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Vadym Vovchok

Offer Vadym to work on your next project.

Ukraine Mykolaiv, Ukraine
3 days 11 hours ago
Available for hire available for hire
age 22 years
registered for 2 years


Successful projects
There is no data
Average rating
There is no data
Contextual Advertising 2
Marketing Research

Language Proficiency Level

Українська Українська: fluent



  • 108 USD

    Sell motorcycle gear

    Contextual Advertising
    During the period from 1.04.2022 to 16.02.2023, the client invested 389,000 UAH in advertising and received 1980 sales amounting to 3,954,000 UAH.
  • 144 USD

    Cargo transportation across Ukraine

    Contextual Advertising
    From 01.05.2022 to 16.02.2023, 13,630 calculator calculations were received, $11,275 was invested in advertising. The average conversion price is $0.83.
  • 144 USD

    Sale of professional equipment for hairdressers, stylists:

    Contextual Advertising
    During the period from 01.01.2022 to 16.02.2023, the client invested 397,500 UAH in advertising and received 2093 sales amounting to 5,863,000 UAH.
  • Context Advertising Google Ads

    Contextual Advertising
    Settings of the site for the sale of shoes
  • The Zoo

    Contextual Advertising
    Setting the Zoo Shop


  Recent proposals 10
Contextual advertising
240 USD
Setting up contextual advertising + management
110 USD
Setting up contextual advertising
48 USD
Setting up and supporting Google Ads campaigns
144 USD
Setting up contextual advertising for the store.
240 USD
Google Ads advertising Car Service Warsaw
144 USD
Increase the quality score of landing pages to "above average" in Google ADS advertisements.
24 USD
Google contextual advertising
150 USD
Launch a campaign in Google Ads
50 USD
Management and optimization of the Google Ads advertising campaign
120 USD