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Update the Drupal version on the site

Translated50 USD

  1. 349  
    3 days50 USD

    Good day! I am ready to complete it, I have successful experience in updating Drupal while maintaining positions in Google search results. Feel free to contact me.
    Доброго дня! Готова виконати, є успішний досвід оновлення Drupal зі збереженням позицій у видачі гугл. Звертайтесь

  2. 4470    66  0
    1 day500 USD

    Good day
    The update will take place in several stages
    First, we need to update to Drupal 9
    Then to 9.4+, and then to Drupal 10
    Drupal 11 is already available, but the update is not mandatory yet.
    Write in private messages, we will discuss the details.
    Доброго дня
    Оновлення буде відбуватись в декілька етапів
    Спочатку треба оновитись до друпал 9
    Далі до 9.4+, і далі вже на друпал 10
    Є вже друпал 11, але апдейт ще необов'язково.
    Пишіть в ПП, обговоримо деталі.

  3. 261  
    10 days1000 USD

    Thank you for providing the details of your project. I can assist with updating your Drupal website from version 8.3 to the latest stable and secure version, ensuring smooth functionality and compatibility.

    Proposed Solution
    Assessment: Review the current website setup, modules, and theme compatibility.
    Upgrade Path: Update to the latest Drupal 8 LTS (Long-Term Support), followed by a migration to Drupal 9 or 10, depending on your site's requirements.
    Testing: Comprehensive testing for functionality, modules, and custom features.
    Deployment: Seamless launch of the updated version with minimal downtime.

    Assessment: 1–2 days.
    Core Upgrade: 2–3 days.
    Module and Theme Compatibility Adjustments: 2–3 days.
    Testing and Debugging: 1–2 days.
    Deployment: 1 day.
    Total Timeframe: 6–10 days (depending on the complexity of the current setup).

    Estimated Cost
    Full Upgrade: $1,000 USD.
    Optional Post-Upgrade Support: $300/month.

    Alternative Suggestion
    If you are open to exploring other platforms, consider migrating to WordPress. It offers:
    Easier maintenance and updates.
    Lower ongoing costs.
    Access to a wide range of plugins and themes.
    Migration to WordPress is possible within 2–3 weeks at an additional cost of $1,500–$2,000 USD.

    Let’s discuss your goals and preferences to determine the best path forward. I am here to ensure a smooth and reliable upgrade.

    Best regards,

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Style the layout in the custom plugin.

24 USD

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Redesign of WP sites

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Rustam S.
Uzbekistan Ташкент  79  0
Project published
24 days 22 hours ago
  • PHP
  • MySQL
  • Drupal