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Ivan Stashko

Offer Ivan to work on your next project.

Ukraine Chernovtsy, Ukraine
15 minutes ago
Available for hire available for hire
3 Safe completed
13 days 9 hours ago
3 Clients
age 28 years
registered for 6 months 11 days


Successful projects
Average rating
10 of 10
Web Programming 3
Javascript and Typescript 1
3 projects
Web Programming
2 projects
Databases & SQL

Language Proficiency Level

Українська Українська: fluent
Русский Русский: fluent
English English: intermediate
Čeština Čeština: pre-intermediate


About Me:

I am a professional web developer with experience in creating modern web applications using Angular. With over 2 years of commercial experience in web development, I have gained skills in using various technologies and tools to build efficient and scalable solutions. I possess a deep understanding of object-oriented programming principles, design patterns, and SOLID principles, which enables me to write clean and maintainable code.

Tools and Technologies:


- JavaScript / TypeScript

- Angular 2+ / RxJS / NgRX

- React.js / Next.js

- Angular Material, Tailwind, Bootstrap, PrimeNg, PrimeFlex

- GitHub, GitLab

Experience and Skills:

- Commercial experience in Angular 12+ development since 2023.

- Over 2 years of commercial web development experience.

- Knowledge of OOP, design patterns, SOLID principles, and Clean Code.

- Ability to develop web services and an understanding of basic software architecture principles.

- Experience working with Web API and practical experience with MongoDB.

- Strong understanding of RxJS and REST architecture.

- Experience using UI component libraries (Angular Material, PrimeNg, Ngx-bootstrap).

- Experience with Redis and message broker RabbitMQ.

Additional Skills:

- In-depth knowledge and understanding of networking technologies: REST API standards, HTTP/HTTPS methods.

- Experience with MongoDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL.

- Experience with Node.js using Express.js and Nest.js frameworks.

- Experience with Webpack and Vite.

- Experience with Postman and debugging.

- Experience in developing SPA (Single Page Applications).

- Knowledge of service workers and experience in PWA (Progressive Web Apps) development.

- Knowledge of Figma and understanding of UI, UX principles.


  • 48 USD

    Facebook Friend Inviter

    Web Programming
    Browser extension that allows automated friend adding on Facebook
  • 289 USD

    Bohrom moving

    Javascript and Typescript
    Tech: React.js, ts, tailwind
  • Okey Post

    Web Programming
    Technologies: Angular, RxJS, TypeScript, NgModules, SASS, Tailwind, Git
  • 4sv lofi radio

    Web Programming
    Browser extension - online radio player.
    Technologies: HTML, CSS, JS, Browser extensions
  • BonTex

    Web Programming
    Technologies: Angular, SPA, Nest.js, MongoDB, RxJS, REST, NgModules, Angular Material, PrimeNG, Tailwind, Git
  • Equatalent

    Web Programming
    Technologies: Angular, RxJS, NgModules, Tailwind, GitLab, nx

Reviews and compliments on completed projects 3

5 February 14 USD
Transferring a website to a hosting service

Client's feedback on cooperation in this project will be available after the publication of the contractor's feedback or automatically in 14 hours 26 minutes.

Nata Guley | Personal


Ivan quickly responded and immediately took on the project. He met all the requirements and even more.

28 November 2024 12 USD
Deploy to the website


Quickly executed and helped launch the project.


  Recent proposals 10
Transferring a website to a hosting service Personal project
14 USD
Create a one-page promotional website (Landing Page)
120 USD
In search of a designer and layout artist 2 in 1 =)
24 USD
Design for landing page or design + layout
144 USD
Develop a minimum viable product (MVP) for a data management platform.
72 USD
Creation of MVP - Service for analytics of Google Ads advertising campaigns
577 USD
A developer is required for two active projects (for ongoing collaboration)
12 USD
"Modern website for your business"
192 USD
The website is one-page.
192 USD
Boffin Quest Game
9624 USD