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Andrey Kot

Offer Andrey to work on your next project.

Ukraine Kyiv, Ukraine
7 days 4 hours ago
Available for hire available for hire
won in 1 contest
2 Safe completed
2 years ago
2 Clients
age 26 years
registered for 6 years


Successful projects
There is no data
Average rating
There is no data
Business Card Design
Print Design



  • 36 USD

    by dzensmak

    Logo Design
    Logo for Sushi Restaurant
  • 29 USD


    Logo Design
    A logo for a company that specializes in manufacturing and implementing products for domestic lovers.
  • 17 USD

    business card

    Business Card Design
    A presentation card of a company that specializes in manufacturing and implementing products for domestic lovers.
  • Business card design/visit card

    Business Card Design
    #Business card design
  • The logo shop

    Vector Graphics
    Women's Clothing Shop
    #logotype #logodesign #minimalism #women's clothing store #branding_design
  • 20 USD

    The Gift Certificate

    Print Design
    Certificate for a Women's Clothing Shop
  • 15 USD


    Print Design
    Creative for a Women's Store
    #creative #designer
  • 40 USD

    Photo Processing

    Print Design
    Girl demon style treatment
    #Photohop #photography #girl
  • 30 USD


    Print Design
    A1 format, grunge style
    #Designer #poster #grunge #Photohop
  • 60 USD


    Print Design
    A1 format, grunge style
    can be purchased.
    Posts Tagged ‘designer’
  • 40 USD


    Print Design
    The Ukrainian Festival
    Posts Tagged ‘Designer’
  • 40 USD

    Advertising poster for the festival

    Print Design
    poster for a festival on a Ukrainian theme
  • Web Design

    Web Design
    Creation of a landing page for an architectural studio.
    Some photos were taken in Makhno studio
    #Web Design #Designer #Designer
  • 20 USD

    Package Design

    Print Design
    Layout Design for Printing
  • 45 USD

    Logo for the Festival

    Print Design
    The logo is made for the Ukrainian festival, with all the wishes of the customer,
    The main goal: to draw the maximum minimalistic logo, the symbols of the skyscrapers were taken, and their combination in the sun.
    #logodesign #festival #minimalism

Reviews and compliments on completed projects 2

13 September 2022 156 USD
Design of the main page of the site


The performance is good, but it was an impression that the design experience was little.
I didn’t really feel what I needed to do, because this work was average.
Also, in my opinion, the execution was a little cool to the project, as not all the elements were balanced.
It had to be repeated on the right account, because something didn't get out of the list immediately.

The executor was always in contact, quickly introduced directions, although he missed some.
The price is perfectly matching.
It was well in time, and it was well in time.

I recommend collaboration if you have a difficult project.

We had a complex project, expected more, but got a fairly medium site.


I recommend the executive. The work is performed quality and responsibly.

Contests won 1

Всё отлично, продолжаем работу

Valerii P


  Recent proposals 10
Design of Advertising
36 USD
Design of the logo
29 USD
Design of Presentation
48 USD
Design of Flair
24 USD
Create a business form and design of a visit card
19 USD
Design instructions for example.
17 USD
Create a logo in a vector
12 USD
Beautiful to form the case of an advertising specialist on Facebook (targetologist)
24 USD
Create an adaptive logo.
12 USD
Find a great graphic designer!
19 USD