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Change the form of the new sample TTHN of Nova Poshta in 1C


Applications 1

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  1. 232  
    1 day14 USD

    Good day. I can do it according to your wishes. I need version 1c. Write.
    Добрий день. Зможу зробити згідно Ваших побажань. Потрібен версія 1с. Сишіть

  2. 334  
    1 day12 USD

    Hello! I can complete the assigned task, feel free to contact me, we will discuss what needs to be replaced!
    Зможу виконати поставлене завдання звертайтесь, обговоримо що потрібно замінити!

Current freelance projects in the category Content Management Systems

Turnkey WordPress store

239 USD

Good day, dear ones! It is necessary to develop a store on WordPress with the following requirements: - The design should be minimalist. Everything on a white background. - The homepage should have the ability to display top products or products that need to be advertised. -…

Content Management SystemsWeb Programming ∙ 4 hours 48 minutes ago ∙ 20 proposals

Landing page for info business on the Wix platform

Good day. It is necessary to develop a selling design and assemble a landing page for online training. CMS Wix. HTML layout for other CMS is not considered. The review process is as follows: You write me a personal request, after which I send you a preliminary structure for…

Content Management SystemsWeb Design ∙ 1 day 2 hours ago ∙ 17 proposals

Wordpress Developer, coder, with good experience in PHP and hooks.

Need a competent Wordpress developer, coder. With experience in writing plugins, themes, ACF, PHP code in OOP style. Very important experience with ACF Blocks + Gutenberg. Attention to detail, a desire to find the best ways to implement. Carefulness in code checks, so that the…

Content Management SystemsPHP ∙ 1 day 4 hours ago ∙ 7 proposals

Верстка та інтеграція інтернет-магазину на OpenCart

Опис проєкту:Потрібно зверстати інтернет-магазин доглядової косметики та підключити CMS OpenCart. Дизайн вже готовий, необхідно лише реалізувати функціонал.Основні вимоги: Верстка за макетами для ПК та мобільної версії; Інтеграція з OpenCart; Реалізація особистого…

Content Management SystemsHTML & CSS ∙ 2 days ago ∙ 4 proposals

Updating PrestaShop from to 8.2 (3 stores)

104 USD

Hello! It is necessary to update PrestaShop from to 8.2 for three stores. After the update, all functions and modules must work. There are no third-party modifications, standard stores. *The theme for all stores is "Creative Elements by WebshopWorks"

Content Management SystemsPHP ∙ 2 days ago ∙ 1 proposal

Maksim Bezdrabko
Ukraine Kharkiv  1  0
Project published
1 month 1 day ago