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Translated7 USD

Applications 2

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Client's feedback on cooperation with Sergey Andreyenko


I recommend it! How well did the job.

Freelancer's feedback on cooperation with Anatolii Korol

Task formulation

Thank you for collaboration, work with the customer is pleased, I recommend.
It is clear and timely.

  1. 241  
    1 day12 USD

    I can do the work in one day. to turn. Working in 2018 Solidworks
    Зможу виконати роботу за 1 день. Звертайтесь. Працюю у 2018 Solidworks

  2. 268    3  0
    Winning proposal2 days7 USD

    Good day !
    I will be glad to help you with the drawing, please contact us.
    I am working on SolidWorks 2014.

    with respect
    by Sergey
    Добрий день!
    Буду радий допомогти Вам з виконанням креслення, звертайтесь.
    Працюю в SolidWorks 2014.

    З Повагою

  3. 1 bid hidden

Current freelance projects in the category Drawings & Diagrams

It is necessary to translate Step into 2D.

18 USD

It is necessary to translate the Step file into a 2D drawing. It is necessary to translate the Step file into a 2D drawing. It is necessary to translate the Step file into a 2D drawing.

Drawings & Diagrams ∙ 4 hours 55 minutes ago ∙ 4 proposals

Apartment redesign

48 USD

There is an apartment of 100 sq.m. + a glazed terrace of 28 sq.m. (with heating) + a glazed balcony, 2 rooms, and a large kitchen-studio. A re-planning is needed, but we live here and the renovation has already been done. We are ready for the renovation because we need to…

Architectural DesignDrawings & Diagrams ∙ 7 hours 49 minutes ago ∙ 18 proposals

Detailed drawing of the doors

Development of Door DrawingsProject Description: It is necessary to develop a set of door drawings based on a sketch and production photos. Initially, the development of one door model will be carried out, and based on it, variations of other models will be created.Scope of…

3D ModelingDrawings & Diagrams ∙ 2 days 5 hours ago ∙ 12 proposals

URGENT! drawings for 2 mazes.

121 USD

The deadline is no later than Monday at 1 PM! It is necessary to make a disassemblable frame from profile pipe and drawings of plywood elements for two mazes. Visualization is attached. A file with an example of the drawings of another maze is also attached. Dimensions by…

Drawings & Diagrams ∙ 2 days 8 hours ago ∙ 4 proposals

Drawing Rock crawler

It is necessary to develop a project, a drawing of the frame, for the production of a buggy. rock crawler, or rock bouncer. There is production of such machines in the USA.

Mechanical Engineering & Instrument MakingDrawings & Diagrams ∙ 2 days 17 hours ago ∙ 6 proposals

Anatolii Korol
Ukraine Mukachevo  4  0
Project published
2 years ago