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Anastasiia Buzuieva

Offer Anastasiia to work on your next project.

Ukraine Chernovtsy, Ukraine
17 days 12 hours ago
Available for hire available for hire
1 Safe completed
1 year ago
1 Client
age 20 years
registered for 1 year


Successful projects
There is no data
Average rating
There is no data
Web Design
Interface Design (UI/UX) 1

Language Proficiency Level

Українська Українська: fluent
Русский Русский: fluent
English English: intermediate


Design & art


  • 500 USD

    Online store of luxury cosmetics on Squarespace

    Web Programming
    A thorough analysis of competitors and the niche market, and an analysis of the target audience were carried out (UX). The key goals and issues of the project were identified. Design (UI) and layout developed on Squarespace.
  • 250 USD

    Website for Yoga Studios

    Web Design
    Task: Create a web site for a yoga studio that sells from a marketing point of view. The site should be simple, comfortable, aesthetic and quiet.
    A CA and competitors analysis was carried out, prototypes were developed, design, and the site appeared on Readymag. Adaptations are made for mobile and tablet versions.
  • 200 USD

    Web Design

    Web Design
    The Robots

Reviews and compliments on completed projects 1

8 September 2023 48 USD
Development of wireframes


I listened to the rules of the hotels.


  Recent proposals 10
I am looking for a designer for the redesign of a landing page.
72 USD
Design for a repair and construction website
239 USD
Development of the online store design
215 USD
Design of a responsive landing page based on the prototype
571 USD
Develop a simple landing page copying the model agency's website.
191 USD
Landing page design or design correction / possible development
239 USD
Design and layout of the website
598 USD
Website design creation
239 USD
Creation of a one-page website design
96 USD
Website design
120 USD