Oleksandr K.
Language Proficiency Level
- Content Management Systems
- Data Parsing
from 3 USD per hour
- Javascript and Typescript
from 3 USD per hour
- Web Programming
Photo, Audio & Video
- All works 84
- Photo Processing 14
- Banners 2
- Vector Graphics 1
- 3D Modeling 2
- Corporate Style 1
- Content Management Systems 1
- Web Programming 48
- Video Processing 1
- HTML & CSS 10
- Industrial Design 1
- Data Parsing 1
- Infographics 2
Chat life for telegram {Wordpress plugin}
Web ProgrammingIt allows you to chat on the site and respond in online mode through Telegram chat
Telsender event { wordpress plugin }
Web ProgrammingAddition to Telsender Plugin
The specialty:
Mistake of authorization on the site
Successful entrance to the Admin Panel
… Posts for requests
Adding the goods to the basket (WC)
Stretch and Stretch
Web Programming -
Tel Publish Plugin
Web ProgrammingSimple plugin that will allow you to automatically publish news or other articles in your telegram group
Prom xml generator {WordPress}
Web ProgrammingFrom minus: Until now it does not work with variable products
Home page {OpenCart 2.3}
Web Programming -
The Internet Store.
Web Programming -
Website of the photographer {wordpress}
Web ProgrammingStretch + Stretch
1 USD TelSender – wordpress plugin
Web ProgrammingTelSender is a plugin that works with contact form 7 in wordprees.Send requests from forms to chat telegram.
SEO Audit for WordPress
Web ProgrammingSEO Blocks
The rating
The bread pieces
by scheme.org
… Posts to different cities.
Online chat in telegram {wordpress plugin}
Web Programming -
SEO Audit for WordPress
Web ProgrammingConfiguration of headlines
SEO Blocks
The rating
The bread pieces
… by scheme.org
Product Meta-category template for category-opencart
Web Programming -
Shop of bedwear.
Web ProgrammingWordpress
The Woocommerce
Simplified basket
130 USD {WordPress} - The Tension of Lady
Web ProgrammingStrength of Lady
Connecting to Crim
Without WooCommerce
Reviews and compliments on completed projects 164
5 February 2024
19 USD
The website on opencart
From receiving the proposal and confirming its implementation, only a few hours have passed. I am pleased with Alexander.
21 October 2022
48 USD
Posts on the WordPress website
Thank you very much for your work. Everything was done, 10 out of 10.
Fast and quality as usual. I’ll go again. I recommend to cooperate.
| Response feedback
19 October 2022
50 USD
Working on the website of the online store at WooCommerce
Everything was done greatly, with work that was not anticipated in advance. We work further.
18 August 2022
17 USD
In order for users from Ukraine (by geo) opened the page. of UCR.
Выполнено все по ТЗ и в срок.
4 May 2022
24 USD
3 Tasks for Ocstore 3 (Opencard 3)
Everyone is perfectly satisfied with the work.
22 February 2022
12 USD
Make changes to the price display on the site.
They are very pleased with the cooperation. Alexander is a responsible and competent specialist. We strongly recommend it and we will discuss it again.
13 February 2022
36 USD
I need to repair the mobile version on WordPress.
Thank you for the work done.
It is done, all quality and quickly. He did the job faster than he said.
I recommend cooperation. I will contact you again))
| Response feedback
4 November 2021
36 USD
Верстка нового дизайна для сайта
Робота виконана швидко та якісно. Дякую за співпрацю.
14 September 2021
36 USD
Improving the functionality of the site in WordPress
I am very pleased with the cooperation with Alexander. The work is done in full, prior to the deadline, taking into account all wishes. I recommend it.
10 September 2021
14 USD
Repeat and enter the menu in the wordpress site
Very pleased with the result of work. Everything is done quickly and accurately according to the task. Alexander is a professional of his business. I recommend !
15 July 2021
17 USD
Task #924768
Спасибо за отличную работу, выполнено быстро и качественно.
11 July 2021
12 USD
Required PHP WordPress Plugin Developer
I liked the recommendation for cooperation.
5 July 2021
Как всегда - оперативно, внимательно к деталям, очень приятно работать. Спасибо)
19 April 2021
48 USD
Перевести сайт на украинский язык
хорошая работа. перевод сайта готов!
| Personal | Response feedback
31 March 2021
55 USD
Консультация по Opencart
Спасибо за работу! Приятно сотрудничать
31 January 2021
18 USD
Импорт значений ean для opencart
все как всегда - внимателен к деталям и точно в срок. спасибо)
19 January 2021
Кофе с opencart 1.5
Как всегда, внимательно к деталям. Спасибо
12 January 2021
48 USD
Opencart Доработки сайта
Все задачи согласно ТЗ выполнены, будем продолжать работать в будущем.
25 December 2020
60 USD
Opencart Website Development
All tasks were performed in a quality and timely manner, taking into account the necessary directions. I recommend
18 November 2020
16 USD
Copying the function from the autograph to the WP
Excellent artist, he did everything well and quickly. All QA tests have been carried out. I recommend the executive cooperation.
13 November 2020
24 USD
You need to make a page under the key PHP Yii2
The project is performed well and in time. We highly recommend cooperation, we have always been in contact and suggested the right solutions for our tasks.
3 November 2020
Remove the Opencart 3 error
A professional in his case. He did in an hour what others couldn’t in a day.
| Response feedback
27 October 2020
24 USD
Blog on WordPress
Fast and very quality work - I got a quality blog on the site. I will continue to cooperate. Thank you !
19 October 2020
12 USD
Small amendments to WordPress (Woocomerce)
Alexander performed the task quickly and well.
He was always on the link.
I recommend this specialist for work.
14 October 2020
26 USD
Виправити помилки сайту через валідатор W3C
Всі помилки виправлені і зроблено вчасно. Рекомендую.
12 October 2020
Рейтинг на головну сторінку
Проект виконано дуже швидко. А саме основне якісно. Мені сподобалось.
3 October 2020
12 USD
Modx revo 2.7
Очень доволен. Как всегда - внимателен к деталям и погружается в проект. Спасибо!
11 September 2020
24 USD
Исправление отображения сайта
Александр мастер своего дела! Работа выполнена просто молниеносно! Будем сотрудничать дальше однозначно!!!
27 July 2020
26 USD
Доработки опенкарт
Спасибо за хорошую работу!
14 July 2020
12 USD
Правки по WP
быстро и оперативно. очень доволен. Спасибо 🙂
11 July 2020
19 USD
Опенкарт доработки
Спасибо, все супер! Рад сотрудничеству
2 July 2020
20 USD
Доработки опенкарт
все супер, как обычно! Спасибо!
23 June 2020
51 USD
Доработки опенкарт
Все как всегда отлично! Спасибо большое!
22 June 2020
34 USD
Доработки на опенкарт
Все супер! Выполненно быстро и по тз
13 June 2020
63 USD
Доработки OpenCart
Все выполнено быстро и круто!
10 June 2020
44 USD
Opencart работы на сайте
Отличный исполнитель, все сделано быстро, четко по ТЗ. Рекомендую к сотрудничеству!
18 May 2020
17 USD
Download products in xml on WordPress
The task is done in time, everything works as it is necessary. Pleased with cooperation.
17 May 2020
12 USD
Small Opencart
Thank you for the great work, done quickly and quality.
16 May 2020
14 USD
There is a ready WordPress site, you need to make a small direction
Super is! Thank you Alexandra for everything!
Here he discussed the deal, immediately started his work and performed it in a few hours.
I have done more than I thought and everything without any problems, right? made is!
A great work!
I have not had this for a long time.)
There are very few people like Alexander now.
Thank you again for the speed, responsibility, for the stylish and accurate work!
I will be happy to continue working with him!
Thank you !
13 May 2020
12 USD
Правка модуля симпл
как всегда, очень толково и внимательное отношение к деталям. спасибо еще раз)
3 May 2020
29 USD
Online shop on opencart
Despite the fact that there were access problems from our side, Alexander was quite patient and performed all the work in accordance with the TZ. He also quickly made all the comments. I strongly recommend cooperation!
27 April 2020
72 USD
The topic (skin) of the blog on WP to integrate into the site section.
Clear understanding and execution of TZ, excellent communication, compliance with deadlines. I recommend !
8 April 2020
36 USD
Оптимізувати швидкість завантаження сторінки сайту
Дякую Олександре, хоч і не досягли результату який планували, але зробили максимум з того що було можливо!
He is good at what he does! It was a pleasure working with him.
21 March 2020
Contact Form 7 (WordPress) to CRM
The work is done professionally. Alexander signs his case, passed all the data from the form to our SRM without any problems. I recommend!
26 February 2020
209 USD
Интернет-магазин на опенкарте.
Все быстро, качественно, терпеливо, впрочем, как и всегда. Не первый раз работаю - всегда только положительные эмоции от работы и качественное выполнение.
11 February 2020
Add 2 upgrades to a WordPress site
A true professional of his business. In 1.5 hours he brought me all the necessary directions to the wordpress that other performers could not deal with at all! I recommend cooperation.
23 January 2020
120 USD
Доработка админ-панели сайта недвижимости
Всё замечательно как всегда! Приятно работать с ответственными профессионалами своего дела)
17 December 2019
48 USD
Сделать сайт на вордпрессе
Все быстро, хорошо и качественно. Рекомендую!
6 December 2019
17 USD
Доработать сайт
Все выполнено согласно тз, спасибо!
4 December 2019
10 USD
Правки по modx
Как всегда, доволен отношением и подходом к решению задачи. Спасибо 🙂
26 November 2019
120 USD
Website for Photographers at WP
Everything was pleased with cooperation, done quickly, all wishes are taken into account!
| Response feedback
18 November 2019
To send applications from the site to the post
performed quality and in time.
| Response feedback
7 November 2019
Make a simple ajax lozy load clue when swinging on span
Alexander himself proposed a very simple solution and quickly implemented it! It completely solved my problem. Professionality and quality of the code!The !
22 October 2019
Правки по проекту opencart
Работой доволен. Нравится подход и внимание к деталям. Еще раз спасибо)
3 October 2019
14 USD
Спасение modx
Спасибо. Доволен вовлеченностью и вниманием к деталям. Буду обращаться в дальнейшем
23 September 2019
Repair the bug on the site (Modx)
Thank you for the work, the work was done quickly and efficiently. I recommend this executive as a professional of my business!
| Response feedback
13 September 2019
19 USD
WordPress optimization with PageSpeed
Everything at the highest level!
Mobile - 91 / 100
Pc is 100/100!
Everything is fast, untouched, without any more questions and comments!
I strongly recommend
29 August 2019
12 USD
Small website in WordPress
Everything is fine, there were no problems in the process.
| Response feedback
21 August 2019
Доп правки
Супер быстро и четко выполнили доп.правки. Остался доволен! Спасибо.
5 August 2019
17 USD
Оптимизация 2-х сайтов
Все хорошо и быстро, как всегда. Рекомендую.
3 August 2019
Оптимизация сайта
Уже не первый раз сотрудничаем - все четко, быстро и по делу. Рекомендую.
2 August 2019
16 USD
Оптимизация сайта
Все было качественно и по делу. Уже не первый раз работаю - всем доволен. Рекомендую.
5 July 2019
65 USD
Создание интрнет - магазина на базе wp
Все получилось хорошо. Приятно что Александр всегда на связи и оперативно делает корректировки которые задаются.
The work was hard, but it was done within the specified time. thank you.
13 May 2019
24 USD
Админка №2
Очень быстро и качественно. Всем доволен. Уже второй раз работаем и все хорошо.
8 May 2019
12 USD
Create an existing site with WP
It’s fine, the project is done.
| Response feedback
5 May 2019
12 USD
News for modx
thank you. Everything is fast and quality. and satisfied. I will contact you again 🙂
| Response feedback
25 April 2019
Доработка поправок
Все было выполнено в срок. Спасибо.
25 April 2019
48 USD
Подключение админки на лэндтнг
Спасибо. Все было выполнено хорошо. Приятно было работать.
19 April 2019
14 USD
Вращение объекта на 360 градусов
Супер, работа сделана быстро и качественно. Связь мгновенная. Спасибо
17 April 2019
Прикрутить форму:
Все выполнено на 10, быстро и оперативно.
С радостью буду обращаться еще.
11 March 2019
17 USD
Доработка сайта, Ростов
Все отлично, спасибо.Сделал свою работу, плюс немного переделал работу за другим программистом.
4 March 2019
10 USD
Calculation of the Cost on the Website
Great work! Thank you very much, as always at the top!
| Response feedback
22 February 2019
12 USD
Доработка сайта, Ростов
Проект выполнен в полном объеме. Спасибо за оперативность и качество.
18 February 2019
12 USD
Доработка сайта на WP
Отлично выполненная работа. Спасибо за оперативность и советы! Продолжаем работать!
17 February 2019
Need a WordPress specialty
I recommend Alexandra as an excellent professional and an expert in his business. The work was done greatly and very quickly!
6 February 2019
The WP Woocommece
Everything is great! I recommend cooperation.
| Response feedback
2 February 2019
48 USD
Opencart Mobile Package
The work was done quality and in the specified time, even faster than expected.
Intelligent approach to tasks. Where the functionality was poorly thought, Alexander proposed his decision.
Thank you Alexander.
I hope for further cooperation.
28 January 2019
Repair the Woocommerce bugs
A great specialist, a pleasant person. He managed quickly. I recommend
| Response feedback
17 January 2019
A small wordpress.
I am very happy with the work, quickly and quickly, I recommend it to everyone!!The !
6 December 2018
10 USD
Modify the mobile version of the site for the delivery of goods into "two rows"
Greatly dealt with the task of changing the mobile version of the internet store and putting several directions into functionality. The deadlines are met, the cost is acceptable, the person is in contact and without any problems goes to contact. I recommend cooperation!
28 November 2018
11 USD
Задачи по сайту на вордпресс
Отличная, качественная работа..спасибо
27 November 2018
17 USD
The Cost of the Website
Thank you for great work! It is clear and in time!
| Response feedback
26 November 2018
14 USD
Конвертер валют на сайте
Отличный разработчик! Рекомендуем к работе! Очень довольны качеством!
25 November 2018
Access of the Administrator to the Administrator
Great work, thank you!
| Response feedback
21 November 2018
Give directions to the site. Site without HTML.
A good performer. I did everything in time. In the beginning, I didn’t get very much in contact. But then they found a common language and they did everything well. I thank you!
20 November 2018
The Wordpress Bread
Everything is fast and well, thank you.
10 November 2018
48 USD
Добавление/удаление товаров с нескольких лендингов из одной админки
Мне все понравилось, все возникающие замечания исправлялись сразу и без задержек, качество работы устроило, сделано все быстро. Рекомендую.
9 November 2018
23 USD
Доработки сайта на modx
Работа выполнена оперативно, Александр всегда на связи, быстро реагирует на задачи. Рекомендую к сотрудничеству!
26 October 2018
31 USD
Разработка XML выгрузки объектов для платформы ЛУН (mardavid.com.ua)
Как всегда доволен результатом и работой с Сашей)
22 October 2018
67 USD
Небольшой допил сайта на WP
Работой доволен, парень знает ВП, понимает суть поставленных задач и не ноет, что его чуть попросили выйти за рамки ТЗ, а просто берет и делает. Работаем дальше. спасибо за работу.
17 October 2018
17 USD
VP virus and small directions
It is completed by 101%.
Accelerated the download of the site up to 1 second on tools.pingdom.com. Healed the site from the virus, corrected the text editor functionality.
I am happy with the work, I hope that this freelancer will take part of my other sites as well.
thank you.
11 October 2018
Put the attribut in the button
Thank you) great programming has done everything quickly and quality!
8 October 2018
24 USD
[WordPress] Create routes in the finished WP template
Everything worked well in time.
21 September 2018
11 USD
Small Upgrades on the Modx website
He did everything well and quickly.
16 September 2018
36 USD
Доработка фильтра объектов недвижимости (markdavid.com.ua)
Как всегда отлично! Приятно работать со специалистом такого уровня, благодарен за результат. Буду рад продолжить работу.
10 September 2018
31 USD
Форма добавления и редактирования объекта (markdavid.com.ua)
Четко, понятно, вовремя, то, что надо.
Рад, что удалось найти такого специалиста. Продолжаем.
6 September 2018
14 USD
Конвертация валют на сайте markdavid.com.ua
Как всегда все отлично, продолжаем работать!)
2 September 2018
12 USD
Configuration of communication forms on the lending
He did everything quickly and carefully. I am planning to attract to other projects. You can work.The !
2 September 2018
14 USD
WordPress website development (the theme is modern)
The task is done quickly and accurately!
I will continue to work with this specialist, I recommend. and 🙂
8 August 2018
11 USD
Order of opencart
thank you. Everything was done very quickly. A good feedback.
3 August 2018
26 USD
The website on MODx
Everything is great! satisfied with work. Complete all points according to TZ
| Response feedback
31 July 2018
31 USD
Posts in Word Press
Alexander is a great programmer. I have completed the work clearly in time, I recommend cooperation.
27 June 2018
Carusell WordPress
Great, fast and quality as promised.
24 June 2018
Sites to WP
The desired coincides with the actual.
22 June 2018
Make Forms Work on the Website
Super quick executive thanks! 🙂
20 June 2018
Установить пиксель ФБ на мой лендинг
Доволен сотрудничеством! Олександр был контактным и внимательным. Все было сделано быстро.
It is all in time and clearly according to the task.
We will cooperate in the future.
14 June 2018
14 USD
The landing page
Alexander managed the task in time and in full. I recommend
10 June 2018
Create a website on WordPress
Everything is fast, all the hotels are taken into account.
| Response feedback
1 June 2018
24 USD
Create a website on MODX
The task is carried out in full and in time. Thank you !
| Response feedback
31 May 2018
Two links on the WP website
Excellent artist, I recommend! 5 out of 5!
| Response feedback
24 May 2018
10 USD
Posts by WordPress
Everything is great! I recommend cooperation quickly and professionally.
| Response feedback
5 May 2018
31 USD
Development of Wordpress
Thank you for the work.
and for patience.)
A good expert, described in detail in video mode
5 May 2018
24 USD
Template for woocommerce
Everything was done quality and in time. I recommend !
25 April 2018
Remove extra categories from the code in OpenCart
Fast and clearly performed TZ despite the fact that they met during the work with a large number of submarine stones. I recommend the executive!
13 April 2018
Small Website Upgrades (WP)
made operatively
| Response feedback
5 April 2018
37 USD
Convert a website + new website design and product card
There were a lot of things in the process that had to be worked out. Alexander got everything we needed, and in the end we got a great result. I am not happy with the collaboration for the first time!
16 March 2018
62 USD
Сайт на WordPress
Работа выполнена на отлично! Александр придерживался пожеланий, моментально вносил правки и главное в срок выполнил проект. Блягодарю за сотрудничество и рекомендую всем)
10 March 2018
13 USD
Implementation of site
The work is done quickly and quality! Thank you for speed and professionalism.
| Response feedback
8 March 2018
Repair the landing page
Everyone did, everything is ok.
| Response feedback
6 March 2018
Offers on OpenCart website
Alexander has done the task very quickly. Fast, honest and all on the TZ 🙂 I recommend!
1 March 2018
Adjust the page width in the mobile version of the site on WordPress
The project is implemented quickly and quality. I recommend it to everyone, a very good specialist.
14 February 2018
Simple routes on the existing site opencart
Cooperation went great.
11 January 2018
11 USD
You need a WordPress expert to build a website.
Everything is fast and well.
8 January 2018
12 USD
Repair the website (the mobile version)
Super work ! of quality! Always in contact! 10 / 10
21 December 2017
Fix the size of the photo slider + small directions
thank you. The professional!
19 December 2017
53 USD
Creating a website on WordPress
Alexander performed the agreed work on the site. in time set up. And even repaired me some of the nuances I didn’t even know about. The reports about the work done were very detailed, I liked working with such a person, I recommend!!The !
11 December 2017
Closing duplicates of pages on the Modx website
The project was implemented in a high quality and timely manner. It was a pleasure for joint cooperation!
| Response feedback
27 November 2017
12 USD
Очистка сайта от вирусов
Сотрудничаем уже не первый раз. Все прошло хорошо. Сайт вычищен от вирусов и норм работает - это главное!
26 November 2017
Change colors in the Opencart page
Everything is wonderful. I recommend cooperation.
22 November 2017
Give the lines to Lending
Alexander performed the task quickly and efficiently, he was always in contact. I recommend it.
8 November 2017
10 USD
Доработать сайт
Спасибо за плодотворное сотрудничество!
5 November 2017
Тема на WP
Всё хорошо, спасибо!
4 November 2017
Correction of H1 to H2 titles with styles
Everything is fine, thank you!
| Response feedback
4 November 2017
Difficult improvements in WordPress
As usual, everything is great! I recommend cooperation!
4 November 2017
Small Wordpress (ACF)
Great work!
Fast, quality and professionally.
10 out of 10!
| Response feedback
2 November 2017
Fix JS scripts on the one-sided.
Thank you for the work done! He did everything qualityly. pleasant to work.
1 November 2017
12 USD
Правки на WP
Второй раз работаем. Полет нормальный.
21 October 2017
12 USD
Правки на WP
1. Выполнены все пункты ТЗ.
2. На связе был весь проект, именно здесь, на фрилансхантовском чате. Обычно фрилансеры первые часы проекты на связи, а потом пропадают.
3. Качество полностью устраивает.
4. Не напыщенный "тыжпрограммист", который цены себе не сложит. Адекватный в общении.
5. Срок был два дня. Задание выполнено за полтора.
14 October 2017
10 USD
Repair the website to WordPress
Great work! 10 of 10! Thank you !The !
9 October 2017
10 USD
Repair of the WordPress menu
Despite the fact that many freelancers were unable to solve this task, Alexander succeeded! I recommend it as a WordPress specialist. We will address.
5 October 2017
The WP+Woocommerce Internet Store
A very communicative executive did everything quickly and at 10
2 October 2017
Correction of the carousel script. Posts Tagged WordPress
The execution managed the task well. Not the first time he was able to determine the ideal solution to remove the bag, while Alexander was very struggling, and still found the cause and eliminated it. He has given a lot of advice and recommendations to avoid repeating such errors. In general, I was pleased with the collaboration, thank you very much for the work done!
26 September 2017
12 USD
Adapting the template to the tablets and tablets on JOOMLA
My reviews will not be too extensive, R? Is it ??? It was good, very good! Everything in time, always in contact. A quiet, balanced executive.
24 September 2017
Правки по Wordpress
Спасибо за качественную работу! Все сделано в соответствии с заданием и даже больше! Рекомендую к сотрудничеству!
| Response feedback
24 September 2017
Configurate the color scheme of the "Return Call" button under the color of the site
Colors are tailored according to request.
satisfied with the result.
I am constantly addressing Alexander and recommending him as an executive.
24 September 2017
Joomla to create a photo gallery
Everything is fine, without delays.
22 September 2017
Change the color on Joomla
I will contact again. Thank you ! Great work! Joomla Foreva!
7 September 2017
Поправить меню (wordpress)
Задача выполнена должным образом. Работаем дальше
| Response feedback
27 August 2017
A couple of small buildings of the site on WordPress (woocommerce)
A great executive. The quality of the work at the height, everything was done quickly, the price was also pleased. Thank you !
26 August 2017
10 USD
Обслуживание сайта на джумле
Спасибо за правки на сайте, теперь всё работает как надо!
24 August 2017
Repeat the banner + change the slider settings
Everything is fast and quality.
I recommend as an executive!!The !
16 August 2017
Правки по сайту на ВП
Благодарю за решение проблемы с сайтом, сейчас всё работает!
14 August 2017
разработка баннера для интернет магазина
Работал с Александром по верстке. Решил расширить поле нашего взаимодействия. По итогу очень доволен результатом. Спасибо
7 August 2017
Корекция интернет магазина под мобильное устройство
не первый раз сотрудничаю с Александром по коррективам сайта на мобильном.
результатом доволен. сделано оперативно и качественно.
26 July 2017
Plugin by Vodpress
A great performer! Everything is done quickly and in time. Thank you for cooperation!
24 July 2017
Спасибо сделал!
14 July 2017
Скромные правки на сайте WP
Заказ выполнен на 100 процентов!
10 July 2017
17 USD
Поправить косяк на сайте
Фрилансер четко понимает то что ему нужно сделать Быстро исправил проблемы с сайтом.Рекомендую
5 July 2017
Repair to the modx download of the YouTube video
Everything is fast and clear. I advise for cooperation.
29 June 2017
Correction of the Internet store interface on a mobile device
He managed the assigned tasks. fulfilled additional requests. For what a lot of thanks.
27 June 2017
12 USD
Нужно поправить Адаптив сайта срочно
Отличный исполнитель, выполнил все за пару часов. Буду ещё сотрудничать
6 April 2017
Repair the hat for the site
Alexander was pleased with his work. Everything was done very quickly (and quality). I will work myself and recommend to others.
Recent proposals 10 | Budget | Added | Terms | Proposal | |
Yii developer required for online store support (freelance)
24 USD
Improvements for the Opencart 2.3 Online Store
24 USD
Stretch the layout on yii2
60 USD
by YY-2. Website processing after SEO auditing
120 USD
Create a WordPress store.
72 USD
The website on opencart
19 USD