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Translated29 USD

Client's feedback on cooperation with Vladislav N.


Excellent work done

Freelancer's feedback on cooperation with Filip Borkowski

Task formulation

Everything is great, quick receipt of results. Thank you for cooperation!

  1. 203    0  1
    1 day24 USD

    Ready to perform, there is experience in writing parsers of any difficulty.
    Готов выполнить, есть опыт в написании парсеров любой сложности.

  2. 699    18  2   2
    2 days36 USD

    Good day, ready to accomplish your task. Let’s write and agree.
    Добрий день, готовий виконати поставлене вами завдання. Пишіть, домовимося.

  3. 7918    284  0
    Winning proposal2 days29 USD

    Good day . If you only need two columns (Nickname, URL), then I can offer the following conditions:
    1) forum.cryptocurrency.tech - 500 UAH, 1 day
    2) www.bitalk.org - 700 UAH, 1 day
    3) www.pinoyexchange.com is a big site (they write that more than 750 thousand. It requires a separate analysis.
    Добрый день. Если вам нужно только две колонки (Никнейм, URL), то могу предложить такие условия:
    1) forum.cryptocurrency.tech - 500 грн, 1 день
    2) www.bitalk.org - 700 грн, 1 день
    3) www.pinoyexchange.com - это большой сайт (они пишут, что больше 750 тыс. пользователей), требуется отдельный анализ.

  4. 3255    123  2
    2 days36 USD

    Welcome to!
    The task is clear, ready to perform the collection of data and provide the result in any format that is convenient for you.
    Задача понятна, готов выполнить сбор данных и предоставить результат в любом удобном для Вас формате.

  5. 170    3  0
    1 day24 USD

    The task is clear, if there is no do.work, I will do it quickly.
    Let’s write, we will discuss.
    Задание понятно, если нет доп.задач, сделаю быстро.
    Пишите, обсудим.

  6. 2161    28  2   2
    3 days36 USD

    Anton, good day
    I have a lot of experience working with Parsons.
    I will be happy to cooperate.
    A good day.
    Антон, добрый день.
    Есть большой опыт в работе с парсерами.
    Буду рад сотрудничеству.
    Хорошего дня.

  7. 8163    345  0   1
    5 days36 USD

    Good day . Interested in your project. Ready to discuss and perform.
    Доброго дня. Зацікавлений вашим проектом. Готовий обговорити та виконати.

  8. 1 bid hidden

Current freelance projects in the category Data Parsing


A parser needs to be created that will parse and send all information from the channel (there is protection against copying and forwarding) to my channel.

Data Parsing ∙ 6 hours 26 minutes ago ∙ 3 proposals

Search and verify alternative part numbers and compatible laptop models for specific batteries

1. General task description It is necessary to conduct research and verification of alternative part numbers (PN) and compatible laptop models for certain batteries. The result of the work will be a correct and verified database with the relevant information.2. Requirements for…

Information GatheringData Parsing ∙ 7 hours 21 minutes ago ∙ 1 proposal

Consultation on ZennoPoster

I have been assigned to manage a project in Zennoposter, I watched the video and understand the mechanics, but I need someone who can walk me through the algorithm - break it down, explain it, and help me add one action to the algorithm. The project is under NDA, so…

AI & Machine LearningData Parsing ∙ 10 hours 43 minutes ago ∙ 2 proposals

It is necessary to migrate products from one WordPress site to another WordPress site.

Hello, we need to migrate products from one WordPress site to another WordPress site - both use WooCommerce. Poly Lang is also used, and there are translations of products into other languages, as well as variations. Additionally, there is a situation where some products have…

Online Stores & E-commerceData Parsing ∙ 11 hours 33 minutes ago ∙ 16 proposals

Parsing messages from a Telegram bot to a Google Sheet via Zapier/Make

12 USD

Hello! To facilitate reporting in the company, it is necessary to automatically fill in the table with the payment report. For this, automation needs to be set up through the Zapier or Make service.

PythonData Parsing ∙ 14 hours 23 minutes ago ∙ 5 proposals

Filip Borkowski
Poland Poland  7  0
Project published
2 years ago