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Game "Take the Tree" on Unity for Android and iOS

Translated359 USD

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Current freelance projects in the category Desktop Apps

Salesforce Team Lead

We have a request for a Salesforce Team Lead! Requirements: Experience with Sales Cloud, Service Cloud, and Community (Experience) Cloud. 2+ years of experience in the position of Team Lead. Proficient in Apex and LWC framework. Desired experience working with large-scale…

Databases & SQLDesktop Apps ∙ 1 day 7 hours ago

Delphi: update desktop application

Created on old Delphi 5, need to update the code for the current version of the Windows operating system.

Desktop Apps ∙ 1 day 23 hours ago ∙ 3 proposals

It is necessary to implement an application in JAVA with SentiGaze.

It is necessary to implement an application in JAVA that, using the SDK https://www.neurotechnology.com/sentigaze.html, will determine through the camera which block on the screen the user is looking at. Possible implementation options for web, mobile, and desktop.

JavaDesktop Apps ∙ 2 days 3 hours ago ∙ 4 proposals

Project for scraping a website, creating videos from content, and uploading to YouTube automatically.

479 USD

A comprehensive application or script needs to be created, specifically what should be: Step 1 - Parsing the website by certain parameters, obtaining text and images from each link Step 2 - Automatic creation of a YouTube thumbnail from one of the images, where information taken…

PythonDesktop Apps ∙ 4 days 17 hours ago ∙ 11 proposals

Gnome Extension (interactive windows in Activities Overview mode)

104 USD

In Gnome shell 46+ (Wayland), all windows turn into thumbnails that cannot be used fully. I need either a plugin or another solution that will fix this. As a result: even in Activities Overview mode, the windows will remain in their places and their size, and most importantly…

Javascript and TypescriptDesktop Apps ∙ 5 days 2 hours ago ∙ 1 proposal

David Maksimovich
Ukraine Lvov  2  0
Project published
1 year ago