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Optimizing code of a mobile application on ReactNative

Translated392 USD

Work result

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Client's feedback on cooperation with Oleg Maksimenko


The best ReactNative professional I have ever worked with. Fixed all the flaws in the code, optimization and code quality are top-notch. I recommend!

Freelancer's feedback on cooperation with Andrei Gramm

Task formulation

Everything was fine according to the standard) Ready for further cooperation with this customer

  1. 1928    9  0
    Winning proposal7 days392 USD

    I have free time and skills to implement fixes on your project
    У мене є вільний час та навички для реалізації фіксів на вашому проекті

  2. 150    1
    7 days392 USD

    Good evening! I am interested in your project. I can provide examples of work with chat apps on React Native. I have experience with React Native CLI and Expo. Please write. The deadlines are approximate, will be set precisely after discussing the details.
    Добрий вечір!
    Зацікавив ваш проект. Можу скинути приклади робіт з чататами на реакт нетів. є досвід React Native cli та Expo. Пишіть. Терміни виконання ставлю орієнтовні, точно після обговорення деталей

  3. 2 more hidden bids

Current freelance projects in the category Javascript and Typescript

A browser extension developer (Chrome) is required in JS.

500 USD

The functionality of UI-TARS needs to be transferred to a Chrome extension, excluding PC control. Alternatively, Open WebUI can be used, but UI-TARS is preferred. The code will need to be rewritten from scratch in JavaScript, and for automation, replace Playwright with…

Javascript and TypescriptPython ∙ 2 hours 31 minutes ago ∙ 3 proposals

Layout of the Figma template on VueJS 3 + Tailwind CSS 4

It is necessary to convert the website layout from Figma to Vue 3 + Tailwind CSS 4. Three main pages need to be implemented: the main page, the catalog page, and the final material page. Additionally, several separate components need to be created: search, authorization,…

HTML & CSSJavascript and Typescript ∙ 13 hours 22 minutes ago ∙ 12 proposals

Rage medium RP Server

I am looking for a specialist or a team of specialists to develop a medium RP server in GTA 5 RP. The server needs to be created from scratch. You will be provided with a script that needs to be implemented on the server. The server is planned to be developed over a long period…

C & C++Javascript and Typescript ∙ 1 day 1 hour ago ∙ 1 proposal

Интеграция AMOCRM > Baselinker

Техническое задание1. Цель и общая схема интеграции Цель: Автоматическая передача заказов (сделок) из amoCRM в систему BaseLinker для дальнейшей обработки, логистики и хранения информации о заказах. Схема: При создании/изменении сделки в amoCRM (например, при переходе на нужную…

Javascript and TypescriptClient Management & CRM ∙ 1 day 12 hours ago

Senior Blockchain developer needed

10 000 USD

We're seeking a skilled blockchain developer to help us integrate cryptocurrency payment gateways and implement smart contracts, enhancing our payment methods and overall user experience. Our goal is to update our payment system by implementing a native cryptocurrency payment…

Cryptocurrency & BlockchainJavascript and Typescript ∙ 1 day 13 hours ago ∙ 13 proposals

Andrei Gramm ProstoHosting LLC
Ukraine Mykolaiv  29  0
Project published
9 months 5 days ago