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Data Parsing


Connect to TickTick through their open API, extract all tasks to Excel or CSV.

Task brief: https://efficacious-tornado-ba7.notion.site/Oleksandr-Korzh-11b9530935ea80c49cedc3689e92ca47?pvs=4

Databases & SQLData Parsing ∙ 3 hours 11 minutes ago ∙ 3 proposals

Collect the coefficients of the bookmaker bet 365

12 USD

It is necessary to collect statistics on the site https://www.flashfootball.com/ starting from 2011 to the present (when the match took place, team 1 and 2, match/half score, penalties, red cards) and all coefficients (totals, handicaps, p1x2, and others) for each game in an…

Data Parsing ∙ 5 hours 5 minutes ago ∙ 4 proposals

Create a parser for parsing numbers from Viber in Ukraine or your terms.

121 USD

Create a parser for parsing numbers from Viber in Ukraine or your conditions, we will consider options. ...

Data ParsingBot Development ∙ 5 hours 21 minutes ago ∙ 5 proposals

Parse the website

15 USD

Task for web scraping: https://www.autonorma.pl/c/pompy-wtryskowe Goal: It is necessary to extract information from the website that presents various models of fuel pumps. Task details: The scraping needs to be performed for each fuel pump item on the site. Example page with…

Data Parsing ∙ 5 hours 45 minutes ago ∙ 15 proposals

Setting up the Datacol parser

It is necessary to set up a parser to work with Hotline. As a result, the following information needs to be obtained: 1) description 2) photo 3) characteristics 4) minimum price for the item on Hotline 5) specifications (attributes) The site is built on the Khoroshop…

Data Parsing ∙ 7 hours 27 minutes ago ∙ 4 proposals

Auto login on Shafa.ua and Publication of the announcement NODE JS

Good day. We want to implement auto-posting of ads on Shafa.ua It is necessary to write an auto-login username, password are taken from the database Or you can take the token from the browser and use it After successful authorization, it is necessary to add products from…

Javascript and TypescriptData Parsing ∙ 1 day ago ∙ 7 proposals

Email parsing

55 USD

It is necessary to scrape about 10,000 email addresses of clothing and lingerie stores and electronics various countries

Data Parsing ∙ 1 day 1 hour ago ∙ 8 proposals

Data parsing

It is necessary to parse all images from the site, categorizing them by categories and subcategories, as on the original site. matematika-doma dot org Class-subject-author-section-images

PythonData Parsing ∙ 1 day 4 hours ago ∙ 30 proposals

Parsing posts in Facebook groups

Development of an automated parser for monitoring and collecting data from posts in Facebook groups based on specified keywords, with output of information in Google Sheets. REQUIREMENTS:The parser must be able to collect data (read all new posts) from both closed and open…

Data Parsing ∙ 1 day 6 hours ago ∙ 2 proposals

Deploy a server to receive Webhook

194 USD

Good day. We want to link a Telegram number with 1C 8. For this, we plan to use the E-chat service, which sends a webhook to the address specified in this service. As part of the test, we checked the functionality on the page webhook.site, we are receiving webhooks, and then we…

Web ProgrammingData Parsing ∙ 1 day 8 hours ago ∙ 7 proposals

Export of numbers from work ua

24 USD

It is necessary to extract the database of candidate numbers from work ua based on specific criteria You can communicate in Telegram vdmiller With your own site work ua or already prepared databases of numbers

Data Parsing ∙ 1 day 9 hours ago ∙ 4 proposals

Set up RPA automation for ADSPower

It is necessary to set up automation in the ADSPower browser Automation plan: 0. Create a new profile, upload cookies, and start a mobile proxy with a unique IP 1. Open the browser 2. Create a tab 3. Go to Google 4. Randomly enter a keyword 5. Click on the search results…

Contextual AdvertisingData Parsing ∙ 2 days 2 hours ago ∙ 2 proposals

Development or configuration of parsing/grabbing Telegram chats

24 USD

There are many open Telegram groups where people share interesting information. To save time searching for these curiosities (currently done manually), it is necessary to develop (or configure, if there is a ready-made solution) a parser/grabber that will download all the…

AI Content CreationData Parsing ∙ 2 days 6 hours ago ∙ 2 proposals