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Optimization of Wildberries cards

Translated5 USD

  1. 172  
    1 day8 USD

    Good evening, I want to work with you and perform your tasks quality and quickly.
    Доброго вечора, хочу з вами попрацювати та виконати ваші завдання якісно та швидко.

  • Anna K.
    30 January 2023, 17:39 |

    Здравствуйте! Хотелось бы узнать тематику сайта 

  • Anna K.
    30 January 2023, 17:40 |

    А вайлдберис, все поняла !

Current freelance projects in the category Copywriting

Writing texts in English

150 USD

We are looking for a copywriter for ongoing collaboration to write texts in English with minimal use of AI. Please write the cost per 1000 characters in English. Do you write in other languages? What is your experience in copywriting? Do you have a medical education or…

Copywriting ∙ 7 hours 39 minutes ago ∙ 8 proposals

Copyright and prototype for the landing page

We need a professional copywriter-marketer to improve the texts and structure of the landing page for a company that manufactures industrial steam boilers powered by biofuels. A ready prototype in Figma and all necessary materials are available. What needs to be done: 1.…

Copywriting ∙ 14 hours 57 minutes ago ∙ 9 proposals

Telegram Channel Design Specialist

48 USD

It is necessary to create a channel on the topic of service provision with reviews and case studies. We will discuss more detailed information in person.

CopywritingBot Development ∙ 1 day 11 hours ago ∙ 12 proposals

We are looking for a copywriter-creative for advertising and content!

We are looking for a copywriter-creative person to work with advertising materials! We are in search of professionals with at least 2 years of experience who: Write texts for advertising and promotional announcements. Engage in writing scripts for video reels. Effectively use AI…

CopywritingScript Writing ∙ 1 day 14 hours ago ∙ 19 proposals

Write texts without AI

Write texts for a furniture website and a metal website. In Russian + Google translate Ukrainian and English. Insert a link in the text. Check for AI and uniqueness (textru) DO NOT RESPOND GENERATORS THROUGH AI!!! Only personal writing! Text length 2.5k characters with spaces…

CopywritingRewriting ∙ 1 day 22 hours ago ∙ 21 proposals

Project published
2 years ago