Instagrama Military Ammunition Store Mil_gang_ukraine
About the project: Milgang Ukraine - a company that purchases ammunition and equipment on the German wholesale market, provides our military with the necessary ammunition, consulting according to the dimensions and human tasks.Milgang Ukraine is engaged in the supplies of ammunition and equipment since the beginning of the war, in the range: armor gloves, summary, shells, tactical gloves, clothes, thermoactive blanket, ballistic glasses, plates, drones
Request: Increase sales by Facebook/Instagram sales channel
What was done:
After a detailed briefing, when we learned about our strengths and weaknesses, we analyzed the advertising auction market, and the competitors more in detail what they use, what they position, what their advantages and disadvantages
After this completely closed the questions on the technical settings that are needed to launch (for the start of the work was only a page in Instagram, so we created a business page, and the business manager and linked our Instagram).And as I said earlier - we don't set up advertising, but give business decisions, which lead to increased profits, so we closed the question not only from the advertising point of view, but also in general on the defense.
Product: The product in us in general was formed, so here only provided recommendations, how it can be improved, in the plan of people's trust
Content: There are clear recommendations on the profile cap in Instagram, on the content, what it is important to pay attention to, how to correctly process the comment, what content and how often it needs to be posted
Advertising: for advertising full responsibility if we, decrypted how many sales were from different platforms, which platform gave us cheaper applications, which platform gave us target applications, and according to the standard: development of communication strategy under the project (text, + static banners, TZ for the installation for video-creatives, results optimization, and scalability)
Sales Department: In this project we were partially engaged as directive managers to understand what people really need, what TOV, and what service they expect, protested the work script sales, and transferred it to the owner
Postservices: We used a very obvious thing that really very few people use (he felt it on his user expirience) - we began to communicate to people after we sent the goods, and attached the load screen, it was a breakthrough, and after the service provided, we noticed that our re-sales to people increased by 25% compared to the previous period)
What interesting solutions we have made in this project:
We have created a castable SRM table where:
The channels, from which the application came.
- immediately picked up the customer base through the phone numbers
- prescribed 6 stages of the wardrobe, including the city and the department of the NP, for the convenience of the wardrobe / wardrobe
When you want to remember and miss again.
- the segmentation of the sales channel, from which the playsment sales came cheaper
- decrypted business model (course fb, total turnover, turnover with ban NP, advertising expenditure, advertising expenditure with the services of the team, the sold sets, the price of 1 sale, net profit)
The Results:
Expensed budget: $1422.26
Number of applications: 783 + 120 with promotions, 903 applications
The price of the application: $1.57
Price of sale: $5.6
Cost of sale by armor: $29.34
Number of subscribers at the beginning of the work: 152
Number of subscribers now: 888
Request: Increase sales by Facebook/Instagram sales channel
What was done:
After a detailed briefing, when we learned about our strengths and weaknesses, we analyzed the advertising auction market, and the competitors more in detail what they use, what they position, what their advantages and disadvantages
After this completely closed the questions on the technical settings that are needed to launch (for the start of the work was only a page in Instagram, so we created a business page, and the business manager and linked our Instagram).And as I said earlier - we don't set up advertising, but give business decisions, which lead to increased profits, so we closed the question not only from the advertising point of view, but also in general on the defense.
Product: The product in us in general was formed, so here only provided recommendations, how it can be improved, in the plan of people's trust
Content: There are clear recommendations on the profile cap in Instagram, on the content, what it is important to pay attention to, how to correctly process the comment, what content and how often it needs to be posted
Advertising: for advertising full responsibility if we, decrypted how many sales were from different platforms, which platform gave us cheaper applications, which platform gave us target applications, and according to the standard: development of communication strategy under the project (text, + static banners, TZ for the installation for video-creatives, results optimization, and scalability)
Sales Department: In this project we were partially engaged as directive managers to understand what people really need, what TOV, and what service they expect, protested the work script sales, and transferred it to the owner
Postservices: We used a very obvious thing that really very few people use (he felt it on his user expirience) - we began to communicate to people after we sent the goods, and attached the load screen, it was a breakthrough, and after the service provided, we noticed that our re-sales to people increased by 25% compared to the previous period)
What interesting solutions we have made in this project:
We have created a castable SRM table where:
The channels, from which the application came.
- immediately picked up the customer base through the phone numbers
- prescribed 6 stages of the wardrobe, including the city and the department of the NP, for the convenience of the wardrobe / wardrobe
When you want to remember and miss again.
- the segmentation of the sales channel, from which the playsment sales came cheaper
- decrypted business model (course fb, total turnover, turnover with ban NP, advertising expenditure, advertising expenditure with the services of the team, the sold sets, the price of 1 sale, net profit)
The Results:
Expensed budget: $1422.26
Number of applications: 783 + 120 with promotions, 903 applications
The price of the application: $1.57
Price of sale: $5.6
Cost of sale by armor: $29.34
Number of subscribers at the beginning of the work: 152
Number of subscribers now: 888