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24 USD

Current freelance projects in the category Web Programming

Development of a custom multi-page website with landing pages for a coach and NLP therapist

Project Goal Create an international multi-page website to promote services in coaching, NLP therapy, meditation, and turnkey marathons. The website should be responsive, support cross-browser compatibility, ensure high loading speed, and include landing pages for key services,…

Javascript and TypescriptWeb Programming ∙ 1 hour 8 minutes ago ∙ 8 proposals

Transfer the site from Tilda to Wordpress

145 USD

Good day! - take the skeleton of the site - https://gynecologist.pl/ with pages (main in 4 languages, contacts, prices, blog) - main page - https://www.figma.com/design/OiwMVzP0hDrO51DcRX0YjF/Aurora?node-id=76-515&node-type=frame&t=4qI5J24A8USAu9O2-0 - launch on hosting the…

Web Programming ∙ 3 hours 4 minutes ago ∙ 16 proposals

Set up Google Ads conversions

12 USD

The code is on the site, set up events and conversions, click WhatsApp, Telegram, email, a copy of all emails, and standard types of scrolling, etc.

Content Management SystemsWeb Programming ∙ 11 hours 42 minutes ago ∙ 2 proposals

Need a similar website / on Wix / or Webflow or just HTML

A similar website is needed / on Wix / or Webflow or just HTML Advise what is faster and more optimal to do In 4 languages https://ever-glow.ru/ All you need to provide are the files of a similar website, without edits Budget 100 dollars

Web Programming ∙ 12 hours 33 minutes ago ∙ 20 proposals

Change Phone on the opencart website

12 USD

1 On the opencart site, I changed the phone number in the contacts section, but the old phone number remains on the main page in the Header and Footer, I don't know where to change it The phone number is partially hidden and you need to click on it to reveal the full number…

HTML & CSSWeb Programming ∙ 12 hours 47 minutes ago ∙ 23 proposals

Yaroslav Parkhisenko Recoshelf
Ukraine Kyiv
Project published
4 years ago
4 years