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The client needed to develop a mobile application
(working with Android and iOS devices) to work with cryptocurrency.

(First stage)
To implement the basic functionality of the application:
Convert selected cryptocurrency to another crypto or fiat currency.
Implement AdMob ad banners.
- Ability to choose light or dark design theme.
Localization of the application in 3 languages.
Implementation of notification functionality.
Schedule of changes in the rate of the selected cryptocurrency (year/month/7days/day).
Monetization of the application (content for sale).

(The Second Stage)
Testing of all implemented functionality.
Fixing of all bugs.
Check testing of fixed bugs.

(The Third Stage)
- Publication (AppStore TestFlight&Build APK File for Android).
Work details
Budget 1658 USD
Added 12 October 2022
Oleg Maksimenko
Ukraine Dnepr  9  0

Available for hire Available for hire
9 Safe completed
On service 3 years