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Igor Kuteynitsyn

Sleeping face
Igor hasn't visited the service for a long time..
But Freelancehunt also employs 3100 freelancers in the category Text Editing & Proofreading, who will professionally and on time complete a project of any complexity.

Ukraine Kyiv, Ukraine
1 year ago
Available for hire available for hire
age 41 years
registered for 4 years


    Successful projects
    There is no data
    Average rating
    There is no data

    Language Proficiency Level

    Русский Русский: fluent
    Українська Українська: advanced
    English English: intermediate





    • 60 USD

      Three posts in 100 thousand. Instagram - Selling Stories

      Text Editing & Proofreading
      Works: transcription, editing, selling texts
      Year of Creation: 2020
      Time spending: 10+9+6 hours
    • 215 USD

      Email for a large subscriber base

      Text Editing & Proofreading
      Works: Selling texts, correction
      Year of Creation: 2020
      Time of time: 32 hours
    • 48 USD

      Webinar description for women - copywriting with selling texts

      Text Editing & Proofreading
      by m
    • Aggressive panibratic content for the blog of harsh gamers

      Content Management
      work: 200+ posts (articles, poems, images, videos, streams)
      Year of Creation: 2017
      The time spending: ??? The Hours
    • 239 USD

      2019 - Community management for the game Creatur.io

      Content Management
      As part of my work as the assistant director of the successful browser and mobile io-game Creatur.io, I was mainly engaged in community management. In particular, he worked with all the reviews, emails, led the game groups, organized the Discord.

      Time spending: 3-4 hours a day
      The cost: 10,000 UAH. in the month

      #Community Manager #Community #SMM #SMM Beginner #Content Management #Content Manager #Communicability #Commentary #Administrator
    • Sweet hyper-emotional posts for the game

      Content Management
      Work: 15+ posts (English) with images and SEO, community management, testing
      Year of Creation: 2018
      Time time: 60+ hours
    • 2020 - Correction of the Electronic Book on Self-Development

      Text Editing & Proofreading
      Work on stylistic and orphographic corrections of the texts of the book "Life. Instructions for use" for the site putduha.ru.
    • 239 USD

      Great article about Gaming Consulting

      Articles & Blog Posts
      works: research, copywriting, editorial, selling texts
      Year of Creation: 2016
      Time time: 50+ hours
    • 96 USD

      Correction of text for landing on site designer

      Text Editing & Proofreading
      work: correction, selling texts
      Year of Creation: 2017
      Time time: 21 hours
    • 17 USD

      2016 - Review of the game Prey

      Articles & Blog Posts
      Task: Copywriting for the Contega Agency
      Style: gamer slang, conversation speech, humor, panic, game advertising
      The number: 5736 Without breaks
      Year of Creation: 2016
      Time spending: 5 hours
      Cost: + 700 UAH
    • 12 USD

      Correction of text and re-right - iPhone 6S

      Text Editing & Proofreading
      Year of Creation: 2016
      Task: Strengthening of text and SEO elements of the company’s website on smartphone repair
      Style: selling texts, company services, TZ for the wheeler
      The number: 3632 There are 434 units, of which 434 units. Selling of text
      Time time: 6 hours

      #seo-copy #seo-copy #seo-specialist #seo-text #copy #lovework
    • 479 USD

      Great Presentation Concept Document

      Text Editing & Proofreading
      work: research, technical writing, selling elements
      Year of Creation: 2016
      Duration: 150+ hours
    • 12 USD

      The most common Seo-Rayts about Plintus

      work: re-righting, seo elements
      Seo: used 3 sources, unique of Advego 100%, nausea 7.9%,
      contains 25 keys, contains 4 lists, minimum water.
      Year of Creation: 2015
      Time spending: 5 hours
    • TZ copy of seo statements for the legal company’s website

      Technical Documentation
      Category: Technical Writing
      Year of Creation: 2017
      Time time: 9 hours
    • 239 USD

      2019 - Design and texts for EspanaTour

      Web Design
      Web design and copywriting for the property purchase and sale agency.

      The task was not to make a mobile version of the design, only the PC. Plus, I had to do the research of competitors and copywriting for all pages except for the blog.

      Time of time: 32 hours
      The cost: 10,000 UAH.

      #web design #web design #web design #web design #web design #web design #web design


      Recent proposals 10
    Writing Articles with CHATGPT
    179 USD
    Writing the text
    12 USD
    Writing articles for the website of the English language teacher
    12 USD
    Writing text for the online furniture store
    12 USD
    Editor/Corector of text on the website
    19 USD
    The series.
    479 USD
    You need a virtual assistant.
    144 USD
    Developing a business plan for track business in the United States
    48 USD
    Telegrams of the Cryptocurrency Channel
    7 USD
    Writing texts for LendingPage tourist agency
    12 USD