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Project development on php laravel

Translated192 USD

Applications 1

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  1. 476    2  0
    10 days241 USD

    Welcome to!
    We are familiar with your project and are ready to offer you a comprehensive work team of specialists with more than 8 years of experience. We create sites "under key" : design, functional, front-end, backend, layer, testing, marketing, SEO.
    The team is ready to start work in the near future. We are confident that we will be able to help you with the quality performance of your tasks in a short time and a competitive payment.
    We will be happy to cooperate with you!
    Ми ознайомилися з Вашим проектом і готові запропонувати для Вас комплексну роботу команди спеціалістів з досвідом понад 8 років. Ми створюємо сайти "під ключ" : дизайн, функціонал, фронтенд, бекенд, верстка, тестування, маркетинг, SEO.
    Команда готова приступити до роботи в найближчі терміни. Впевнений ми зможемо Вам допомогти з якісним виконанням поставлених задач за короткі сроки та конкурентоспроможну оплату.
    Будемо раді з Вами співпрацювати!

  2. 3 more hidden bids
  1. 4817    188  4   6
    35 days1083 USD

    Welcome, ready to complete, write in a personal message. Let’s talk about details.
    Вітаю, готовий виконати, пишіть в особисті повідомлення. Обговоримо деталі.

  2. 1 bid hidden

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Improve the multi-user application on Laravel

481 USD

On development: Dashboard, event log (logging), Notifications. I am attaching a link to a more detailed technical specification on Google Drive. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ij_YrZ7ach44PWC8vbp-akdufXON-lEISukjrpRGCxM/edit?usp=sharing I am ready to split the project…

PHPWeb Programming ∙ 1 hour 13 minutes ago ∙ 1 proposal

Company directory

A company directory needs to be created. The design should be minimalist, white and blue, with mobile version as a priority. Functionality: 1. Profile registration Name Contacts (phone, email, website, city (from dropdown), address) Photo (logo and completed works)…

PHPWeb Programming ∙ 1 hour 37 minutes ago ∙ 5 proposals

Integration of the site on Joomla with 1C

241 USD

Hello, I am looking for an experienced developer who has experience and a portfolio of complex integrations. I need to integrate with 1C on a Joomla site. Please provide your rates and a link to your portfolio. Thank you very much.

Javascript and TypescriptPHP ∙ 3 hours 49 minutes ago ∙ 1 proposal

Parsing products for Ocstore 3

24 USD

Parsing products for Ocstore 3 The Simplepars module is installed We need to parse for our website - a couple of categories with products - only the Ukrainian version (without auto-update) ======================= I am waiting for candidates and your bids (your price)! Thank…

PHPWeb Programming ∙ 3 hours 55 minutes ago ∙ 5 proposals

WordPress + Woo does not update prices for the client.

24 USD

Hello After updating the prices on the website using wp all import - the prices for clients remain the same. I am receiving a lot of "feedback" from employees that the prices visible to us and the prices quoted by users differ. This problem needs to be resolved. At the same…

JavaPHP ∙ 4 hours 25 minutes ago ∙ 3 proposals

Yevgeny Gorbishin
Ukraine Chernovtsy  3  0
Project published
2 years ago