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Urgently need a specialist for working with WebSocket.


  1. 1202    15  1
    1 day50 USD

    Good evening,

    I am an experienced web developer with over 4 years of experience, an impressive portfolio, and a desire to achieve quality results quickly and accurately. I have a lot of experience with implementing websockets in the project.

    Доброго вечора,

    Я - досвідчений веб-розробник з досвідом понад 4 роки із вражаючим портфоліо та бажанням досягати якісних результатів швидко та точно. Я маю багато досвіду з реалізації вебсокетів в проекті


  2. 1616    15  0   2
    1 day50 USD

    Hello, I have experience, I can help - right after the discussion, feel free to reach out.
    My stack: JS, TS, ReactJS, NextJS, SCSS...
    Здравствуйте, есть опыт, могу помочь - сразу после обсуждения, обращайтесь.
    Мой стек: JS, TS, ReactJS, NextJS, SCSS...

  3. 49826    944  1   10
    1 day100 USD

    Hello. I have extensive experience with Node.js/Websockets. I am ready for collaboration.
    Здравствуйте.Есть большой опыт с Node.js/Websockets.Готов к сотрудничеству

  4. 598    32  0
    1 day50 USD

    Hello? I'm working with io sockets in node.js + javaScript + ts

  5. 720    4  0
    1 day100 USD

    Good afternoon, I have been specializing in development for over 7 years, ready to help with the project and start studying the problem. I suggest discussing the details in direct messages.
    Добрый день, специализируюсь на разработке более 7 лет, готов помочь с проектом и приступить к изучению проблемы. Предлагаю обсудить детали в директе.

  6. 1599    41  1
    3 days300 USD

    Good afternoon. I am ready to help with websockets. Let's discuss the details.
    Добрый день. Готов помочь с вебсокетами Пишити обсудим детали.

  7. 1182    19  0   2
    5 days500 USD

    Good afternoon, my overall work experience is over 17 years, of which I have been working with WebSockets for 10 years. I am ready to effectively solve all the issues that have arisen in your project. The exact rate will be determined after studying the problem.
    Добрый день, мой общий опыт работы более 17 лет из них 10 лет работаю с Вебсокетами, готов качественно решить все возникшие проблемы на вашем проекте, точная ставка будет после изучения проблемы

  8. 516    2  0
    1 day75 USD

    I have experience working with WS, could you please tell me what exactly needs to be done?
    I write in NodeJS, TS.
    Есть опыт c работой WS, подскажите пожалуйста что именно необходимо сделать?
    Пишу на NodeJS, TS.

  9. 261  
    7 days700 USD

    I’d be happy to assist with your WebSocket project and implement the necessary changes promptly. I have extensive experience working with WebSockets, including real-time communication, API integration, and optimizing existing WebSocket-based solutions for performance and scalability.

    This is My CV : https://flowcv.com/resume/snl0a4mdv8
    My profile: Freelancehunt

    My Approach
    Initial Review
    Analyze the current codebase and architecture to understand the existing WebSocket implementation.
    Identify areas where changes are required and evaluate any dependencies or constraints.
    Make the necessary changes to the WebSocket functionality, ensuring compatibility and maintaining real-time efficiency.
    Optimize performance, handle edge cases, and ensure the changes align with your goals.
    Testing and Debugging
    Conduct rigorous testing to ensure the WebSocket updates work seamlessly across scenarios.
    Fix any bugs or performance bottlenecks.
    Deployment and Support
    Deploy the updated code to the live environment.
    Provide post-deployment support to monitor and resolve any issues that arise.

    Analysis and Planning: 1–2 days
    Implementation and Testing: 3–4 days (depending on the complexity of the required changes)
    Deployment and Support: 1 day
    Total Timeline: ~5–7 days

    Proposed Cost
    My rate for this project is $700, depending on the scope and complexity of the required changes.

    Why Choose Me?
    Experience: Extensive work with WebSocket-based applications, including chat systems, real-time dashboards, and collaborative platforms.
    Efficiency: I can start immediately and deliver high-quality results within the proposed timeline.
    Reliability: Commitment to clear communication and delivering solutions tailored to your needs.
    I’d be delighted to hear more about your project specifics and get started right away. Let me know how you’d like to proceed!

    Best regards,

  10. 1432    17  0
    1 day50 USD

    Hello, I have extensive experience working with websockets. I have implemented many chats, notifications, and everything else. I also have experience in implementing complex projects using WebRTC. I am ready to complete your project with the highest quality and at a reasonable price.
    Здравствуйте, имею огромный опыт работы с websocket. Реализовал много чатов, уведомлений и всего прочего. Также имею опыт реализации сложных проектов с использованием WebRTC. Готов выполнить ваш проект максимально качественно и по приемлемой цене.

  11. 530    3  1
    1 day20 USD

    Good day! I am proficient in NodeJS, JS, PHP, CSS, HTML, MySQL, NeDB. I have developed corporate chats using sockets.
    Доброго дня! Володію NodeJS,JS,PHP,CSS,HTML,MySQL,NeDB. РОзробляв корпоративні чати з приміненням сокетів.

  12. 7 more hidden bids
  • Vadym B.
    7 January, 0:45 |

    Sorry, what programming language are your WebSockets written in?

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Leonid Usik
United States New York
Project published
1 month 6 days ago
  • javascript
  • API
  • Node.js
  • Websocket