Oleksandra Knyazhinska
Offer Oleksandra to work on your next project.
Language Proficiency Level
English: advanced
Design & art
- 3D Modeling
from 12 USD per project
Business Card Design
from 12 USD per unit
Corporate Style
from 97 USD per project
Icons & Pixel Graphics
from 1 USD per unit
- Infographics
- Interface Design (UI/UX)
Logo Design
from 17 USD per project
Mobile Apps Design
from 15 USD per project
Outdoor Advertising
from 24 USD per project
Package Design
from 24 USD per project
Print Design
from 12 USD per project
Social Media Page Design
from 12 USD per project
- Vector Graphics
Web Design
from 121 USD per project
Photo, Audio & Video
Photo Processing
from 1 USD per project
- Photography
- Video Recording
Website and branding for the blockchain sector
Website for a financial company
Branding for an agricultural holding company
Logo + Branding
Creation of postcards of the cities of Ukraine
Print Design -
Branding for Jewelry Store
AI Art -
921 USD Web design for trading group + logo development
Web Design -
Logos for a legal company
Logo Design -
The label of whisky
Print Design -
Logo for the Interior Design Studio
Logo Design -
Label and packaging for BAD
Print Design -
Multi-page website for selling SSL certificates
Web Design
Recent proposals 10 | Budget | Added | Terms | Proposal | |
Website design
242 USD
Development of a logo for a café / coffee shop
48 USD
Ongoing collaboration in beauty branding
249 USD
Landing page design
248 USD
Design of the finished website
24 USD
Need an updated design for the website
248 USD
Web design for a roofing company
550 USD
Design for landing page (Figma)
248 USD
Create a design for a children's educational online center in Figma
248 USD
Creation of a stylish corporate design for notebooks and a website
300 USD