My name is Vasyl. I am developing mobile applications for the Android platform in the Kotlin programming language. I have been working in this field for more than a year, I have also been creating gaming applications for mobile devices on the Unity engine for more than 3 years. I can allocate approximately 6 hours on the day of work.
41Storage: SQLite, Room, Firestore Database, Realtime database, SharedPreferences, Android File System, MediaStore, Firebase storage, Firebase hosting Crash/product analytics: Firebase Crashlytics, AppMetrica, Firebase Analytics, AppsFlyer, New Relic, Google Analytics UI: Jetpack Compose, Custom layouts, XML layouts (FrameLayout/LinearLayout /RelativeLayout/ConstraintLayout /MotionLayout etc.), Animations, Material Knowledge of TDD, MVVM…
App Development for Android · AI & Machine Learning
Apps for iOS (iPhone and iPad) · App Development for Android
Observer, Singleton, The Clean Architecture (MVVM) iOS stack: Tools: Xcode, Swift, Push-notification, VSC, TestFlight, Firebase, Crashlytics, JSON, REST, Google Analytics, Yandex Metrica, Swift UI Libraries: AFNetworking 2.x/3.x, Alamofire, CoreData, Realm, SDWebImage, CryptoSwift, KeychainAccess, AdMob, Facebook SDK, Instagram SDK, Vkontakte SDK, RxSwift Patterns: Observer, Delegate, Singleton, The Clean Architecture (MVVM)…
♂️Provides services , such as: working with REST API; integrating Firebase services; creating app layout; consultation about creating android app; ️Technologies with which mainly work : ✅Android SDK; ✅Kotlin; ✅Ktor; ✅Git; ✅XML; ✅Jetpack Components(Compose, ViewModel, Navigation,DataStore) ✅Coroutines; ✅Dagger; ✅Hilt; ✅Retrofit; ✅Okhttp Also creating your app architecture, such as: MVVM; MVI
App Development for Android · Java
Приветствую всех заказчиков! Я разработчик приложений для Android. Опыт работы в android: Мобильное приложение; Платежные приложения; Мультимедийное приложение; Новостное приложение; Интернет-магазины приложение ; Приложения для GPS - отслеживания Приложение для экспорта данных. Programming skills: Android Studio, Intellij IDEA. Kotlin, Java Dagger, Koin, Dagger Hilt. MVC, MVP, MVVM…
Apps for iOS (iPhone and iPad) · App Development for Android