Clear GOOGL search
12 USDWhen you search for a specific person on Google, an article that was written on request (it has already been refuted) appears in the search results and it is on the first page of the search. It is necessary to ensure that this article does not appear in the search query.
Is this possible?
What is the cost?
Коли шукаєш певну людину в гугл, в пошуку зя'вляється стаття яка була написана на замовлення (їй вже спростували) і вона на першій стоорінці пошуку. Потрібно зробити так, щоб ця стаття не з'являлась в пошуковому запиті.
Чи це реально?
Яка вартість?
281 1 0 1 You need SERM services. We can temporarily address the removal issue - shift it by 2-3 pages, and then delete it if there are legal grounds.
Вам потрібно послуги SERM. Можемо поки будемо вирішувати питання з видаленням - змістити її на 2-3 сторінки, а потім видалити, якщо будуть законні підстави.
196 1 0 We can discuss the solution to the issue in more detail.
I will provide a detailed explanation.
Можемо детальніше обговорити розв'язання питання
Надам детальне роз'яснення
Current freelance projects in the category Search Engine Reputation Management (SERM)
We are looking for active people to distribute flyers.
59 USD
**We are looking for active people to place flyers under car windshields!** Perfect opportunity for extra income with flexible conditions! ### What you need to do: 1️⃣ Place flyers under car windshields at a time convenient for you. 2️⃣ Take a photo report of the… Search Engine Reputation Management (SERM), Lead Generation & Sales ∙ 6 hours 20 minutes ago |
Google businessLooking for a person who has experience working with Google Business. The task is to set up an account for a specific project. (I will send all details and the technical specifications after selecting a candidate). Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Search Engine Reputation Management (SERM) ∙ 12 hours 14 minutes ago ∙ 9 proposals |
Link building geo Ukraine
71 USD
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Home page optimization to increase conversion of solar panel website
22 USD
we are looking for an experienced Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) specialist to analyze and improve the homepage of a solar energy solutions company's website. What needs to be done. - Conduct an audit of the current homepage of the website in terms of structure,… Search Engine Reputation Management (SERM), Website SEO Audit ∙ 8 days 11 hours ago ∙ 3 proposals |