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Client's feedback on cooperation with Inna Danchenko


Absolutely irresponsible executive. After the execution period expires almost 17 hours, she decided that the payment was small. Judging from her reviews it’s her main “connector”, suddenly discovering that it’s not good enough to pay. A day before it, she said that it is already going when half was not done. Don’t recommend getting in touch, you’ll lose your time in empty!!The !
The end:
Relationship to Work: Unresponsible
Interest in the result: There is no problem with the result, I would do less, get more.
Compliance with deadlines: Deadlines are not interested in it at all
Adequacy: Not adequate
Contact: With the contact too, she said that it is delayed and lost, the next day she appeared she wrote that it will not be delayed, because suddenly she found that the payment was small.

Up to the limits! Execution of the great “Fauauu”

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Freelancer's feedback on cooperation with client

Task formulation

The customer, too little contributes to describing the task, and at the same time searches for different performers who are ready to do the job for a small amount of money. It’s not money even, I wrote to Anastasia that the project was too difficult for me, and I don’t need pay for the work I’ve done. There was also no clearly stated deedline. And instead of writing reviews so ambitiously, I would share tasks. Lastly, you need to respect people at least and choose words. Judging by reviews Anastasia is a great customer, so you are lucky in cooperation with her.

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    1 day4 USD

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  5. 5 more hidden bids

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Project published
9 years ago