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AI Content Creation


Create a spintax text template

You need to create a spintax text template from our article, for this you will need the paid version of chatgpt.

AI Content CreationRewriting ∙ 6 hours 59 minutes ago ∙ 2 proposals

Connect OpenAI with Excel

Connect OpenAI with Excel to translate descriptions in the table into different languages. There is a table of products from an online store, and the product descriptions need to be translated into other languages.

AI & Machine LearningAI Content Creation ∙ 6 days 6 hours ago ∙ 3 proposals

Content generation through ChatGPT

22 USD

To complete the task, you will need the paid version of ChatGPT. You will be provided with a website and examples of prompts for writing an article. You need to describe each block of the website and page step by step through ChatGPT, using these prompts. This task is for…

AI Content Creation ∙ 8 days 3 hours ago ∙ 10 proposals

Adding keywords to product cards in Prom using AI

Hello. The essence of the work is quite simple, there are 2000+ products without SKUs, they need to be filled in automatically using AI. Not manually. I will provide the export file.

AI Content CreationAI & Machine Learning ∙ 8 days 8 hours ago ∙ 6 proposals

Rewrite the text on the active website. Rewriting

Good day, dear performers! The current website is morally outdated www.asena Let me clarify right away to avoid any misunderstandings - the company is from Azerbaijan. The factory with all production is located in the city of Baku and installs factories all over the world, both…

AI Content CreationCopywriting ∙ 12 days 2 hours ago ∙ 20 proposals