Потрібно зробити програму для вирішення задачі на Pascal
7 USDДано множину із 2n елементів. Розглядаються всі можливі групи з n елементів цієї множини. Із них потрібно вибрати рівно половину груп так, щоби кожен елемент входив рівно у половину з обраних груп, при чому будь-які дві вибрані групи мали хоча б по одному спільному елементу. Чи можливо це, якщо n=3 і n=8?
Current freelance projects in the category Desktop Apps
Yacht Service Management ProgramHello! We need to develop a program for managing yacht maintenance services, with the ability to run on platforms Windows, macOS, iOS, Android (possibly a web interface). Currently, we have an incomplete analog of the program in Java - a system for managing aviation flights.… Web Programming, Desktop Apps ∙ 20 hours 56 minutes ago ∙ 14 proposals |
Applications for communication with a historical figure in the museumProject goal: 2 podiums like in debates with 1 podium on which a tablet/PC will be installed, the user has the option to choose a character followed by selecting a question for the character. On the 2nd podium, a projector is installed to display the hologram of the character… Hybrid Mobile Apps, Desktop Apps ∙ 22 hours 8 minutes ago ∙ 6 proposals |
Automated schedule for managing employee working hours and project planningFormat: Google Sheets (preferably) or ExcelDescription: It is necessary to create a project and employee scheduler that automatically updates when new data is added. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IF0a3_msURemN1NkVewTBU6hAiF4IKRn/view?usp=sharing - video assignment Databases & SQL, Desktop Apps ∙ 2 days 4 hours ago ∙ 12 proposals |
Delphi: update desktop applicationCreated on old Delphi 5, need to update the code for the current version of the Windows operating system. Desktop Apps ∙ 5 days 3 hours ago ∙ 4 proposals |
It is necessary to implement an application in JAVA with SentiGaze.It is necessary to implement an application in JAVA that, using the SDK https://www.neurotechnology.com/sentigaze.html, will determine through the camera which block on the screen the user is looking at. Possible implementation options for web, mobile, and desktop. Java, Desktop Apps ∙ 5 days 6 hours ago ∙ 4 proposals |