Alexandr Kononenko
Content Management
from 359 USD per month
Information Gathering
from 4 USD per hour
Online Stores & E-commerce
from 359 USD per month
- Website Maintenance
Outsourcing & consulting
from 0 USD per unit
Articles & Blog Posts
from 3 USD per 1000 symbols
from 4 USD per 1000 symbols
from 2 USD per 1000 symbols
and it. Instructions: How to Add a Table to WordPress
CopywritingPosts for WordPress Blog:
* Unicity at the time of writing and publication 100%.
Structured text, screenshots.
… Organic SEO keys.
#alexko_content #Content Manager #IT #ITstatistics #Content #Copyright #Copyright #seo-text #seo-copyright #seo-optimization #Articles #Blog #Internet-Marketing #Content-Marketing #Marketing #FullSites #email-Marketing #email-link #Description #InfoSites #Statistics #TextBlog #Wordpress
and it. Review of the WordPress Editor
CopywritingPosts in the WordPress blog:
* Unicity at the time of writing and publication 100%.
Structured text, screenshots.
… Organic SEO keys.
#alexko_content #Content Manager #IT #ITstatistics #Content #Copyright #Copyright #seo-text #seo-copyright #seo-optimization #Articles #Blog #Internet-Marketing #Content-Marketing #Marketing #FullSites #email-Marketing #email-link #Description #InfoSites #Statistics #TextBlog #Wordpress
A blog about beauty. Cysts for Painting
Articles & Blog PostsPosts on the beauty blog:
* Unicity at the time of writing and publication 100%.
Structured text.
… Organic SEO keys.
#alexko_content #Content Manager #Opencart #Content #Copyright #SMM #SMM-Manager #Copyright #seo-Text #seo-Copyright #seo-Optimization #Articles #Blog #Internet-Marketing #Content-Marketing #Marketing #FullSites #email-Marketing #email-Link #Description-Product #InfoStates #Articles #TextBlog #Wordpress
This is a blog about beauty. Laser epilation
Articles & Blog PostsPosts in the Blog of Beauty:
* Unicity at the time of writing and publication 100%.
Structured text.
… Organic SEO keys.
#alexko_content #Content Manager #Opencart #Content #Copyright #SMM #SMM-Manager #Copyright #seo-Text #seo-Copyright #seo-Optimization #Articles #Blog #Internet-Marketing #Content-Marketing #Marketing #FullSites #email-Marketing #email-Link #Description-Product #InfoStates #Articles #TextBlog
Office for the school. Category Internet shop
Content ManagementText for the category of website with office:
* Unicity at the time of writing and publication 100%.
Structured text.
… Organic SEO keys.
#alexko_content #Content Manager #Opencart #Content #Copyright #SMM #SMM-Manager #Copyright #seo-Text #seo-Copyright #seo-Optimization #Articles #Blog #Internet-Marketing #Content-Marketing #Marketing #CompletionSites #email-Marketing #email-Link #Description-Commerce
Blocks on the spirals. Posts in category, office
CopywritingPosts in category Online shop:
* Unicity at the time of writing and publication 100%.
Structured text.
… Organic SEO keys.
#alexko_content #Content Manager #Opencart #Content #Copyright #SMM #SMM-Manager #Copyright #seo-Text #seo-Copyright #seo-Optimization #Articles #Blog #Internet-Marketing #Content-Marketing #Marketing #CompletionSites #email-Marketing #email-Link #Description-Commerce
Aromates in the car. Text for category shop
CopywritingText for the category of car aromatizers:
* Unicity at the time of writing and publication 100%.
Structured text.
… Organic SEO keys.
Addition to the site.
* The internal link.
#alexko_content #Content Manager #Opencart #Content #Copyright #SMM #SMM-Manager #Copyright #seo-Text #seo-Copyright #seo-Optimization #Articles #Blog #Internet-Marketing #Content-Marketing #Marketing #CompletionSites #email-Marketing #email-Link #Description-Commerce
The Aroma. Text in category
CopywritingText for the Aroma Category:
* Unicity at the time of writing and publication 100%.
Structured text.
Organic SEO keys.
… Addition to the site.
* The internal link.
#alexko_content #Content Manager #Opencart #Content #Copyright #SMM #SMM-Manager #Copyright #seo-Text #seo-Copyright #seo-Optimization #Articles #Blog #Internet-Marketing #Content-Marketing #Marketing #CompletionSites #email-Marketing #email-Link #Description-Commerce
Text on the update of the assortment, autotema
Content ManagementText news for the online store of car parts:
* Unicity at the time of writing and publication 100%.
Structured text.
* Organic search requests are registered.
… * The internal link.
Addition to the site.
#alexko_content #Content Manager #Opencart #Wordpress #Content #Copyright #SMM #SMM-Manager #Copyright #seo-Text #seo-Copyright #seo-Optimization #Articles #Blog #Internet-Marketing #Content-Marketing #Marketing #FullSites #email-Marketing #email-Link #Articles #Description-Commerce
Text for category online store, autotema
Content ManagementText for the category of freezing fluids:
* Unicity at the time of writing and publication 100%.
Structured text.
* Organic search requests are registered.
… * The internal link.
#alexko_content #Content Manager #Opencart #Wordpress #Content #Copyright #SMM #SMM-Manager #Copyright #seo-Text #seo-Copyright #seo-Optimization #Articles #Blog #Internet-Marketing #Content-Marketing #Marketing #FullSites #email-Marketing #email-Link #Articles #Description-Commerce
Autoblog about fuel savings
Content ManagementPosts on the blog of the online store:
* Unicity at the time of writing and publication 100%.
Structured text.
* Organic search requests are registered.
… * The internal link.
Addition to the site.
#alexko_content #Content Manager #Opencart #Wordpress #Content #Copyright #SMM #SMM-Manager #Copyright #seo-Text #seo-Copyright #seo-Optimization #Articles #Blog #Internet-Marketing #Content-Marketing #Marketing #FullSites #email-Marketing #email-Link #Articles
Posts in the blog of the online store
Content ManagementArticle on the autoblog about the choice of the turbine:
* Unicity at the time of writing and publication 100%.
Structured text.
* Organic search requests are registered.
… * The internal link.
Addition to the site.
#alexko_content #Content Manager #Opencart #Wordpress #Content #Copyright #SMM #SMM-Manager #Copyright #seo-Text #seo-Copyright #seo-Optimization #Articles #Blog #Internet-Marketing #Content-Marketing #Marketing #FullSites #email-Marketing #email-Link #Articles
Text for the product card, autotema
CopywritingDescription of the special car liquid:
* Unicity at the time of writing and publication 100%.
Structured text.
Organic SEO keys.
… Addition to the site.
* The internal link.
#alexko_content #Content Manager #Opencart #Wordpress #Content #Copyright #SMM #SMM-Manager #Copyright #seo-Text #seo-Copyright #seo-Optimization #Articles #Blog #Internet-Marketing #Content-Marketing #Marketing
Description of the product, autotema
CopywritingDescription of car oil:
* Unicity at the time of writing and publication 100%.
Structured text.
Organic SEO keys.
… Addition to the site.
* The internal link.
#alexko_content #Content Manager #Opencart #Content #Copyright #SMM #SMM-Manager #Copyright #seo-Text #seo-Copyright #seo-Optimization #Articles #Blog #Internet-Marketing #Content-Marketing #Marketing #CompletionSites #email-Marketing #email-Link #Description-Commerce
Processing of the page of feedback
CopywritingFull layout of the page of the furniture factory reviews:
development of the structure.
* Selection and processing of photos.
Writing of texts.
… Addition to the site.
#alexko_content #Content Manager #Opencart #Content #Copyright #SMM #SMM-Manager #Copyright #seo-Text #seo-Copyright #seo-Optimization #Articles #Blog #Internet-Marketing #Content-Marketing #Marketing #FullSites #email-Marketing #email-Link
Reviews and compliments on completed projects 16
26 August 2024
14 USD
Filling the website with translations
Everything is great, a responsible approach to work.
23 June 2023
48 USD
Transcription by video and copy the text to the finished article
Everything is fine, the work is done well - the material will continue to be processed. Alexander did everything in time and quality.
10 May 2023
18 USD
Posts for an individual task
The task was performed timely, all according to the conditioned TZ.
9 February 2023
Написание двух СЕО текстов на украинском для сайта продажи вина
The work is done well, but not perfect.
22 January 2023
19 USD
I am looking for an experienced author, iGaming theme
Excellent work, I recommend the author, I plan long-term cooperation
4 August 2021
42 USD
Опис нових відео
Все чудового, гарна робота.
| Personal | Response feedback
26 July 2021
60 USD
Частина чотири, 10 текстів
Все гаразд. Зроблено згідно із ТЗ.
| Personal | Response feedback
1 July 2021
60 USD
Частина три, 10 текстів
Все зроблено згідно із ТЗ, люкс.
| Personal | Response feedback
12 June 2021
60 USD
Наступні 10 відео
Всі тексти написано згідно із ТЗ.
Все гаразд.
| Personal | Response feedback
1 June 2021
60 USD
10 відео, опис
Все гаразд, зроблено згідно із ТЗ.
| Personal | Response feedback
24 May 2021
Одне відео
Все чудово, зроблено вчасно. Дякую!
| Personal | Response feedback
24 February 2021
18 USD
Добавка 75 товаров на эпицентр
Быстро и качественно.Рекомендуем!
21 December 2020
Добавка товаров на маркетплейс Эпицентр
Сотрудничество прошло успешно. Рекомендуем!
30 November 2020
91 USD
Google My Business
Все чудово. Відповідально та вчасно
6 November 2020
81 USD
Google My Business 14 sites
Everything is done, in time and quality.
17 August 2020
21 USD
Content Manager for CMS Open Cart
It works quickly, the work is done well.
Recent proposals 10 | Budget | Added | Terms | Proposal | |
Need a copywriter with experience in writing SEO texts for a website.
646 USD
60 USD
Filling product cards
36 USD
Writing articles and descriptions for website categories
12 USD
Need a copywriter for the IT niche
48 USD
Website Administrator based on Wordpress
36 USD
Content manager for website filling
36 USD
Texts for external links for a medical equipment sales website (≈7000 characters)
36 USD
Website Content Manager, remote (OpenCart)
120 USD
Write SEO text for the website without using AI
24 USD