Roman Melnik
CV (in the original language)
На сервісі виступаю як замовник. Займаюся інфобізнесом у партнерстві з психологом Дмитром Карпачовим.
Accomplished projects' reviews 66
12 November 2024
191 USD
Design of the Supermama Club landing page
Все супер, задоволений роботою в команді, хороший досвід.
Дякую за роботу, звертайтесь на нові проекти
7 October 2024
144 USD
"Mother's gaze" — landing page, sales copywriting (psychology).
Thank you for a very interesting project on the topic of psychology and personal development. Working on such texts is a pure pleasure, as during the study of the material you progress and develop independently in many ways. I will gladly continue our collaboration when it is convenient for you. I remain in touch.
I would like to separately note the adequate feedback from the client, clear formulation of requirements and wishes, and constructive criticism at the stage of text refinement. When you dedicate many years to freelancing and copywriting, you start to especially appreciate such things.
9 April 2024
72 USD
Vector animation Mind.lab ~5 sec
Everything went great, Roman formulated the brief well and even though the work turned out to be a bit more than expected, the result was excellent. I recommend working with him.
17 February 2024
12 USD
Design banner for post in social network (fb and insta) and story (books) - personal project for Roman Rutkovsky
Thank you for cooperation!
I hope for future orders. I recommend it!
9 February 2024
12 USD
Дизайн банера для поста в соц мережі (фб та інста) та сторіс (книги) — персональный проект для Maksym Shataliuk
Everything was great, thank you for cooperation.
9 February 2024
12 USD
Design of a banner for post in social networks (fb and insta) and story (books)
Thank you for pleasant cooperation!
Cheap TZ, always on connection, timely payment!
25 January 2024
36 USD
PHP software for WordPress website
Well, I recommend cooperation.
27 December 2023
120 USD
Banding of SupermaClub
Fast communication, fast communication. The project is interesting enough. It was pleasant to have a job.
23 December 2023
179 USD
Lending’s Design “Money Psychology”
We are working with Roman.
The work is satisfied. We have a lot of communication, willing to answer my questions and suggestions. TZ is always detailed, gives constructive comments, accepts ideas.
I recommend the customer!)
2 August 2023
62 USD
List of websites (resources)
pleased with cooperation. Everything is clear and clear, for work everything is given in time. I would like to work with Roman.
Thank you for work!
28 July 2023
48 USD
Advertising on FB/Insta
The work was productive.
Clear tasks and good relationships.
20 June 2023
287 USD
WordPress site, adding the functional monthly payments for access and others
A good time, a timely payment. I recommend cooperation!
| Response feedback
17 April 2023
14 USD
Create and form a series of stores in Instagram (text + graphics)
Great, pleasant in communication.
I recommend cooperation!
24 October 2022
Create subtitles (srt file) for 10mm video
A great customer, described the TZ in detail and quickly withdrew.
| Response feedback
23 October 2022
14 USD
Design of the page "to ask questions" in a personal office
Thank you for the interesting and useful project!
The novel was always in contact, pleasant in communication, payment timely. I recommend cooperation.
6 October 2022
24 USD
Qualitative translation-lit-redicting in Ukrainian (from Russian)
Only the most pleasant impressions.The customer is responsible and serious, he has always been in contact.I will be happy to cooperate again.👌
24 June 2022
72 USD
Drawing illustrations of children ' s games
Thank you for cooperation. It was an interesting project and really a pleasant customer. I hope for further cooperation.
12 March 2022
36 USD
Mobile App Design (Children's Education)
Clearly delivered TZ, constantly in contact. I recommend cooperation!
6 January 2022
24 USD
(Infobic) Slides of presentation and a comment file for the autovebinar
Everything is great! It was a pleasure to work on the project. Clearly placed tz, Roman was constantly in contact and quickly answered the raised questions. All the materials for work were provided quickly. Instant payment immediately after approval of the finished work. I highly recommend cooperation)
5 January 2022
48 USD
Fast Simple Landing (e.g. on the Tild)
It’s easy to work with Roman. I'm looking forward to new interesting projects 😁
26 December 2021
14 USD
Writing Stories for Instagram Stories (Storytelling, InfoBusiness)
Great customer, I advise you to cooperate!
13 August 2021
Опять подправить аудио цен
Работаем с Романом второй раз, всё быстро, точно и оперативно.
Рекомендую данного заказчика.
17 July 2021
Adding audio to sound
Clear TZ, fast feedback.
I recommend the customer.
6 May 2021
10 USD
Transcription of direct broadcasts (Karpachev)
Successful fast project, I will be glad to continue cooperation with Roman and I recommend it as a customer!
20 January 2021
84 USD
Creation of site
Good customer, quick feedback, minimum straight, everything is great!
I recommend the customer!
21 December 2020
77 USD
Верстка сайта
Четкая постанова задачи, минимум правок. Сотрудничеством доволен. Хорошый заказчик.
5 October 2020
36 USD
Web page (Lending of the invitation to the webinar DD)
Roman is a good customer. Always in contact. A person understands his affairs and makes a task well. Everything was in the case and nothing more. I was satisfied with the collaboration. I strongly recommend.
30 April 2020
17 USD
Changes to the HTML level (plate + design)
A skilled task setting, Roman is always in contact, comfortable working. Pleased with cooperation. I recommend the work)
| Response feedback
2 March 2020
Add subtitles to the video on YouTube
The novel is a great customer. It clearly and clearly explained the essence of the task. I recommend !
20 February 2020
24 USD
Three pages . A little bit of programming and a little bit of programming
A great customer.
Always in contact.
Understood TZ
10 January 2020
29 USD
Payment form on the WP website (integration with WFP)
A clearly set task. It was nice to work.
5 December 2019
24 USD
Video of lessons. A clear task. (Adobe PP and AE)
Pleased with cooperation. Clear TZ, a written composition. I recommend the work)
16 October 2019
12 USD
Replacement of a saved page (simple version, today)
Everything is great 🙂
a professional of his business. A clear and understandable TZ, in cases when there were questions, was constantly in contact and gave clear answers. I strongly recommend!
7 October 2019
Adjust the subtitles for the video on YouTube
Clear TZ and no nuances.
It was nice to work, thank you.
6 October 2019
17 USD
Filtering of goods on the website of the Internet Store (WP+WooCommerce)
A pleasant customer, was skilled tz, satisfied with his work.
31 July 2019
55 USD
The Lending Wire (Children & Money)
С Романом легко работать, приятный в общении, задача поставлена очень доступно. Сотрудничеством доволен.
| Response feedback
15 December 2018
48 USD
Баннеры для Карпачева
Спасибо за интересный проект, с вами приятно работать. Буду рад дальнейшему сотрудничеству.
7 November 2018
24 USD
The Lending. Today is!
From the work with Roman only got positive impressions. A gentle and rewarding customer. It’s all up, I recommend.
22 October 2018
Find a few videos and make screenshots
Very pleased with cooperation.
I recommend cooperation
7 June 2018
24 USD
Lending Lending (for a long time)
Thank you for a very complex and interesting project.
I recommend collaboration, working with Roman is easy and convenient. I will be happy to work with him if there is an opportunity.
16 March 2018
Choose the most interesting comments
I recommend a good bookmaker.
28 November 2017
12 USD
Choose the best moments from the 2 hour video (psychology)
Interesting tasks, clear tasks, adequate deadlines and payments. But as always 😉
28 November 2017
12 USD
Выбрать из 2-х часового видео лучшие моменты (персонально для Люды)
Хороший заказчик. Очень интересный проект. Работать было в удовольствие!
28 November 2017
11 USD
Выбрать из 2-х часового видео лучшие моменты (персонально для Кристины
Спасибо за интересный заказ, всё отлично, довольна. Рекомендую этого заказчика!
20 April 2017
Create subtitles for video on YouTube
Clear task, immediate payment and quick checking of results - everything is great and I recommend to cooperate, more than such adequate customers as Roman
10 February 2017
120 USD
Landing under the key (info business, free webinar, psychology)
Everything is super. A great customer. clearly set tasks. timely payment. I recommend
17 December 2016
Make a banner to cover Facebook pages
It was a pleasure to collaborate with such a pleasant customer again!
I recommend it!!! )
15 December 2016
Painting/collecting/stylizing images on the site
The novel has demonstrated itself a loyal and adequate customer at all stages of the project, I strongly recommend!
13 December 2016
120 USD
Leadogenesis (psychology, serious infobesics)
With Roman worked with urgent mode, over a large-scale advertising campaign. The tasks were clearly presented, all the information was provided on request, and demonstrated initiative. I advise!
25 November 2016
Create a simple banner to post on the FB (temporary)
Очень приятный человек, работать с Романом одно удовольствие. Рекомендую всем!
24 November 2016
48 USD
Landing for the night (with the help of the designer)
A good customer, a clear task. There were no problems with the payment. I recommend cooperation!
10 November 2016
Find 4 images on the site
It all went in working order. Clear setting of task.
Contact me more)
18 October 2016
Correction of the subtitles for the video on YouTube
The task is clearly placed, the payment is timely, pleasant communication.
23 May 2016
Banner design for page and post chapter on Facebook
Clear setting of task. The fast payment. Always in contact. It’s nice to work with such a client.
10 May 2016
72 USD
Small Lending Under the Key
C Roman's work was interesting, although the concept changed several times during the process. At the end, everyone was pleased with the cooperation. We will be happy to cooperate further.
6 May 2016
Choose the most interesting moments from a 50-minute interview
A remarkable employer - knows how to interest and reveal the potential) Excellent and timely payment!
3 May 2016
Video Transcription 50 Minutes
A great employer. Excellent and timely payment. It is pleasant to work!
16 November 2015
Transcription by audio interview (psychology, 1.5 hours).
A great employer, a great pay. It is pleasant to work!
23 June 2015
10 USD
Presentation in Power Point
Clear TZ, responsibility and timely payment. It was a great pleasure to work with Roman.
10 June 2015
Create small characters of different professions
It’s not the first time I’m working with Roman as always. Everything is clearly described, what to do, payment is timely. There is no pretention, I recommend it.
13 May 2015
12 USD
Installation of 2 hour performance
The project has been done for a long time, but I want to leave a review about working with Roman! The novel gave a clear TZ, it was clear. Help to find out the details of the project! Payment was made in time and even more agreed! Thank you for cooperation and further collaboration! I recommend to everyone!
12 March 2015
Design of CD packaging
Очень приятные впечатления от сотрудничества. Коммуникабельный и терпеливый заказчик. Хоть и четкого ТЗ не имели, но направление движения было обозначено, все стольное нюансы. Требования выставлялись четко и понятно. По оплате вопросов не имею. Все отлично. Спасибо за работу.
9 March 2015
Transcription of 3 hour speech
The task is clearly set. a beneficial attitude. timely payment.
Great collaboration, I recommend.
12 February 2015
24 USD
Video screening of training participants
The task is clearly set. timely payment. The novel relates with understanding to the work process, hears advice and criticism. My best recommendations.
1 February 2015
Composing a couple of proposals
It’s called – make 100 pounds in 10 minutes. With a 5-hour working day you can earn 3,000 dollars. The dream of any freelancer. There are more people like Roman.
28 January 2015
Selling description of lectures
Interesting project is implemented! Thank you, Roman, for detailed instructions, constructive criticism and ease of communication!
Contests 9
7 December 2023
263,23 USD
Дизайн лендінгу СупермамаКлуб

Довелося ще попрацювати із роботою, на що Софія завжди відгукувалась та в решті решт зробили те, що було потрібно.
5 October 2023
95,72 USD
Дерево розмальовка

Відмінне відчуття стилю, розуміння того, що треба та робота з вектором.
6 October 2023
95,72 USD
Слов'янська мандала

Чудове відчуття стилю та балансу. А також робота із вектором!
3 October 2023
239,30 USD
UX редизайн мобільного додатку (один екран)

Нестандартний дизайн, який при цьому залишився дуже збалансованим виділив роботу Олександра серед більше ніж 10 професійних робіт інших виконавців (а всього робіт було 37).
14 October 2022
119,65 USD
Редизайн сторінки навчального особистого кабінету

Було дуже багато нових доробок з нашої сторони, але Володимир все витримав)
14 July 2022
239,30 USD
Дизайн лендинга для мобильного приложения FunKidsExpert

Отменное чувство стиля. Все правки были успешно реализованы, хотя многие из них были очень специфичными). Работой и коммуникаций полностью доволен.
8 November 2018
59,83 USD
Дизайн обложки книги

Катерина единственная, которая изначально предложила работу отойдя от некоторых требований ТЗ. Очень рискованое и смелое решение, которое оказалось в итоге (после доработок) самым лучшим.
Дизайнер с тонким вкусом и чувством баланса.
4 November 2018
179,48 USD
Дизайн лендинга для регистрации на вебинар

Очень рад сотрудничеству. Работа максимально соответвует всем нюансам ТЗ. Плюс Катерина переделала большой кусок после окончания конкурса (изза смены ТЗ). Доволен!
14 September 2018
119,65 USD
Дизайн одного экрана детского приложения

Хорошая работа. Что сказать. Сам факт того, что она была выбрана лучшей в конкурсе как бы за себя говорит.
Хотя конкуренция была очень достойной, многие работы были не хуже.
Latest published projects |
Landing page (website) for info business (psychology) and bot
Improvement of the Opencart online store
Design of the Supermama Club landing page
191 USD
"Mother's gaze" — landing page, sales copywriting (psychology).
144 USD
Mom's gaze
120 USD
Vector animation Mind.lab ~5 sec
72 USD
Design banner for post in social network (fb and insta) and story (books) - personal project for Roman Rutkovsky
12 USD
Дизайн банера для поста в соц мережі (фб та інста) та сторіс (книги) — персональный проект для Maksym Shataliuk
12 USD
Design of a banner for post in social networks (fb and insta) and story (books)
12 USD
PHP software for WordPress website
36 USD