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Make a website extension (copy of the dashboard page)

Translated168 USD

Client's feedback on cooperation with Dmitro K.


The work was done clearly and beautifully! Recommendation

Freelancer's feedback on cooperation with Andrey M.

Task formulation

Everything is great. I definitely recommend for collaboration.

  1. 1545    9  0
    Winning proposal2 days168 USD

    Good day. I specialize in CRM, dashboards, databases, and WEB services for processing, accounting, and analytics. Convenient and modern design. Development fully turnkey. Contact me.
    Доброго дня. Спеціалізуюся на CRM, dashboard, базах даних та WEB-сервісах обробки, обліку та аналітики. Зручний та сучасний дизайн. Розробка повністю під ключ. Звертайтесь

Current freelance projects in the category HTML & CSS

Vue.js - settings form.

24 USD

Good day! A one-page website is needed that will display a form with data.There will be requests to a third-party API to retrieve and save data.When the page loads, a request is made to retrieve data by ID. There are already some code drafts made by…

HTML & CSSJavascript and Typescript ∙ 1 hour 17 minutes ago ∙ 3 proposals

WordPress developer WooCommerce

104 USD

Need a specialist with experience specifically in WooCommerce. It is necessary to set up automatic calculations specifically for the store. The site should work as a PWA (progressive web application). How much time will the setup take? Propose your price.

HTML & CSSJava ∙ 2 hours 24 minutes ago ∙ 13 proposals

A website needs to be created on the Funnelish platform.

300 USD

It is necessary to create a website on the Funnelish platform. Please provide examples of your work In search of a specialist for long-term cooperation

HTML & CSSWeb Programming ∙ 4 hours 33 minutes ago ∙ 4 proposals

Website selection program from scratch

A program for selecting industrial equipment with integration to 1C (bas) is needed examples: https://www.bitzer.de/websoftware/calculate/OS/?tab=results https://vents-selector.com/ru

HTML & CSS ∙ 5 hours 6 minutes ago ∙ 1 proposal

Minor layout adjustments for Next.js + API integration

41 USD

Need to make small adjustments in the layout and add an API for dynamically changing data on the site. It would be a big plus if you can implement wallet integration with the site. I will provide documentation and examples if needed. This task is urgent, please respond only if…

HTML & CSSCryptocurrency & Blockchain ∙ 22 hours 29 minutes ago ∙ 6 proposals

Andrey M.
Ukraine Kyiv  29  0
Project published
3 months 22 days ago
  • css
  • javascript
  • HTML