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Update 1c. USP

Translated72 USD

Client's feedback on cooperation with Oleksandr Yarosh


everything is fine. thank you.

Freelancer's feedback on cooperation with Maksim Sych

Task formulation

Great client. Quick task closure. Always in touch. I recommend for collaboration.

  1. 1076    12  0
    Winning proposal3 days72 USD

    Ready to execute but you have missed 14 releases. The price is indicated for all updates. Provided that the database is not finalized.
    P.S. The database is finalized. A discrepancy analysis is needed during the update.
    Готовий виконати але у вас пропущено 14 релізів. Ціна вказана за всі оновлення. При умові що база не допрацьована
    Р.S база допрацьована. потрібний аналіз розбіжностей при оновленні

  2. 1950    13  0
    1 day19 USD

    Good day, I am ready to discuss all the details of the collaboration, I complete tasks quickly and efficiently. I am ready to help in solving the assigned tasks. If relevant – write to me, I will be happy to work with you. The price is indicated per hour of work.
    Доброго дня, готовий обговорити всі деталі співробітництва, завдання виконую швидко та якісно.
    Готовий допомогти у вирішенні поставлених завдань.
    Якщо актуально – пишіть, із задоволенням з Вами попрацюю.
    Ціна вказана за годину роботи

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Setting up frigate and nextcloud on ubuntu server 24.04

72 USD

There is a server based on xeon e3-1220v3 + gtx1050 It is necessary to install frigate so that recording from the cameras is done and there is an opportunity to view the stream and the main thing is that frigate should use the gpu for detection and video processing and nextcloud…

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Set up SMS reception for VoIP numbers via FreePBX

24 USD

There is a configured telephony through FreePBX. Several trunks and several dozen numbers in each Need the ability to receive SMS for VoIP numbers

System & Network AdministrationSoftware & Server Configuration ∙ 2 days 16 hours ago ∙ 2 proposals

Maksim Sych
Ukraine Kyiv  7  0
Project published
30 days 10 hours ago