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1) The accounting of income
2) Preparation and submission of the annual Declaration on the Single Tax
3) Preparation and submission of the personality report at PF at the end of the year (the report in the form of D5)
4) Provision of payment instructions on the payment of the single tax, the ECB and the control of the payment of taxes
5) Calculation and calculation of wages:
• Personal accounting and reporting.
• Payment of wages twice per month.
• Preparation of calculation and payment information.
• Discount and payment of leave, including when dismissed.
• Formation of payments by salary.
Work details
Budget 3000 UAH
Added 1 June 2021
Marina Kovalenko ТОВ "АХТУНГ ЗВІТ"
Ukraine Kyiv  2  0

Available for hire Available for hire
2 Safe completed
On service 6 years