Olena F.

Language Proficiency Level
Design & art
Photo, Audio & Video
Targeted Advertising+working with LM for Interior Design Studies
Social Media AdvertisingResults in 6 months:
The number of new subscribers is 1657 members.
The average price of 1 subscriber is $1.73
The new leads - 164
… The average price of 1 lida is $18
SMM Complex for Online Training Studies
Social Media Marketing (SMM)Results in 4 months:
A total of transitions to the site - 3400 people
Registration for training - 230
The average cost of 1 training registration is $2.9
… The average ERR in the Instagram account - 9%
The average call-to-read on Instagram - 20/month
Number of new subscribers: 8100
Cost of 1 subscriber - 0.02$
Targeted advertising for the network of children's shoe stores
Social Media AdvertisingResults in 2 months:
The number of new subscribers is 600 people/month.
The average price of 1 subscriber is $0.32
The price is 395/month.
… Cost of 1 conversion (buy) - $2
SMM Complex for the University Clinic
Social Media Marketing (SMM)Results in 2 years
Average coverage of 1 post - 3900 people
Average ER – 6.50 %
Average col-to-leads - 20/mes
… The average price of 1 lida is $15
Create a page on Instagram for the Preparation Center for WHO
Social Media Page DesignPosts on Instagram:
The Account List
The Highlights
… Text for the Account Hat
Content plan and 12 text for posts
SMM Promotion for Children's Furniture Shop
Social Media Marketing (SMM)Results in 5 months:
The average Instagram post coverage: 22,000/month
Number of new Instagram subscribers: 1500
The average call-to-read on Instagram: 130/month
… The average number of purchases (site + direct): 33/month
SMM Complex for the Legal Literature Store
Social Media Marketing (SMM)Results in 1 year:
The average coverage of posts is 6500/month.
The average ER account on Instagram is 6,09%
Number of new subscribers - 10400/1 year
… The average price of 1 subscriber is $0.34
SMM complex for the interior salon
Social Media Marketing (SMM)Results in 1 year:
Average coverage - 4300 people/post
Number of new subscribers - 3600/1 year
The average ER account on Instagram - 5%
… The average call-to-leads from social networks is 10 / month.
The average call-in orders is 4 / month.
SMM Complex for Children's Bedwear Shop
Social Media Marketing (SMM)Results in 7 months:
Average coverage of 1 post - 4800/month
Average of 11%
Number of new subscribers - 5100
… The average price of 1 subscriber is 0.24$
SMM Complex for the Laminate Store
Social Media Marketing (SMM)Results of 1 year:
The average coverage of 1 post is 520 chol/month.
The average ER account on Instagram - 9%
The average number of ice is 60/month.
… The average number of new customers is 30 CHOL/MISS.
SMM Complex for Staff Agency
Social Media Marketing (SMM)Results for 2 miss:
Capture of CA: 85 tbsp
Number of new subscribers: 320 people.
Number of ice: 620
… Cost of 1 ice: 0.25$
SMM Complex for Budapest Restaurant
Social Media Marketing (SMM)Project in operation from August 2016 to the current day
The objectives:
1 . Promotion of the project in selected social networks;
2nd Attracting CA to a page on Instagram, to a website, to a restaurant;
… Three Increased loyalty to the brand;
4 . Increased recognition among the CA.
See more detail. here: https://farion.agency/cases/budapest/
SMM complex of the department of surgery "Kiev Regional Hospital"
Social Media Marketing (SMM)Results for 6 months:
Capture of CA is more than 300 thousand.
New subscribers - 1800 CHOLs.
Number of: 80 online
… New patients are 4 chols.
Reviews and compliments on completed projects 38
31 July 2024
192 USD
SMM/content manager
A big thank you to Olena for her professional approach to completing the tasks. Everything was done according to a clearly defined plan, within the exact deadlines.
9 May 2024
120 USD
Instagram wedding florist
Beautiful execution of the assigned task. The project was completed ahead of schedule by the performer, due to my busy schedule, I couldn't respond to the performer's questions and comments as dynamically, but everything went well.
9 April 2018
32 USD
Благодарю Елену Фарион за проведение консультации по оформлению и ведению аккаунта в инстаграмм. Появилась полная ясность как это должно выглядеть и что делать с аккаунтом для успешного продвижения. Всем доволен, продолжаю сотрудничество.
28 February 2018
288 USD
maintenance of smp - 23
Спасибо за проделанную работу!
8 February 2018
276 USD
maintenance of smp - 24
Все как оговорено, спасибо Вам!
8 December 2017
288 USD
maintenance of smp - 22
Надежная и качественная работа, как всегда. Спасибо!
31 October 2017
288 USD
maintenance of smp - 21
Елена, я снова пропустила срок.... Прошу прощения!! И спасибо за все!
Для всех заказчиков: Елена отличный фрилансер, делает все в срок (в отличии от заказчика).
19 July 2017
288 USD
maintenance of smp - 20
Фрилансер снова порадовала отличной работой! Спасибо!
13 June 2017
144 USD
maintenance of smp - 19
Прошу прощения за задержки, спасибо за отличную работу!!
1 May 2017
144 USD
maintenance of smp - 18
Все сделано как надо, спасибо фрилансеру, работаем дальше!
21 March 2017
50 USD
maintenance of smp - 17
качественная работа, как всегда!
15 February 2017
50 USD
maintenance of smp - 16
Все сделано очень качественно! Спасибо фрилансеру!
23 December 2016
49 USD
maintenance of smp - 15
отличная работа, продолжаем сотрудничество
18 November 2016
194 USD
maintenance of smp - 14
как всегда: очень качественная работа со стороны фрилансерa. благодарим и продолжаем сотрудничать!
12 October 2016
194 USD
maintenance of smp - 11
все требования выполнены, спасибо фрилансеру!
6 October 2016
19 USD
maintenance of smp - 13
отличаная работа, спасибо вам!
16 September 2016
38 USD
maintenance of smp - 12
все сделано быстро и качественно - как всегда
5 September 2016
120 USD
maintenance of smp - 9
как обычно - все идеально. спасибо!!
5 August 2016
36 USD
maintenance of smp - 10
фрилансер выполняет задания быстро и еффективно. спасибо!
25 July 2016
200 USD
maintenance of smp - 7
все идеально сделано! спасибо огромное фрилансеру
24 June 2016
60 USD
maintenance of smp - 8
очень оперативно и целеустремленно. спасибо за идеальное выполнение задачи.
22 June 2016
300 USD
maintenance of smp - 6
как всегда, все идеально
21 June 2016
80 USD
maintenance of smp - 5
как всегда, все отлично!
20 May 2016
100 USD
maintenance of smp - 3
очень качественная, профессиональная работа. спасибо!
20 April 2016
40 USD
maintenance of smp - 4
все сделано как надо, спасибо!
19 April 2016
100 USD
maintenace of smp
очередной раз отличная работа, выполнение всех требовании, высокое качество, профессионализм. спасибо!!
18 March 2016
40 USD
maintenance of smp - 2
работа выполнена в срок, спасибо!
11 March 2016
50 USD
SMM promote the restaurant "Budapest", the city of Odessa.
Working with Elena leaves only positive impressions.
3 March 2016
200 USD
virtual identity part 2
проект окончен раньше срока. отличная, очень качественная и профессиональная работа со стороны фрилансера. фрилансер умеет самостоятельно, креативно и целенаправленно работать. очень приятное и плодотворное струдничество!
18 February 2016
100 USD
virtual identity part 1
отличная, очень качественная работа!! умеет самостоятельно и целенаправленно работать. креативный и приятный в общении. всем советую!
23 November 2015
72 USD
SMM and all that has to do with it.
The work is done with 10 points out of 5 possible!) Lena is a great specialist with exceptional work experience and incredible opportunities! I will continue to work with her and advise everyone!!! If SMM is only Lena!The !
8 October 2015
10 USD
Problems with the site through cloudflare
No changes in optimization during Google analysis
6 October 2015
19 USD
SEO optimization of site
Thank you for work
5 October 2015
150 USD
Promotion of entertainment site
We continue to work together until everyone is happy.
| Response feedback
10 September 2015
We are looking for a SEO specialist in the startup for a piece of cake.
A great specialist. It to optimize the site under search engines. It clearly provided instructions to developers to correct errors. I recommend it as a very responsible and professional specialist.
25 August 2015
45 USD
Context Advertising on FB
Elena is a great worker, she has done the task in time. I am pleased with cooperation with her.
| Response feedback
The work is done, thank you. Good customers .
14 July 2015
24 USD
Correction of SEO errors on the site with the osCommerce engine
A great executive.
I will continue to work together, responsibility and quality of work is great!
I got a lot of useful advice.
Recent proposals 10 | Budget | Added | Terms | Proposal | |
Edit 10 videos to 1 minute
60 USD
Video editing of modeling + painting a picture
24 USD
SMM specialist for the Instagram store of ECO bags with in-house production
120 USD
SMM promotion
30 USD
Instagram promotion Tattoo Master
144 USD
SMM/content manager
192 USD
SMM/content manager
12 USD
456 USD
Managing Instagram and Facebook accounts for the company
480 USD
Looking for SMM - Content Strategist
360 USD