Yulia P.
Language Proficiency Level
Photo, Audio & Video
Writing of Scientific Works
Articles & Blog PostsOne of my scientific articles.
Writing of Scientific Works
Articles & Blog PostsOne of my articles in a special edition.
TranscribingFormulation, Editing Subtitles, Timing
TranscribingCreation, design of subtitles, timing
TranscribingCreation, layout and editing of subtitles
Reviews and compliments on completed projects 20 1
23 November 2023
22 USD
The Farm Project
The project was done quickly, the collection of data was carried out properly. Thanks for work.
6 November 2023
22 USD
Variant 42 Bases of Animal Farming
The work is written well, all according to the requirements. The calculation part is made. Thank you for work
Everything quickly
1 November 2023
17 USD
Course "Protection of property and other material rights"
Mrs. Julia performed the work timely but a few technical errors were made that were quickly corrected.
Working pleased
29 October 2023
19 USD
Course Technology of Milk and Milk Production
The work is done quickly, everything is fine. Thank you for work
27 October 2023
24 USD
Analysis of the company
Thank you for the operational home!
25 October 2023
19 USD
Task in Psychology
The work is performed. thank you
Always in contact.
21 October 2023
48 USD
Diplomatic work
She has shown high professionalism and is responsible for the tasks given. Very pleasant in communication.
18 October 2023
30 USD
You need to contact the sites and add answers to the table.
I was very unhappy with the cooperation. The duration of the task is more than 14 days. The freelancer didn’t even go to work and didn’t warn. Asked why, I addressed personal issues. Yes, I understand that anything can happen, but you need to be warned in that case. Moreover, they agreed that in a few days the freelancer will begin to perform the task. Freelancer said, “I’m going to act right.” In the end, when the deadline came, he said he would not fulfill.
I think the approach to work and task is absolutely unresponsible. I can’t recommend.
29 September 2023
12 USD
References on Discipline "The Foundations of Scientific Research, Practice"
Thank you for work. The work is done well.
17 March 2023
72 USD
Do a research to find new contacts
The work is done untouchedly. thank you
15 March 2023
72 USD
Do a research to find new contacts 2
Thank you for the work done, all at a high level.
23 February 2023
72 USD
Do a research to find new contacts
Good recommendation!
Thank you for the wonderful work!
9 February 2023
14 USD
Updating information in CRM and collecting additional information
Very well performed work.
1 February 2023
12 USD
Make a lecture - Presentation (theme 12)
Everything is done properly and timely! Thank you for cooperation!
31 January 2023
17 USD
Transfer the presentation (72 slides) to Word
Everything is done in time and as it is necessary. Thank you for work!
23 January 2023
17 USD
Transfer the content of the Presentation (235 slides) to Word; Share themes
Thank you for the speed! Everything is done clearly and thoughtfully!
3 December 2022
24 USD
5 practical work. It is instantly!!The !
Beautiful performance. The coach is very responsible and serious, which I really liked. The work was done timely. I recommend cooperation.
28 November 2022
18 USD
Course Review on Agriculture Theme
Very professional, author on contact, I recommend
19 November 2022
18 USD
Analysis, collection of data
The task is done professionally. Responsible for the extortion. The deadlines are fulfilled. I recommend the collaboration.
31 October 2022
Subtitles for video stories
A professional approach, a text reading and translation editing was added. High quality work with subtitles, timing. I recommend it.
21 June 2021
27 USD
Пошук інформації
Основна частина роботи виконана, домовилися на внесення правок після закриття завдання.
Виконавець провів пошук інформації по зовсім чужій темі в короткий термін,з більшістю завдань справилась, в розмові була ввічлива, на повідомлення відповідала не затягуючи.
Якщо ви працюєте з даним фрілансером по пошуку та написання текстів по якійсь тематиці, старайтесь уточнити незрозумілі теми, для фрілансера більш детально, щоб повторно не редагувати чи переробляти текст.
Якщо будуть внесені обіцяні правки, в подальшому буду співпрацювати з даним спеціалістом.
Recent proposals 10 | Budget | Added | Terms | Proposal | |
Create an image database (content) for a training website
101 USD
Transcribe the speech from the video
24 USD
Retyping a screenplay
150 USD
Instagram Assistant (remote, for students)
100 USD
Quick easy 75 words copy pasting
130 USD
Evaluation of the quality of calls from our sales managers
24 USD
Improve the Word document (design it and add styles)
29 USD
Publication of ads on Prom and OLX
482 USD
Insert subtitles into the video
14 USD
Rewrite the text from the video (the text in the video is in Russian and German)
12 USD