Nikolay T.

360 USD The NFT
Website Development#landing-page for NFT project based on #Wordpress
360 USD The Pump Signal
Website Development#landing-page based on #WordPress
720 USD by Skylift
Website Development#Wordpress-based website with a large number of pages transfer
288 USD The Agro
Website Development#landing-page based on #WordPress
312 USD The Lux Module
Website Development#landing-page based on #WordPress
528 USD by Siri-pro
Website DevelopmentWebsite based on #WordPress
312 USD by Ahimsa
Website Development#landing-page based on #WordPress
336 USD The Fitness Trainer
Website Development#landing-page based on #Wordpress for fitness trainer
480 USD by Svarog
Website DevelopmentWebsite based on #WordPress
528 USD PowerVizor
Website DevelopmentWebsite based on #WordPress
360 USD Transportation
Website DevelopmentWP website for ticket sales
600 USD The Centmass
Website DevelopmentThe corporate website based on #WordPress
480 USD The Razomus
Website Development#WordPress website with payment connection #Paypal
288 USD The Prostoserv
Website Development#landing-page based on #WordPress
192 USD by
Website Development#Design + #Discovery
Reviews and compliments on completed projects 155 3
12 February 2023
72 USD
Lending on a ready-made model
Great, thank you for a well-made project.
2 January 2023
192 USD
Creating a website on WordPress
Nicholas is always at the height. Everything is super
11 November 2022
96 USD
Design and functionality of the site
Another wonderfully done work!
6 October 2022
20 USD
Posts on WordPress
A great programmer! Everything is done in time and quality at height.
4 October 2022
240 USD
Stretch and Stretch on WP
Nicholas is a great artist – a pleasure to work with him!
I recommend to all customers! We will continue to cooperate further.
22 September 2022
96 USD
Website optimization for SEO
A great freelancer. Everything is done in time, all directions are taken into account! 10 / 10
4 September 2022
29 USD
Creating a website on WordPress
Everything went well, happy with the work.
18 August 2022
14 USD
Creating a website on WordPress
Отличная работа! Всё выпонено на ура
2 August 2022
72 USD
Creating a website on WordPress
As always at the height. The best programmer I had to work with
7 July 2022
36 USD
Creating a website on WordPress
As always at the height.
24 May 2022
336 USD
Neck, tension + optimization
Greatly done work! Good code, the page is excellently optimized, all the necessary directions have been introduced in time and at a very high level!
23 November 2021
72 USD
Set up forms on the wordpress website
The work is performed quality and in time. I recommend
19 November 2021
96 USD
Covers the design based in the two-page image and connect wayforpay
Everything is super. I recommend cooperation
12 July 2021
72 USD
Спасибо Николая за прекрасный результат. Будем сотрудничать и далее!)
6 July 2021
108 USD
Верстка/Натяжка на WP
Очень крутой результат от Николая.
Видно что специалист высокого уровня. Работой я доволен.
Смело могу рекомендовать его!
4 May 2021
168 USD
Редизайн сайта
Как всегда, отличная работа по созданию сайта с нуля!
7 February 2021
12 USD
Доработка визуальной составляющей сайта.
Как всегда работа сделана достойно и качественно. Сотрудничаем дальше.
29 December 2020
96 USD
Creating a banding for the sale of 3 sets of perfumes
Everything is done well, according to TZ. Nikolai is always in contact, quickly responds to questions and adjustments to the project. I strongly recommend cooperation.
21 November 2020
12 USD
Изменение дизайна сайта
Отличная работа по редизайну сайта!
12 November 2020
60 USD
Creation of Lending. A simple monoling.
A good website, a good contact.
2 October 2020
24 USD
Вёрстка 2 внутренних страниц + мелкие правки
Спасибо за работу. Всё отлично.
29 September 2020
31 USD
Making a Lending Wire
I made an order without orders. The package was taken quickly. The price of the service has arranged me. I recommend !
| Response feedback
27 September 2020
19 USD
Доработка дизайна сайта
Николай как всегда на высоте, сотрудничаем уже не в первый раз!
Человек отлично справляется с работой и доводит результат до идеала - рекомендую на все 100%
24 September 2020
43 USD
Посадка 3 страниц на WP
Спасибо за работу и оперативные правки.
18 September 2020
19 USD
Two internal pages
Thank you for work. Everything was done in accordance with the original design, the directions were not required. I recommend it.
17 September 2020
51 USD
Lending on WordPress
Thank you Nicholas for the work done! It was always on the link, a very good site on WordPress.
13 September 2020
20 USD
Адаптивная верстка макет figma
Проект выполнен оперативно и качественно. Рекомендую к сотрудничеству.
11 September 2020
10 USD
Верстка страниц Figma десктоп
Задача выполнена полностью и в условленный срок. Продолжаем сотрудничество. Рекомендую.
9 September 2020
10 USD
Доработка лендинг пейджа
Верстка выполнена оперативно и профессионально.
5 September 2020
102 USD
Immediate layout from Figma with landing on WordPress
The task is performed in time and in full. All wishes and comments are accepted. I am pleased with the result, I recommend cooperation.
| Response feedback
18 August 2020
72 USD
Доработка сайта
Доработка сайта выполнена на ура! Определённо буду предлогать ещё проекты.
6 July 2020
360 USD
Website for ticket sales (bus) NEW
The work is done at the height. The work of Nicholas exceeded my expectations. Very pleased !
26 June 2020
12 USD
PRELOADER на сайт битрикс24 облако
Все выполнено очень качественно и быстро, спасибо вам
| Response feedback
25 May 2020
192 USD
Сайт под ключ
Очень приятно было работать с Николаем.
В процессе работы возникло много сложностей и правок, с которыми Николай блестяще справился.
Профессиональный подход и приятная коммуникация.
Проект доведен до конца, работой очень доволен.
Всем рекомендую.
30 April 2020
72 USD
Turn down and push to WordPress.
The work is carried out professionally and in time. I recommend to everyone. Always in contact, he will explain and tell everything.
6 April 2020
156 USD
Доработка сайта
Была задача доработать сайт - выолнено на ура!
Рекомендую Николая как отличного специалиста.
27 February 2020
240 USD
Сайт для фотографа
Очень ответственно подошёл к работе!
Несмотря на многочисленные изменения в дизайне с моей стороны, помог довести идею по созданию сайта до идеала, итог - получилось даже лучше чем планировалось изначально.
Точно будем сотрудничать в будущем.
28 January 2020
120 USD
Верстка макета из AI
Работать с Колей в удовольствие. Верстка в точном соответствии дизайну, все пожелания выполнены. Очень доволен.
9 January 2020
144 USD
Creating a website on WordPress
A great executive. Everything is done in time and quality! Made fully according to the TZ, additional directions made without any extra questions and quickly. Thank you for work! I recommend cooperation.
26 December 2019
72 USD
Wraping the model from AI
Excellent work, very pleased with the quality of the wrap. I recommend !
19 December 2019
48 USD
Forms for ordering tickets
Everything is quick and quality. A great performer!
9 December 2019
36 USD
Make a website as much as possible - Site under key
It is a very good job.
Nicholas did everything very quickly.
He was always in contact, he always me.
I recommend it.
Here are the results -
9 December 2019
36 USD
The website is a portfolio of WordPress!
All is OK)
A good executor!
29 November 2019
102 USD
Сайт Алгоритм
Отличный и основательный специалист! Легко и воплощает в жизнь задачу. Очень рекомендую!
1 November 2019
24 USD
Верстка блоков по макету из psd
Все сделано вовремя и точно не смотря на плохое ТЗ 🙂
Николай очень добросовестный человек. Однозначно рекомендую к сотрудничеству.
9 October 2019
82 USD
Create an adaptive HTML/CSS/JS line of the site without integration into CMS
I have done my work at all 100% .All directions have been made in the shortest time quality at the height .All I recommend
15 August 2019
192 USD
Анимированный Лэндинг
Очень доволен работой! Николай - настоящий профессионал! К работе не придраться, все сделано на высшем уровне, буду обращаться в следующий раз, если понадобиться анимированный лэндинг!
9 August 2019
48 USD
Внесение правок на сайт
С работой справились на отлично! Будем работать еще
15 July 2019
31 USD
Сделать ссылочную структуру URL на сайте
Все хорошо. Я доволен. Планирую обращаться еще
4 July 2019
13 USD
Css for website
Everything went smoothly, I am very happy
3 July 2019
72 USD
Create a website visit card on WordPress
As always - Nikolai shows himself at the height, we continue cooperation)
30 April 2019
28 USD
List of site
Nikolai performed the order well, we will continue cooperation.
I can recommend
29 April 2019
41 USD
The front-end process, quickly
I went to Nicholas for the work. Minimum right, all quality and in a short time. I would like to work without a safe in the future. = )
9 April 2019
96 USD
Development of the Internet Store
A good performer. The repairs provided were done as needed. There was no time, but he warned of delay. In general, well
26 March 2019
102 USD
Create an adaptive site for the browser game (the basis of the design is ready)
Professional, fast, quality, and most importantly, Nicole communicates and makes all the amendments)
20 March 2019
72 USD
Создание небольшого интернет-магазина на Wordpress
Прекрасно выполнил свою работу. Даже особо замечаний не было. А те, которые были - быстро принимались и исправлялись
Однозначно рекомендую к сотрудничеству!
20 March 2019
12 USD
Доработки на сайте
Спасибо Николаю за проделанную работу, надеюсь в будущем еще поработать над моими сайтами.
16 March 2019
48 USD
Create a website with the possibility of buying goods
It’s all good, it’s done from the professional side. From the beginning, even no idea was how it would look, but after the first sketches, everything became clear. Super, pleased with the performance, I’m going to get back. I recommend it!
15 March 2019
Open and connect to the site the exploding window
Nikolai performed quickly and efficiently.
22 February 2019
41 USD
Доработки Интернет магазина
Уже не первый раз работаем с Николаем, очень доволен результатом! Спасибо огромное, рекомендую к сотрудничеству!)
15 February 2019
41 USD
Lending with adaptation
A good specialist, performed the project qualityly, was able to comply with not the simplest requirements, introduced all the necessary directions. I recommend cooperation!
12 February 2019
12 USD
Доработка Сайта каталога
Обращаюсь уже не в первый раз, - как всегда все на высоте! С Николаем очень комфортно работать. Правки и замечания выполняются оперативно. Высокая контактность. Рекомендую к сотрудничеству!)
4 February 2019
20 USD
Доработки верстки сайта
Николай все сделал быстро и качественно - 5 баллов
27 January 2019
19 USD
Правки по сайту
Отличный исполнитель, сотрудничаем не первый раз, и Николай снова доказывает свой профессионализм.
Были перевыполнены правки, - за что, очень благодарен! Если, вы обращаетесь к Николаю - результат гарантирован!
Всем советую этого исполнителя!)
21 January 2019
96 USD
Visit card completion
I really liked the collaboration with Nicholas, a specialist in his field.
The main advantages:
1) Reported on the work as agreed.
2) He fulfilled all the directions, without any prejudice.
3) Acceptable price and deadlines.
4) Have achieved the desired result - that's the most important thing in work!
To cooperate - I strongly recommend, and I will definitely address and advise everyone!
27 December 2018
60 USD
The online catalogue of goods
satisfied with the work done. A very comfortable collaborator. I recommend it.
17 December 2018
12 USD
Оптимизация сайта.
The task was not completed in time.
12 December 2018
48 USD
Верстка мобильной версии по макету.
Роботу зроблено якісно. Рекомендую.
28 November 2018
36 USD
Вёрстка сайта WordPress или Joomla в соответствии с макетами_Этап2
Не в первый раз сотрудничаем с Николаем. Работой доволен
22 November 2018
24 USD
Интеграция с wp
Чёткое выполнение поставленной задачи, учёл все пожелания.
16 November 2018
60 USD
Wordpress or Joomla web pages in accordance with patterns_Step1
Qualitative professional work. completed in time. Ready an informal approach to the work, the executive did not regret the time to detail the details of the problem. I hope for further cooperation.
6 November 2018
31 USD
Turn 1 adaptive and crossbrowser page.
Nicholas did everything good, I would say I did the impossible, and the other freelancers were throwing the head.
Sooner and without any hesitation, all my requests were taken into account. I can say he was waiting for me longer than I was for him.
I liked it, especially when it comes to contact.
21 October 2018
верст стр спас
Сработали с задержкой, но результат получен. Рекомендую попробовать работать с фрилансером.
28 August 2018
48 USD
The Landing
The work was done well and in time! I recommend a freelancer for work.
21 August 2018
108 USD
Create a promotional site on the example of a competitor’s website
Nicholas is a high-level specialist. We have been working on a number of projects and are very pleased.
I recommend it as a professional in my case.
13 August 2018
60 USD
List of pages
Nikolai has done the job well, I recommend cooperation.
9 July 2018
41 USD
act 219 CMC main LP
Порядочный фрилансер, сделал все хорошо, рекомендую к сотрудничеству
28 June 2018
31 USD
Improve the wordpress
Everything is great! Collaboration is slow
27 June 2018
72 USD
Add the WP template by TZ
Man of words and deeds. There were doubts at the beginning of the work, but it’s normal on freelance, then I realized that a person does the work not on “made” but on quality, taking into account the nuances on the work of hosting, the speed of download, the optimization of the mobile version, etc.
One phrase is a person with whom you can and should work. The deadlines were not deleted, he fulfilled everything as it was initially discussed on the TZ. Contact was without trouble. Now I’m preparing for his next TZ on this site, and then we’ll start working with other sites (we’ll make an online store with the integration of the office CRM C1).
25 June 2018
10 USD
Поправить верстку сайта
Восхищаюсь профессионализму и терпению Николая. Сделал сложный проект в кратчайшие сроки и на высоком уровне.
| Personal
13 June 2018
36 USD
Landing Page
Thank you very much)
All in time and quality.
I advise everyone
11 June 2018
36 USD
Landing Special Techniques
A professional heater on which you can always rely and this is all said!
| Response feedback
6 June 2018
Поправить мобильную версию
Отлично сделано! Продолжаем работать!
| Personal | Response feedback
29 May 2018
82 USD
Create a website.
Excellent performers, all done in time and at the highest level! Thank you !
| Response feedback
28 May 2018
Create the wordpress website
Everything is great! Continuing to work)
22 May 2018
Sweaters Worms
Not the first collaboration with Nicholas - quality, fast work at an affordable price!
Very much cooperation!
I strongly advise
15 May 2018
48 USD
Сайт на wordpress
Работа сделана на отлично. Учел все мои пожелания. Рекомендую данного исполнителя как профессионала.
8 May 2018
Наполнение сайта информацией и верстка
Работа выполнена!
2 May 2018
72 USD
Сайт по примеру
Результатом доволен!
Спасибо за работу
28 April 2018
13 USD
List of site
The order is made in time and at a high level!
Best impressions from work!
I recommend it as a reliable specialist.
7 April 2018
Наполнение сайта Kineziolog, часть 3
Все отлично, как всегда!
1 April 2018
Make a number of rectangles in the shell. WP
Great freelancer, everything clear and fast.
1 April 2018
31 USD
Simple landing on a finished html template
Nicholas is a great specialist. The work was done quality, was always in contact and quickly responded to the comments. The project was completed in time (which was very important)!
27 March 2018
10 USD
The Simple Landing
The project is performed greatly! Better impressions from cooperation!
Fast work, response to all directions! Always in contact!
Thank you !
I recommend !
27 March 2018
Продолжение по наполнению сайта
Все отлично, как всегда!
27 March 2018
48 USD
Landing page for sale of modern wooden windows
Nicholas, one of the few developers who knows how to surprise! The quality of the project at the highest level, less than 10\10 to put it simply impossible. Special thanks for the training of the web panel administrator!
I recommend cooperation!
16 March 2018
48 USD
Создание продающего сайта ( Лендинг)
понравилось работать, будем сотрудничать в дальнейшем
| Response feedback
13 March 2018
Complete and change a little site to WordPress
Good work, all in time and all my comments are taken into account!
4 February 2018
24 USD
Information single page (Lending type website)
I was a bit delayed, but only because of my fault, I wasn’t always in contact. All wishes, changes, additions were fulfilled without any extra questions, Clearly by principle - "Customer always right." It was very easy to work. I recommend as an executive. If necessary, I will contact more.
| Response feedback
29 January 2018
On the mobile version of the site make two items in a row instead of one
The work was done quickly and quality, the directions were implemented quickly
3 January 2018
24 USD
Improvement of the WordPress website
The project was performed very well, Nikolai Prof in his case.
The work is done on 5+ in a short time, done on hour!
14 November 2017
72 USD
Create a tourism website
Let’s say, the software part is not a matter, but in design there are nuances that can be improved.
30 October 2017
43 USD
Creation of the Landing Page of Cannabis Pasta
It’s okay, just a little longer.
30 September 2017
36 USD
The landing page
Everything liked, corrected small details that were important to us, I recommend. I will call again.
29 September 2017
12 USD
Верстка шаблона Wordpress
Спасибо за хорошо выполненную работу! Отличный специалист! Рекомендую!
26 September 2017
48 USD
Requires a lift.
Beautifully ! Not only understands the problem specified in the task, but also repaired the errors of the previous developer. Now the project works like oil! Thank you very much for constant feedback and responsibility. The first programming that is always in touch.
10 August 2017
48 USD
сверстать PSD
Все прошло хорошо!
2 August 2017
36 USD
The WP + WP
Thank you for work. Good projects for you.
12 July 2017
36 USD
Turn the banding + wp
Pleased with cooperation. Thank you for work!
6 July 2017
10 USD
Сделать формы отправки данных с сайта
Все сделано быстро и качественно.
Все замечания и просьбы учтены.
4 July 2017
Правки на WP
Все оперативно и качественно!
4 July 2017
11 USD
Сверстать страницу
Все сделано качественно и в срок - четко и быстро. Довольна сотрудничеством и могу рекомендовать.
29 June 2017
Натянуть 3 страницы на вп
Замечательный исполнитель. Обьяснил все четко и ясно. Ну и соответственно качественно выполнил работу
| Response feedback
28 June 2017
Repair the wordpress topic.
Everything was done quickly and quality. I hope I will be addressing in the future. Thank you !
27 June 2017
Правки на WP
Все быстро и качественно.
18 April 2017
60 USD
One-sided edge, pressing on CMS
Everything was performed qualityly, Nikolai brought all the directions and wishes that I did not indicate even in the original TZ. A reliable executor.
11 March 2017
48 USD
Верстка и постановка сайта на ВордПресс
Все по делу и в срок , спасибо
3 March 2017
96 USD
Верстка сайта и натяжка на движок
Все отлично, все сроки выдержаны, все пожелания и правки внесены, всегда на связи.
8 February 2017
Translation and small website adjustments.
Thank you very much, all the tasks are taken in the summer, done quickly and quality. I recommend it as a good specialist.
3 February 2017
Correction of the WP website now
The work is done quickly and quality. I recommend cooperation.
25 January 2017
60 USD
Listing of the new main page on WordPress
I am completely satisfied with the work done, the quality and the willingness to go to the meeting. If necessary, I will take advantage of the services of McKee and will recommend it to acquaintances.
16 January 2017
Make changes to the wordpress site on hosting
A good freelancer. We fulfilled additional wishes, not agreed in tz, always in contact. I recommend it to everyone 😉
3 January 2017
31 USD
HTML/CSS WordPress website
Everything is great and in time. It was a pleasure that we didn’t have to reveal a lot of details and nuances. Work on the principle of “all is so understandable”. Everything is done quality and as it is necessary (!) Even where everything was not cleared during the order.
28 December 2016
31 USD
Adaptation of the site to mobile devices
I did everything professionally, patiently put everything into work according to the wishes of the customer 🙂
9 December 2016
Creating a website, accompanying a site on WordPress.
As always, everything is fast and perfect. Thank you Nicholas.
2 December 2016
36 USD
Strengthening the design on WordPress
A skilled specialist, the project was completed quickly, the defects were also removed quickly.
30 November 2016
12 USD
Upgrading, the WordPress site.
Thank you for the help, I did everything as planned and even more. I recommend the specialist.
18 November 2016
19 USD
Adapting the site
Nikolai carried out the project quality and in time. Correction was also made very quickly. I’m not working once and I’m very happy to work together. I advise
15 November 2016
34 USD
Adaptation of the site
The project is performed qualityly. The work was done quality and quite as quickly. I advise.
14 November 2016
51 USD
Design, stretching and setting of the site on WP
Thanks to Nicholas! You have done everything quickly and quality! If there were comments corrected them instantly, which indicates that he is very well understood in the code and in general in the cms.
Thanks again, ahead of a few serious projects, decided to continue the joint work!
| Response feedback
31 October 2016
24 USD
Landing wrap on the ready PSD pattern and hosting installation
Everything is good and in time, I recommend.
24 October 2016
12 USD
Доработка верстки
Пришлось повторно обратитьяс к Николаю по одному и тому же проекту. После того, как Николай выполнил верстку, претензий не было. Однако в процессе наполнения сайта пришлось часть функционала переделывать, в результате чего появилась необходимость доработать верстку. Николай согласился, и снова удивил качеством работы. Очень доволен. Спасибо.
29 September 2016
12 USD
Preparation of the site page
Everything was great, he performed the promised faster, which was very pleased. fulfilled all the requirements. Thank you !
16 September 2016
Page for the site, until full launch
The task is accomplished in accordance with all our wishes. Cooperation is pleased. I recommend !
18 August 2016
10 USD
Making a super simple one-sided. HTML PHP and CSS
Nikolai, thank you very much for your work!
Everything is done carefully, carefully and clearly, all assigned tasks are fulfilled.
He did even more than was initially agreed. Everything was built and arranged faster than expected.
Nicholas is professional to solve even small tasks.
Every day in contact, everything is under control.
I recommend cooperation.
11 August 2016
31 USD
Web site on the WP design
Thank you for work.
Really done in 2 days =)
very good
| Response feedback
8 August 2016
19 USD
It is necessary to make a website
I recommend: on my fault the deadlines were exceeded, but the performer remained a professional and did more than he demanded, while in the "best form"!!! I recommend again!
28 July 2016
29 USD
Catalogue of goods + adapts
The line is satisfied. There are three versions of the web base, 320 and 720.
In all browsers, everything is OK, in smartphones and tablets the same way.
15 July 2016
19 USD
The website visited
The work was done quality and the freelancer always gave feedback! I recommend !
2 July 2016
Creating a website on WordPress
Project for the WP website.
There were no questions about time and quality. They formed a seafood, issued passwords, started work.
In the process of work came out a couple of moments not taken into account in the task. Nicholas taught wishes and realized them.
I remained satisfied. Can I recommend it for other tasks? In WP, I can.
5 June 2016
12 USD
Download PSD and download to
The only one who could solve the tasks. (Many have tried before but everything is clear!)
Important work in the shortest possible time.
A great specialist.
I recommend cooperation, the deal has been successful, we will continue to work.
31 May 2016
Поправить адаптивную верстку
Все сделал очень быстро, буквально моментально. Надеюсь на дальнейшее сотрудничество. Рекомендую как знатока своего дела!
30 April 2016
The Landing
He finished his work in time, repaired everything he asked.
14 March 2016
14 USD
Сверстать и поставить очень простой сайт на wordpress
Николай,отличный исполнитель! Всегда на связи, работает очень быстро,правки вносятся объективно и очень быстро. Я очень доволен!
2 March 2016
You need to add images to the background of the site.
Thank you for the quick and high quality work. This is a rare case when you don’t even have to put the directions. Everything was agreed at first. I recommend !
26 February 2016
Instead of a background image on the site make a background video
Nikolai fulfilled the task quickly and qualityly! Thank you very much for the professionalism.
16 February 2016
19 USD
Creating a blog on the DLE engine
Working with Nicholas was comfortable. All the routes were taken quickly. Explanations on administration were written in a available form using screenshots. Everything that was indicated in the tasks and machets was performed quality. I hope for further cooperation.
13 February 2016
24 USD
верстка сайта
The programming does not work:
1) has not entered the deadlines that he has proposed:
I extended the term to the word 2 to him, indicating specific comments, but the person either ignored them or did partly.
2) quality of work - the programmer did not perform the task at first, after the extension of the deadline some observations made, some ignored again
3) indicating the specific comments the third race has already extended the deadline, while asking him how much time it takes - in the end of the morning he received a message that I refuse to pay)
While the work area was given access, it was open before that time.
The money is in the seat.
One and most important condition do the robots if not with the deadline of the dack even normal, and get a payment
I don’t recommend!
28 January 2016
Set a flash player with one film.
The work is performed. Fast and quality.
A very good performer.
26 January 2016
Make a Slider for the Movie Site
Just super. I was very happy with the result and it was even better than planned.
The executive made all the little things that needed.
I recommend it.
15 January 2016
Posts Tagged business blog on wordpress
The project was completed and thanked Nicholas for the great work. I recommend it as a confident and competent professional.
13 January 2016
50 USD
Верстка интерфейса
He gave this freelance project,as he said that he will perform and will begin "just now."There was a contract that after a day he will drop the test page for the review.At the end he fed the promises,and at the end he completely ceased to get out of contact.I definitely do not recommend,very irresponsible freelance.The deadlines are broken,the project is not fulfilled...
31 December 2015
Blogging on WP
The task was done well, all the comments were accepted and completed in the shortest time possible. I am grateful to Nicholas and I recommend it as a responsible developer!
24 December 2015
12 USD
Stretching the design
It is good and quality)
15 December 2015
Turn 2 pages.
The project performed greatly. He listened to all the requirements. I am happy with the result, I recommend this freelancer.
2 December 2015
Writing 10 reviews of products on the site
Everything is OK! Fast implementation, according to TZ. Pleased with cooperation.
1 December 2015
Make one button on the site.
This is the first time I have collaborated with Nicholas. He was completely satisfied with his work and responsibility. I recommend cooperation!
28 November 2015
The completion of the site.
I recommend ! He did the task very quickly. Always in contact, all additional wishes fulfilled. He did better than was placed in the task. He made his proposals, explained and disinterpreted everything. I am very pleased with the work, I advise everyone!
Recent proposals 10 | Budget | Added | Terms | Proposal | |
Driving school website in Dutch
573 USD
Landing with animations
144 USD
Create a page for the website in Figma
24 USD
Design product card
24 USD
Looking for someone who understands figma
120 USD
Landing page on WordPress (Design ready)
108 USD
Landing Page - design.
144 USD
Design pages for the website
24 USD
Develop product page designs for a cosmetic company
240 USD
Website design.
360 USD