Vladislav Syrbu

Приветствую, уважаемый заказчик!
Меня зовут Владислав, я веб-дизайнер, с которым Вам будет очень комфортно сотрудничать!
С удовольствием разработаю продающий сайт для Вашего бизнеса. Опыт работы 6 лет.
За свою практику сотрудничал с заказчиками из 20 стран мира.
Выполнил более 400 проектов.
Работаю официально (оформлен, как ФЛП) поэтому могу сотрудничать по договору, предоплате или сейф фриланса.
Средняя стоимость проектов (точную стоимость можно сформировать только после ознакомления с ТЗ):
Дизайн веб сайтов:
- Landing — от 200$ за проект
- Сайт-визитка, каталог — от 400$ за проект
- Интернет магазин - от 400$ за проект
- Мобильные приложения - от 1000₴ за экран
Сайты под ключ на WEBLIUM и похожих платформах.
- Landing — от 400$ за проект
- Сайт-визитка, каталог — от 500$ за проект
- Интернет магазин - от 500$ за проект
Обращайтесь, консультация бесплатная, готов к созвонам по телефону или Zoom.
Ознакомиться с моими работами Вы можете ниже, больше примеров могу предоставить по запросу в л/с.
Пишите! Буду рад сотрудничеству!
Design & art
Mobile development
240 USD Website of the Dentist Clinic "My Dentist"
Web Design#Web design #web design #ui/ux #Dentology #corporate #web site #figma
Link to all project pages https://www.figma.com/file/wuTGse3DfgjQr0y1uirLlM/%D0%9C%D0%BE%D0%B9-%D1%81%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%BC%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%BE%D0%B3
400 USD Full Bar Cafe Site
Web Design#Web design #ui/ux #figma #food #landingpage #internet store
Link to the project https://www.figma.com/file/sx4juqWbIorBl8gP2kgMtU/Full-BAR-my
168 USD Website of Moultera
Web Design#Web Design #Web Design #Figma #UI-UX
192 USD Website of AVE-RENT
Web DesignWeb design #UI-UX #figma #web-site
1000 USD Beautiful website
Web Design#web design #web design #figma #tilda #UI-UX #website #beauty
Link to the design of all pages https://www.figma.com/file/dkMqg2rESWv8inecVKzDn2/Untitled
120 USD LP for ICF Coach
Web Design#landingpage #Photoshop/Figma/Tilda #Web Design #Web Design #Web Designer #Website #Coach
Link to the website https://allarakovychcoach.com/
McDonald’s Mobile App
Mobile Apps Design#Web design #web design #mobileapp #UI/UXdesign #redesign #Photoshop/Figma/Tilda
192 USD The RAWQ online store
Web Design#Web design #web design #figma #Tilda #UI/UX #creative
72 USD Landing page 2V-TECH
Web Design#landingpage #AdobePhotoshop #figma #web design #web design #web designer #website
Link to the work version of the site https://2v-tech.com/
120 USD Landing page fire sales
Web Design#landingpage #figma/photoshop/tilda #tilda #web design #ui/ux
Link to the work version of the website https://firesales.pro/
120 USD Landing page Affiliate marketing
Web Design#landingpage #Photoshop/Figma/Tilda #web-design #web-design #tilda #ui/ux
Link to the work version of the site https://affiliate.go-in-top.ru/
Landing page game headsets
Web Designhttps://www.figma.com/proto/ZEG6tawUHXSOahMNwwHziC/Gaming-Headphones?node-id=1%3A2&scaling=contain&page-id=0%3A1
You can see the animation used in this concept.
Landing page Sweet life
Web Design#landingpagedesign #Web design #web design #ui/ux #Figma/Photoshop #food
Sweet Paradise Landing Page
Web Designhttps://www.behance.net/gallery/118612819/Sweet-Paradise-cake-shop-%28web-design%29
The tourist agency
Web Design#landingpage #tourism #web design #web design
Reviews and compliments on completed projects 21
20 February 2023
168 USD
Website development on Tilda
Everything is great! They worked greatly! Thank you! 😉
3 June 2022
96 USD
Landing Page
Qualitative and professional. He made a sign of his work. We will continue to cooperate.
5 April 2022
10 USD
Дизайн приложения - один экран
Quick and high quality, I recommend!
4 April 2022
192 USD
Создать сайт
Everything is normal. Pleasure of cooperation!
30 March 2022
24 USD
Страницы для вакансий
Ordered for the second time. The work was done quickly and quality. Vladislav answered all the questions that arose. Thank you very much for the work!
16 March 2022
168 USD
Design of the logo and site on Tild for the logistics company
Thank you very much for cooperation! The designer created good logo and landing on the Tild.
28 February 2022
120 USD
Редизайн сайта — персональный проект для Владислава Сырбу
It’s okay, the project is completed.
27 December 2021
192 USD
Дизайн Личного кабинета клиента Бьюти вебсайта
Thank you very much for your work, for the project at the highest level. I advise the Government as a reliable executive who knows his business. Greatly painted modern design, taking into account all the small details. I recommend the implementation of any project.
15 December 2021
288 USD
Website design for Betty Pro and the Beauty Salon
7 October 2021
56 USD
Сделать Landing на Tilda
Работой очень доволен. Получил шикарный сайт, буду обращаться ещё, спасибо!
9 September 2021
48 USD
Website design/visit card + logo under key
Everything is good! I am glad to look forward to the new project again 🙂
It was a pleasure to collaborate! and 🙂
20 August 2021
122 USD
Создание лендинга на Tilda
Отличная работа, была небольшая заминка по срокам, но все сделали отлично, самый важный плюс Владислава - контактность и готовность к изменениям, учился вместе с проектом, в итоге сделали классный продукт. Рекомендую.
29 July 2021
39 USD
Внести предложения по оптимизации UX/UI дизайна мобильного приложения
Задача выполнена в соответствии с ТЗ, в оговоренный срок, Владислав всегда на связи - хорошая работа, приятное общение. Рекомендую.
| Personal | Response feedback
12 July 2021
60 USD
Copy of the website,update the website
The project is implemented. I am satisfied,
4 June 2021
72 USD
Create a Lending design on the Figme
Everything is fast and quality. Operational Communication
28 May 2021
84 USD
Website design in Tilda
Vladislav quickly fulfilled the assigned task, clearly followed the TZ and without problems replaced the entire text of the site when we needed to change it. He responds quickly to the message and is easy to contact him.
20 May 2021
13 USD
Шаг 1
Спасибо за предоставленные результаты, пока всё.
18 May 2021
24 USD
Tilda creates a banding for the sale of one product
He knows his work on the ur, always in contact. I recommend !
15 May 2020
12 USD
Leave a list of materials how to become a web designer from zero
Well, the work was done in time. Quality is the norm. He also introduced some improvements that were not described in the TZ. I recommend the specialist!
25 February 2020
18 USD
Собрать сайт на тильде
Все понравилось, Владислав очень ответственно выполнил работу, был на связи и отвечал очень подробно на все вопросы)
Спасибо за сотрудничество!
5 December 2019
60 USD
Transfer from Canva and realize the design of two bandings on Tilda
It’s made two bandings, in a shrink but at the same time in a very professional style. Vladislav is really a professional. It was very pleasant to work. Despite my concerns as a customer, Vladislav did the impossible!
I recommend, not only as a professional designer, but also as a person who is in need and sensibly capturing what the customer needs.
Vladislav is! A huge gratitude!
Recent proposals 10 | Budget | Added | Terms | Proposal | |
Freelance-project |
192 USD
361 USD
46 USD
962 USD
Freelance-project |
361 USD
Freelance-project |
601 USD
258 USD