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The client has a retail chain of stores selling household appliances, the task of this application was to automate the process of monitoring the founder of the quality standards of the company.

The project was implemented on a turnkey basis starting with:
Analysis of the current business process
Application design development
Writing Terms of Reference
Cost estimation and time of implementation
Main implemented functionality:
1 . Authorization in Google.
2nd Creating, reading, changing, deleting the store and its evaluation criteria.
Evaluating the fulfillment of the company's standards on the point system of bonuses.
4 . Generating an online report in Excel format.
and 5. Uploading photos and adding comments to this or that observation.
6 . Publishing the application.
Work details
Budget 725 USD
Added 12 October 2022
Oleg Maksimenko
Ukraine Dnepr  9  0

Available for hire Available for hire
9 Safe completed
On service 3 years