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The Internet shop of perfume products.

Translated5 USD

Client's feedback on cooperation with Julia Ivashchenko


Everything is great. I advise everyone. The best reviews of the work done.

Freelancer's feedback on cooperation with Sergey Barkar

Task formulation

Sergey is a great customer. Honest and pleasant in communication.

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  1. 74    2  0
    Winning proposal1 day5 USD

    Subscribe to LS)
    отписалась в ЛС)

  2. 114    1  0
    1 day2 USD
  3. 243    7  0
    1 day5 USD

    Ready to take your project. Details of the proposal.
    Готова взяться за Ваш проект. Подробности предложения в лс.

  4. 95  
    1 day1000 USD

    Ready to start.
    Готова приступить.

  5. 143  
    8 days24 USD

    Good day !
    The amount of work I can do in 8 days.
    Experience in writing SEO-text sales for more than a year. Plus responsibility and punctuality.
    Добрый день!
    Указанный в обсуждениях объем работ могу выполнить за 8 дней.
    Опыт написания продающих СЕО-текстов более года. Плюс ответственность и пунктуальность.

  6. 240    2  0
    1 day5 USD

    Good day !
    Ready to take your project immediately.
    Details ready to be discussed in Skype: servak123
    Добрый день!
    Готов взяться за Ваш проэкт немедленно.
    Детали готов обсудить в скайп: servak123

  7. 5 more hidden bids
  • Profile deleted
    25 August 2015, 13:31 |

    Какие количество товара?

  • Sergey Barkar
    25 August 2015, 13:57 |

    Количество товаров не ограничено.

    В данный момент за месяц стоит цель, добавить 100 наименований и 18 брендов. По аналогии с уже имеющимся на сайте miam.com.ua

Current freelance projects in the category Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

I am looking for an SEO specialist for a project.

217 USD

work is required on specific SEO areas regular execution of specific SEO tasks the sites are old, SEO optimized, and have good positions from you, regular analytics, recommendations, and proposals are needed on specific areas according to the plan below, you assign tasks to the…

Website SEO AuditSearch Engine Optimization (SEO) ∙ 3 hours 16 minutes ago ∙ 14 proposals

Add a page on the website (PROM)

12 USD

The page must contain information about the service center. With contact details. Types of work, route map. Photos, etc. The page must be made for further participation in Google Ads.

Web DesignSearch Engine Optimization (SEO) ∙ 3 hours 56 minutes ago ∙ 3 proposals

Copywriting for SEO blog

A copywriter is required who understands Google's requirements and is capable of writing articles on the topic of finance ("mortgage in the Czech Republic", "insurance in the Czech Republic", etc.). Neural networks can be used, but wisely and with subsequent manual editing and…

CopywritingSearch Engine Optimization (SEO) ∙ 4 hours 14 minutes ago ∙ 28 proposals

Junior SEO Website content for electronics repair. WP+ACF

It is necessary to fill the website for electronics repair. For each page, it is necessary to write an SEO text that needs to be generated using AI.

Content ManagementSearch Engine Optimization (SEO) ∙ 5 hours 34 minutes ago ∙ 11 proposals

Google tag

12 USD

Good afternoon we have a Google tag for the company - I need it to be checked if it is set up correctly and if necessary, set it up properly and take care of the advertising for this company…

Website SEO AuditSearch Engine Optimization (SEO) ∙ 5 hours 57 minutes ago ∙ 7 proposals

Sergey Barkar
Ukraine Odessa  3  1
Project published
9 years ago