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Prepare the monthly report and VAT for the tax office.

Translated24 USD

Client's feedback on cooperation with Svitlana Romashova


Everything is operational, fast, clear.

Freelancer's feedback on cooperation with Igor Chornysh

Task formulation

The task has been clearly set. It has been explained in detail what needs to be done. The reports that were ordered were completed and accepted on time without violations. All details have been discussed. Payment is timely. Thank you for your trust and the opportunity to work on my skills.

  1. 500    6  0
    30 days12 USD

    I will do it. It's difficult to determine the price, hard to understand the state of affairs and the number of documents. Approximately, maintaining accounting at a minimum is currently from 6-8 thousand. If you need to urgently submit the reports once to close the issue, we can agree on a lower price.
    Сделаю. По цене сложно определится, сложно понять состояние дел и количество документов. Ориентировочно ведение бухгалтерского учёта по минимуму сейчас от 6-8 тыс. Если срочно разово сдать отчётность, закрыть вопрос, то можно дешевле договорится.

  2. 402    2  0
    Winning proposal2 days24 USD

    Hello. I will handle your task provided that you grant remote access. I have been working as an accountant for 10 years.
    Вітаю. Справлюсь з вашим завданням при умові що надасте доступ віддалений. Процюю бухгалтером вже 10 років.

  3. 1 bid hidden
    1 bid hidden
  • Svitlana Romashova
    19 December 2024, 17:27 |

    Доброго вечора. Останній день звітності по ПДВ за листопад -завтра, тому вам треба визначитися швидче.

Current freelance projects in the category Accounting Services

Submission of reports to the tax authority for 2024 by an individual (not an entrepreneur).

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I am looking for a consultant for 1C 8 UTP.

19 USD

Hello! I need a one-time consultation on 1C. Specifically, I am interested in the sequence of document processing when buying and selling tires.

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Tax report for individual entrepreneur and charitable organization

tax report for individual entrepreneurs and for charitable organizations. charitable organization zero turnover. and for the photo a couple of payments were made

Accounting Services ∙ 4 days 9 hours ago ∙ 6 proposals

Need a specialist in 1C: Enterprise integration

144 USD

We are looking for a 1C integrator who can help set up management accounting in 1C: Enterprise. It is necessary to transfer financial reporting, management reports, and other data.What needs to be done: Transfer all management reports to 1C. Configure the system to fit our…

Databases & SQLAccounting Services ∙ 5 days 3 hours ago ∙ 4 proposals

Accountant or lawyer with a good knowledge of European legislation

12 USD

It is necessary to organize the legalization of ticket resale activities in a country with attractive conditions for such activities. The secondary ticket resale website we are working with pays in euros and sends an invoice to the email before payment. There are no contracts…

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Igor Chornysh
Ukraine Kyiv  24  1
Project published
1 month 29 days ago