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Clean viruses on the site

Translated19 USD

Client's feedback on cooperation with Taras Gritsik


Thank you, Taras! Everything was done quickly and efficiently.

Freelancer's feedback on cooperation with Mak M.

Task formulation

It was a pleasure to work. Good task setting and payment without delays. I recommend for collaboration!

  1. 78    1  0
    2 days36 USD

    I can clean it if the site is on WordPress. I have experience. Contact me.
    Можу почистити якщо сайт на вордпрес. Маю досвід. Звертайтесь.

  2. 602    9  0
    Winning proposal1 day19 USD

    Ready to complete your task. Extensive experience in treating and protecting websites from viruses.

    Can I have the website URL in private messages? CMS?

    Feel free to reach out, we will discuss the details.
    Готовий виконати ваше завдання. Великий досвід у лікуванні та захисту сайтів від вірусів.

    Можна URL сайту у приватні повідомлення? CMS?

    Звертайтесь, обговоримо деталі.

  3. 578    11  0
    1 day12 USD

    First, we need to see the website
    Спочатку треба побачити сайт

  4. 9702    164  0   1
    1 day30 USD

    Hello. Write to me, a pro in my field! I will clean, protect, and provide a guarantee. Contact me.
    Вітаю. Пишіть, профі в своїй справі! Очищу, захищу, надам гарантію. Звертайтесь

  5. 5 more hidden bids

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Telegram mini app with 2 fields and a button React

33 USD

It is necessary to create a Telegram mini app, in accordance with the following technical specifications on React https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Y-MV2zVPn67S0RAqAIJr_c2-d-rqCDbuED_b773qYD4/edit?tab=t.0 It is necessary for the application to work natively from the business…

HTML & CSSJavascript and Typescript ∙ 47 minutes ago ∙ 1 proposal

Develop a window configurator for WordPress (Woocommerce)

Friends, hello everyone, we need to develop a quite complex window configurator. It needs to be integrated into WordPress. I am leaving an example of the configurator with a link https://configurator.raamdeal.nl/?option%5B8239%5D=Ja%2C+afwatering+onderkant+of+voorkant Please…

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Looking for a team of developers. JavaScript/Nuxt Vuejs/Nestjs PrismaORM

1280 USD

Looking for a developer for our browser-based 2D online game who has good knowledge in the following languages: Frontend: Nuxt Vuejs (typescript, Composition API, Vite, Vue-router, Pinia) Backend: Nestjs PrismaORM It is preferable that one of the developers has experience in…

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Redesign the personal account on OpenCart

169 USD

need to redesign the personal account on OpenCart 2.3 according to the design from Figma https://www.figma.com/design/2j8bFg3fqy866ZgV5IsNN5/NM site nailsmania.ua

HTML & CSSWeb Programming ∙ 4 hours 23 minutes ago ∙ 6 proposals

Add a button to the good shop website

The site on khorosho. It is necessary to add a button (download pdf) to the site in the cart, so that when clicked, it is possible to download the commercial proposal - images, specifications, price, etc...

HTML & CSSWeb Programming ∙ 6 hours 34 minutes ago ∙ 2 proposals

Mak M.
Ukraine Kyiv  63  0
Project published
3 months 30 days ago