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Oleksandr V.

Offer Oleksandr to work on your next project.

Ukraine Kyiv, Ukraine
14 hours 22 minutes ago
Available for hire available for hire
1 Safe completed
1 month 9 days ago
1 Client
added 10 bids
registered for 1 year


Successful projects
There is no data
Average rating
There is no data
Javascript and Typescript 9

Language Proficiency Level

Українська Українська: fluent
English English: intermediate



  • 48 USD

    Landing page on the topic of crypto.

    HTML & CSS
    Landing page on the topic of crypto. Written in React + styled components
    #React #HTML5/CSS3/SCSS/SASS #Styled-components
  • 168 USD

    Сайт для копанії з очищення води

    Website Development
    Сайт написаний на чистому CSS, HTML, JS. Адапотавний та зібраний за допомогою Galp.
    #xml/html/css #веб-сайты #сайтподключ #wordprass
  • Сайт тренажерного залу

    HTML & CSS
    Сайт свторений на WordPress + Elementor Pro. Добавлена анімація. Адапотавний під мобільні пристрої.
  • WordPress site - Design

    Website Development
    Landing created on WordPress
  • Website for Picture Search

    Javascript and Typescript
    Not a big site, with API for searching for images.
    JS - HTML5 - CSS3 - Axios - React - React Router
  • The EcoCabins

    HTML & CSS
    One-page landing written using HTML/CSS/JavaScript
  • WebStudio

    HTML & CSS
    Technologies: HTML5 - CSS3 - JS
    About project: mobile-first adaptive landing page to introduce
  • Trending Movies

    Javascript and Typescript
    A simple site with trendy movies and information about the actors. Working search for films.
    Created by React Library, Redux

Reviews and compliments on completed projects 1


Oleksandr professionally transferred our one-page landing from Tilda to a Ukrainian platform, preserving all design details and functionality. The work was done quickly and efficiently, without unnecessary questions, but with a clear understanding of our needs. If you need a specialist who approaches the task with understanding, then Oleksandr is exactly the performer you should choose.


  Recent proposals 10
Website development on Wordpress
480 USD
Edit the template WordPress site according to the developed design for us.
168 USD
Redesign and set up the website
24 USD
Website layout on Wordpress
120 USD
Corrections for the WordPress site
17 USD
Technical optimization of the website
60 USD
Creation of a business card website for the company
105 USD
Form for the website
36 USD
Maximally align photos of products of different proportions.
12 USD
Landing page layout (html + css)
192 USD