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Create a database of clients for Legal Organizations

Translated12 USD

Client's feedback on cooperation with Yuliya Snezhko


Super, I liked everything, we will cooperate.

Freelancer's feedback on cooperation with Taras Simonov

Task formulation

Thank you for the collaboration! The client clearly set the task, I recommend for communication!

  1. 2778    71  0
    Winning proposal2 days12 USD

    Good day. I would be happy to help gather the database. I have experience in information search. How many do you need? Please write the details.
    Доброго дня. Буду рада допомогти зібрати базу . Маю досвід роботи пошуку інформації. Яка кількість вам потрібна? Напишіть подробиці.

  2. 441    4  0
    1 day12 USD

    Hello, I can complete this order quickly and efficiently within a day.
    Привіт, можу виконати це замовлення швидко та якісно протягом дня

  3. 1758    35  0
    1 day24 USD

    Good day, Taras.
    Write, I will do it
    Доброго дня, Тарас.
    Пишіть, зроблю

  4. 1291    46  1   1
    1 day12 USD

    Good day, I will gather the organizations, I will do it by today. Write to me and we will discuss everything.
    Добрий день, зберу організації, зроблю за сьогодні. Пишіть і все обговоримо.

Current freelance projects in the category Data Parsing

Instagram story parser

72 USD

The goal is to develop a tool for automated monitoring and collection of Instagram stories from specific accounts. Functional requirements: 1. Monitoring new Instagram stories: • Filtering new stories from 30–50 accounts. At least once every 5 minutes. •…

PythonData Parsing ∙ 2 hours 57 minutes ago ∙ 3 proposals

Instagram parser

72 USD

The goal is to develop a tool for automated monitoring and collection of Instagram stories from specific accounts. Functional requirements: 1. Monitoring new Instagram stories: • Filtering new stories from 30–50 accounts. At least once every 5 minutes. •…

PythonData Parsing ∙ 2 hours 58 minutes ago

Insta story parser

72 USD

The goal is to develop a tool for automated monitoring and collection of Instagram stories from specific accounts. Functional requirements: 1. Monitoring new Instagram stories: • Filtering new stories from 30–50 accounts. At least once every 5 minutes. •…

PythonData Parsing ∙ 2 hours 59 minutes ago

Develop and implement a program that will receive information on all matches.

600 USD

Hello everyone. I need to develop a program that will receive information about all matches on a daily basis, for example from the Sofascore website, or from any other service. (mostly these sites are hard to parse, but something can be figured out). There are also websites…

Data ParsingBot Development ∙ 3 hours 14 minutes ago ∙ 9 proposals

Modification of Excel file for car rental: integration of calendar and automatic date calculation

I have an Excel file with car rental calculations, which already has calculation formulas in place. However, I need to add a few functions for ease of use: Date selection integration: It is necessary to implement the ability to select dates using a calendar (Date Picker) for…

Databases & SQLData Parsing ∙ 3 hours 33 minutes ago ∙ 8 proposals

Taras Simonov
Ukraine Kremenchug  6  0
Project published
23 days 6 hours ago
  • CRM
  • Google Sheets