding of the Half Word. The result is better than expected.
15 April 2020
17 USD
Car Delivery Website from Korea
Good work of the executive. Quick and quality, I recommend this developer!
13 April 2020
43 USD
Исправление на сайте Ошибки 431
Сотрудничаем с Богданом второй раз. Успешно! Нашел причину ошибки 431 на сайте и исправил в короткий срок. Спасибо. Рекомендую!
Irina Yakimchuk | Personal | Response feedback
20 March 2020
35 USD
Добавить способ оплаты LiqPay на сайт Kabinet
Богдан выполнил задание. Всегда был на связи. Буду обращаться к нему еще.
Но срок исполнения задания растянулся на более длительное время, чем я предполагала, из-за конфликтов в шаблоне сайта и некачественной работы предыдущей программистки.
Irina Yakimchuk | Personal | Response feedback
6 March 2020
40 USD
Інтернет-магазин встановлення і налаштування
Все зроблено
пожалуйста, оставьте более подробный отзыв (не менее 25 знаков)
Ваш відгук і оцінки не будуть доступні публічно, доки виконавець не додасть зустрічний відгук про вашу співпрацю.
Roman Bogutsky | Personal
6 February 2020
35 USD
I am looking for a WordPress specialist.
Everything is great. Bogdan is always in touch. A great specialist! I recommend !
24 January 2020
14 USD
Исправить ошибки на сайте
Все отлично как всегда. Спасибо за работу
Ruslan S. | Personal | Response feedback
18 January 2020
Сделать формы отправок на сайте
Все отлично как и в прошлый раз, спасибо за работу.
Ruslan S. | Personal | Response feedback
16 January 2020
28 USD
You need to re-order ocstore 3 by type Citrus
Thank you for the quality done work.
I recommend the executive of Bogdan to cooperate!
29 December 2019
22 USD
Upgrades on Opencart website
Everything is done according to TZ, thank you.
23 December 2019
17 USD
Change the formation of urls in the Polylang plugin for CMS WordPress
I am satisfied with the work in general. Everything was done as I wanted. The deadlines were delayed, there were reasons for it. The time was not lucky, the rest was great.
22 December 2019
35 USD
Remove errors on the WordPress portal
The work has been done, Bogdan has fulfilled his commitments until the end, although in the deadlines it has not been a little... Thank you for work!
13 December 2019
59 USD
2 Responses to WordPress Elementor
The work is done in general. There were difficulties in the process to be paid attention to. At the end, the work was done.
28 November 2019
24 USD
You need a programmer for pointing tasks on the site (internet store)
Everyone is satisfied. a professional in his case. Always in contact and professionally dealt with sudden complications.
23 January 2019
118 USD
Website Development (Word + Additional Function)
There was a rather complicated technical task, to create a site and develop additional functionality in the booking system. Bogdan managed the task well, at a high level. Almost all the codes and algorithms were written from zero without using plugins. Always in contact.
I recommend this specialist to cooperate!
31 December 2018
14 USD
создание каталога на странице сайта на платформе wordpress
Проект выполнен согласно заданию и в срок. Адекватная обратная связь на все замечания и просьбы.
Был рад сотрудничеству.
Profile deleted | Personal
13 December 2018
21 USD
Правки на Opencart
Проект выполнен из 10-10!! Я очень доволен, всем рекомендую как честного и отличного профессионала своего дела. Будем дальше работать!
Profile deleted | Safe | Response feedback
8 December 2018
21 USD
Upgrades to Opencart
tasks have been solved. Thank you for cooperation.
Profile deleted | Safe | Response feedback
26 August 2015
Posts in WordPress
He managed the task quickly. I advise!
Projects you are working on 1 | Budget | Added | Terms | Proposal | |
Opencart - development of the Multiregion module
142 USD
Recent proposals 10 | Budget | Added | Terms | Proposal | |
Opencart - development of the Multiregion module
142 USD
Opencart - development of the Multiregion module
118 USD
I am looking for a module or ready-made solution for importing XML Opencart 3.
35 USD
Adding a product on
362 USD
Setting up a filter on OpenCart
40 USD
Setting up the price/update availability module on Opencart
12 USD
Implementation of an online store on OpenCart
1150 USD
Website edits
260 USD
Creation and promotion of the website
639 USD
Remove the Admin Login button on the website page.
19 USD