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Vladislav Aleksandrov

Offer Vladislav to work on your next project.

Ukraine Dnepr, Ukraine
1 month 20 days ago
A little busy a little busy
registered for 4 years


    Successful projects
    There is no data
    Average rating
    There is no data
    Social Media Marketing (SMM) 1

    Language Proficiency Level

    Українська Українська: fluent
    Русский Русский: advanced
    English English: pre-intermediate



    • 575 Selling in Nice Cosmetics Through Instagram

      Social Media Marketing (SMM)
      575 Selling in Nice Cosmetics Through Instagram

      About the client
      What to Sell: Women's Cosmetics
      Number of sales: 575
      Price of sale: $6.26

      On the dashboard you can get acquainted with your profile, advertising creatives, indicators from the advertising office and analytics tables.

      If you are doing a business in this or similar niche and you have:
      No advertising works and you don’t understand what it is about.
      Advertising does not bring applications.
      There are applications, but no sales.
      You want to scale.
      You want to delegate advertising settings.

      Contact me and we will discuss your project.
    • $10,000 Clean In NISH Selling Covers Through Instagram

      Social Media Marketing (SMM)
      $10,000 Clean In NISH Selling Covers Through Instagram

      About the client
      What to Sell: Covers
      Number of sales: 297
      Price of sale: $3.91
      ROI: 10 ( $ 1 invested - $ 10 earned )

      On the dashboard you can get acquainted with your profile, advertising creatives, indicators from the advertising office and analytics tables.

      If you are doing a business in this or similar niche and you have:
      No advertising works and you don’t understand what it is about.
      Advertising does not bring applications.
      There are applications, but no sales.
      You want to scale.
      You want to delegate advertising settings.

      Contact me and we will discuss your project.
    • 174 Women's Clothes

      Social Media Marketing (SMM)
      174 Women's Clothes For Sale On Instagram

      About the client
      What to Sell: Women's Clothes
      Number of sales: 174
      Price of sale: $5.34
      ROI: 4 ( $ 1 invested - $ 4 earned )

      On the dashboard you can get acquainted with your profile, advertising creatives, indicators from the advertising office and analytics tables.

      If you are doing a business in this or similar niche and you have:
      No advertising works and you don’t understand what it is about.
      Advertising does not bring applications.
      There are applications, but no sales.
      You want to scale.
      You want to delegate advertising settings.

      Contact me and we will discuss your project.
    • ROI 620% in NISH Online School of English

      Social Media Marketing (SMM)
      ROI 620% in NISH Online School of English

      About the client
      What we sell: Online English School
      Number of sales: 136
      Price of sale: $4.2
      ROI: 6.2 ( $ 1 invested - $ 6.2 earned )

      On the dashboard you can get acquainted with your profile, advertising creatives, indicators from the advertising office and analytics tables.

      If you are doing a business in this or similar niche and you have:
      No advertising works and you don’t understand what it is about.
      Advertising does not bring applications.
      There are applications, but no sales.
      You want to scale.
      You want to delegate advertising settings.

      Contact me and we will discuss your project.
    • $153 for sale in NISH Women's Clothes

      Social Media Marketing (SMM)
      $2000 Clean or $153 Selling in Nothing Women's Clothes

      About the client
      What to Sell: Covers
      Number of sales: 153
      Price of sale: $6.39
      ROI: 3.4 ( $ 1 invested - $ 3.4 earned )

      On the dashboard you can get acquainted with your profile, advertising creatives, indicators from the advertising office and analytics tables.

      If you are doing a business in this or similar niche and you have:
      No advertising works and you don’t understand what it is about.
      Advertising does not bring applications.
      There are applications, but no sales.
      You want to scale.
      You want to delegate advertising settings.

      Contact me and we will discuss your project.
    • $4,000 Clean in No Woman Clothes

      Social Media Marketing (SMM)
      $4,000 Clean in Niche Women's Clothes Instagram

      About the client
      What to Sell: Covers
      Number of sales: 60
      Price of sale: $7.5
      ROI: 6.2 ( $1 invested - $6.2 earned )

      On the dashboard you can get acquainted with your profile, advertising creatives, indicators from the advertising office and analytics tables.

      If you are doing a business in this or similar niche and you have:
      No advertising works and you don’t understand what it is about.
      Advertising does not bring applications.
      There are applications, but no sales.
      You want to scale.
      You want to delegate advertising settings.

      Contact me and we will discuss your project.
    • 156 587 GN Clean in NISH Furniture

      Social Media Marketing (SMM)
      156 587 GN Clean in NISH Furniture through Instagram

      About the client
      Working: 7 months
      What to Sell: Furniture (Self Manufacturing)
      The average check: $55
      KPI: the price of sale up to $8.3

      On the dashboard you can get acquainted with your profile, advertising creatives, indicators from the advertising office and analytics tables.

      If you are doing a business in this or similar niche and you have:
      No advertising works and you don’t understand what it is about.
      Advertising does not bring applications.
      There are applications, but no sales.
      You want to scale.
      You want to delegate advertising settings.

      Contact me and we will discuss your project.
    • 227 330 GN on the Investment Course per Month

      Social Media Marketing (SMM)
      227 330 GBP on the Investment Course per Month via Instagram

      About the client
      Working: 1.5 years
      What we sell: online education for stock investments
      Average price: $100
      KPI: price of sale up to $30

      On the dashboard you can get acquainted with your profile, advertising creatives, indicators from the advertising office and analytics tables.

      If you are doing a business in this or similar niche and you have:
      No advertising works and you don’t understand what it is about.
      Advertising does not bring applications.
      There are applications, but no sales.
      You want to scale.
      You want to delegate advertising settings.

      Contact me and we will discuss your project.
    • 88 Sales in 30 Days Through Instagram Neuroscience

      Social Media Marketing (SMM)
      88 Selling Through Instagram in the First Month for Children's Neuropsychologist

      About the client
      Working: 1st month
      What we sell: consultations, paid mini-courses and heads
      The average check: $15
      KPI: $6.66

      On the dashboard you can get acquainted with your profile, advertising creatives, indicators from the advertising office and analytics tables.

      If you are doing a business in this or similar niche and you have:
      No advertising works and you don’t understand what it is about.
      Advertising does not bring applications.
      There are applications, but no sales.
      You want to scale.
      You want to delegate advertising settings.

      Contact me and we will discuss your project.
    • $68,000 per month on the blog of a psychologist

      Social Media Marketing (SMM)
      About the client
      Working: 5th month
      What we sell: consultations, gadgets
      The average check: $21
      KPI: the price of sale up to $10

      On the dashboard you can get acquainted with your profile, advertising creatives, indicators from the advertising office and analytics tables.

      If you are doing a business in this or similar niche and you have:
      No advertising works and you don’t understand what it is about.
      Advertising does not bring applications.
      There are applications, but no sales.
      You want to scale.
      You want to delegate advertising settings.

      Contact me and we will discuss your project.
    • Sale of $3.5 for Women's Shoes (Drop)

      Social Media Marketing (SMM)
      127 sells for $3.5 in female shoe niche (DROP)

      About the customer:
      Working: 4th month
      Selling: Women's Shoes
      The average check: $33
      KPI: price of sale up to $8

      During the cooperation, almost from the first launch, it was possible to find a job link (creative + advertising goal + audience), which allowed to occupy the advertising budget in the first month of promotion.The key advantages of the customer were: daily profiling, the connection of a personal brand, a large range of goods, the average price and the product itself.The growth points of the customer were: content - we used the supplier's content, gap in communication with the leaders, which causes us to sell to less people than we could.On the dashboard you can get acquainted with the content in your profile, the creatives for advertising, as well as screenshots from the advertising office and the analytics table that we and the customer fill in on a daily basis.by P.S. The account name is specially closed as this case belongs to the company in which I received that customer.If you are running a business in this niche and:
      Advertising doesn’t work and you don’t understand what it’s about.
      Advertising does not bring applications.
      There are applications, but no sales.
      You want to scale.
      You want to delegate advertising settings.

      Contact me, we will criticize your project
    • Rate of 255,689 GN per month for women

      Social Media Marketing (SMM)
      255,689 GNM per month through Instagram in Less Women's Cash

      About the client
      Working: 7th month
      What we sell: Women's bags with patriot ornament
      Average check: $17,58
      KPI: $ 8.3

      On the dashboard you can get acquainted with your profile, advertising creatives, indicators from the advertising office and analytics tables.

      If you are doing a business in this or similar niche and you have:
      No advertising works and you don’t understand what it is about.
      Advertising does not bring applications.
      There are applications, but no sales.
      You want to scale.
      You want to delegate advertising settings.

      Contact me and we will discuss your project.
    • 134 750 GN in 30 Days of Cryptocurrency. Access to the VIP Chat

      Social Media Marketing (SMM)

      About the client
      Working: 3rd month
      What we sell: access to the closed VIP chat
      The average check: $50
      KPI: price of sale up to $25

      On the dashboard you can get acquainted with your profile, advertising creatives, indicators from the advertising office and analytics tables.

      If you are doing a business in this or similar niche and you have:
      No advertising works and you don’t understand what it is about.
      Advertising does not bring applications.
      There are applications, but no sales.
      You want to scale.
      You want to delegate advertising settings.

      Contact me and we will discuss your project.
    • $2670 on wine tables per month

      Social Media Marketing (SMM)
      $2670 on wine tables per month via Instagram

      About the client
      Working: 3rd month
      What we sell: wine tables, wooden dishes
      The average check: $33
      KPI: price of sale up to $9

      On the dashboard you can get acquainted with your profile, advertising creatives, indicators from the advertising office and analytics tables.

      If you are doing a business in this or similar niche and you have:
      No advertising works and you don’t understand what it is about.
      Advertising does not bring applications.
      There are applications, but no sales.
      You want to scale.
      You want to delegate advertising settings.

      Contact me and we will discuss your project.
    • 1415 Women's Shoes in a Month

      Social Media Advertising
      The price of the women's shoes is 0.94$.

      About the client
      Working: 19 months
      What we sell: cheap, goods shoes
      The average check: 25-30$
      KPI: price of sale up to $2

      On the dashboard you can get acquainted with your profile, advertising creatives, indicators from the advertising office and analytics tables.

      If you are doing a business in this or similar niche and you have:
      No advertising works and you don’t understand what it is about.
      Advertising does not bring applications.
      There are applications, but no sales.
      You want to scale.
      You want to delegate advertising settings.

      Contact me and we will discuss your project.


      Recent proposals 10
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    Online store Personal project
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    The development of the video service sales line
    20 USD
    Discovery of Instagram on Facebook Pages
    12 USD
    Ice Generation - set up targeting fb/inst.sport club
    12 USD
    Advertising on FB
    24 USD
    SMM + Target, a project in the field of personalized gifts
    25 USD
    Preparing Facebook accounts for advertising
    24 USD
    Meta Business Settings
    120 USD
    You need to set up advertising for Facebook.
    24 USD