Olga Gaydush

Design & art
Photo, Audio & Video
- All works 45
- Web Design 1
- Vector Graphics 38
- Print Design 2
- Packaging and label design 1
- Social Media Page Design 3
Vector GraphicsIsometry
Vector GraphicsThe Creator
Creator of Arizona
Social Media Page DesignCreativity for Reactors in Social Networks
Animated Creative
Social Media Page Design -
Animated Creative
Social Media Page Design -
Vector Graphics -
Site of Monster
Web Design -
The old smartphone
Vector Graphics -
The Hohula
Vector Graphics -
The Retro
Vector Graphics -
Purple Monster Stickers
Vector GraphicsPurple Monster Stickers
Vector Illustration
Vector Graphics -
The Creative Instagram
Vector Graphics -
The Creative Instagram
Vector GraphicsCreative for Instagram
The Yoga
Vector Graphics
Reviews and compliments on completed projects 133 8
16 January
45 USD
Illustrations for the first screen of the website
Thank you for the work!
Everything has been completed in accordance with the technical specifications and revisions.
12 January
12 USD
Sticker for bottles
Everything is great! The project is completed as required.
19 December 2024
14 USD
Images for the main screen of the website
Thank you, Olga
The task was completed in accordance with the technical specifications and within the agreed deadlines.
There were minimal corrections needed for the work.
I recommend the specialist!
3 December 2024
239 USD
Create a personalized illustration for the app
Satisfied with the collaboration, excellent work done!
22 November 2024
19 USD
Poster for the Dinner Party and Pasta Day
Everything went great! We will continue to collaborate.
18 November 2024
12 USD
Poster for the establishment according to the clear terms of reference
Everything went wonderfully. Everything was timely and nice. I will reach out to Olya in the future))
25 September 2024
25 USD
Test task: Illustration "The Fall"
Olga has a wonderful style and provided several options for the test illustration that fully met the requirements. Our team was satisfied with the collaboration 🙂
9 September 2024
35 USD
2D Illustrator
Thank you very much, a very good illustrator.
25 July 2024
14 USD
Custom frames for QR code
The task was completed according to the specifications within the established deadlines!
I confidently recommend Olga for collaboration.
Thank you for the work!
27 June 2024
96 USD
Coloring book about animals for children aged 3 to 6 years old
The drawings are done well, according to the brief. Did not meet the deadlines, but not critical. Satisfied with the work. Recommend.
19 June 2024
12 USD
Stickers for Ukraine - this is home
I recommend Olga, made exactly the illustrations as I asked.
5 June 2024
60 USD
Illustrations for the project "Ukraine - this is home"
I really enjoyed working with Olga - she completed the task on time and with high quality, all edits were made quickly. All illustrations are done according to the sample - it turned out exactly what I wanted + author's style (that's why I chose Olga). I recommend working with her!
18 April 2024
12 USD
Illustrations / drawings
All is well.
I recommend! Olga made a very nice design.
2 February 2024
24 USD
Creating a logo in the vector
Thank you for cooperation! Everything is done 10/10
27 January 2024
12 USD
Test illustration for developing cards for children from 2-4 years old.
The illustrator surprised me very well! I got the perfect finished work in the style I asked for, without a single direction! I’ve just been dismissed 12 hours before the end of the delay and it’s completely matching the TZ!
The girl is a professional!
25 January 2024
12 USD
Re-create almost ready logos
A great freelancer! Reply fast and loyal to the right! It was a pleasure to work.)
25 January 2024
24 USD
Creating a logo in a vector
The task was completed at 10/10. Thank you very much for your work!
15 November 2023
75 USD
Two illustrations of Wafley
Thank you very much Olga for the wonderful work! I know that time times were very strongly pressed and there were a lot of tasks and some details, but I think everything was done the best way) The work was done qualityly and taking into account all the wishes that can’t be unpleasant! Thank you for the joint project!
23 October 2023
184 USD
14 illustrations for the ethnographic theme site
I am so excited about working with Olga. The result exceeded all our expectations. Very creative, intelligent, talented illustrator.
21 September 2023
48 USD
Illustrations for Ethnographic Themes
I am very pleased with collaboration with Olga. Very responsible and creative approached the task, with attention to the details. I strongly recommend cooperation!
10 September 2023
19 USD
The Girl Roblox
The project was done quickly and efficiently. Olga took into account all our wishes and made corrections until the full implementation of the project. A pleasant conversation and a well performed character. We are satisfied. Thank you and recommend to others.
1 April 2023
Favicon for the website
The work is done successfully, quality
6 April 2022
10 USD
Ілюстрація (Ольги Гайдуш)
A good job, thank you for your work!
1 February 2022
14 USD
B векторе 3 изображений женских фигур в стиле Генри Матисса
in time
pleased with cooperation
21 December 2021
Интересная работа, благодарим за сотрудничество!
29 November 2021
Ілюстрації для дудл анімації
Якість і швидкістю роботи дуже задоволена. Рекомендую!
23 November 2021
12 USD
Painting in the illustrator 2 figures of gymnast
Olya worked well with the task placed, clearly done the work on the TZ, it was pleasant to work
22 November 2021
20 USD
Painting an illustration for the interior of the children's center
Thank you, the work was done quickly and quality. I will also look for other illustrations.
| Response feedback
4 November 2021
Инфографика для статьи
Unfortunately, the quality of the work has not been assessed. The executive took the job and disappeared.
2 November 2021
36 USD
Painting 2D Monsters
Olay was very pleased, despite the volume of the work done, it worked very quickly, counted all the wishes and made all the corrections that were made during the implementation. thank you
5 October 2021
31 USD
Illustration in the Vector
Great work! I recommend cooperation!
27 September 2021
12 USD
Olga has proposed different options, but unfortunately we have a different view of the project.
27 September 2021
Супермарио в туалете.
Спасибо за результат! Благодарю за все выполненные правки и переделки:)
18 September 2021
Сделать картинку к посту 4
17 September 2021
22 USD
Иллюстрации девушек в векторе
Проект был срочный и Ольга выполнила его в срок и качественно.
16 September 2021
Copy the already drawn character and change it a little.
The order is done quickly, quality and not expensive. Thank you !
6 September 2021
Draw 4 vector icons for the site
Everything is done quickly, all directions are done.
6 September 2021
42 USD
Maze (выйди из лабиринта)
Ольга - замечательный исполнитель! Ответственная, вежливая, пунктуальная. Работа сделана отлично, все иллюстрации соответствуют ТЗ. Рекомендую к сотрудничеству!
28 August 2021
Графічний проєкт листівки в векторному форматі
Приємно було співпрацювати, будемо працювати і далі над новими проєктами.
14 August 2021
24 USD
Illustrations for the body-oriented coaching site
Olga did everything as I asked and even suggested improvements I would not have thought to ask for.
29 July 2021
24 USD
Создать 10 картинок для категории
Все выполнена отлично, Но вот время выполнения работы слишком долго!
20 July 2021
14 USD
Create an illustration or a painting.
The work was performed greatly! Thank you Olga
4 May 2021
24 USD
Розробка іллюстрацій для анімаційного відео
The executive did not do anything in the three days of the agreed delays! She constantly asked for a delay and nevertheless did nothing, while she rarely came out to contact! Consequences: project delay, unhappy customer and a lot of problems!
29 April 2021
17 USD
Многослойный вектор: медведица с малышом на спине
A talented artist, working in his technique, makes beautiful sketches. I needed a specific design for cutting - split by mutual agreement.
9 April 2021
24 USD
Illustrator (Designer) for a blog about self-development
Great work! I really liked the result!
5 April 2021
Painting an Illustration
I recommend the illustrator. Quality work within the agreed time.
24 March 2021
48 USD
Illustrations for video
I recommend that everything was done quickly and perfectly.
1 March 2021
10 USD
Ілюстратор, сторібордист, для анімаційного відео (90 секунд)
Хороша робота. Будемо продовжувати!
14 February 2021
29 USD
Дизайн чехлов
Хороший фрилансер все с делал вовремя и к оговоренным срокам , всем рекомендую
11 February 2021
70 USD
Иллюстрации для раскадровки рекламного ролика.
Проект выполнен отлично в срок и нам очень нравится, более того мы внесли миллион правок и Ольга все исправляла практически моментально, добавляя новые шедевры в общую картину.
6 February 2021
12 USD
Дизайн для детских колготок — персональный проект для Ольги Гайдуш
получил очень классные дизайны)
29 January 2021
The design of the sheets
I recommend a good freelancer.
| Response feedback
21 January 2021
168 USD
Отрисовать персонажей для детской мобильной игры
Olga was just not the person I was looking for. In general, I recommend cooperation. Especially if you need its style.
13 January 2021
20 USD
Making paint on a vodka
I liked the work, everything was fine. thank you.
20 December 2020
Иллюстрация для сайта
Быстрое выполнение, точное внесение правок, хорошая коммуникация, качественная работа. Спасибо.
14 December 2020
22 USD
Иллюстрации для сайт IT в сфере торговли, транспорта и логистики
Сотрудничаем не первый раз. Качественная работа, четкое внесение правок. Спасибо. Рекомендуем!
8 August 2020
Graphics for Social Networks
Everything is great. normal dialogue, desires to the right are perceived absolutely normal
1 August 2020
Рисованное фото + дизайн баннера (фотозоны) 2,8 х 2,8
Unfortunately disappointed by this freelancer, so the work is not performed in the agreed and foreseen deadlines. The quality of the illustration and the placement of inscriptions are also not those we discussed. “I am in the mountains, I understand everything, my fault but I can’t do anything.”
It’s a bad thing like a nice girl.
16 July 2020
14 USD
Рабочая область проекта Instagram креативы на 6 постов #3
Идеальная, максимально системна релализация из всего моего опыта на фрилансе.
Вне всяких похвал. Не рекомендую, постараюсь загрузить работой сам (:
7 July 2020
12 USD
Персонажі для дитячої книги (тестове завдання)
Ольга чудово впоралась з тестовим завданням. Дякую!
7 July 2020
14 USD
Instagram Creatives for 6 Posts
Very satisfied with the performance. Creative work, but I had a minimum of right. Made at a high level!
8 June 2020
10 USD
Translation of the image into the vector
Thank you Olga for the successful implementation of the project! I remained pleased, the translation of the reset image to the vector is performed quality, I am pleased to apply again for new orders!
| Response feedback
5 June 2020
Design of fonts
Very careful, everything was corrected quickly.For the first time on the site I used the service and was very pleased with the work with Olga.
2 June 2020
Create a sign in a vector. Sign of technical regulations.
The task was done quickly, in time. Qualitative satisfied
9 May 2020
36 USD
Все было сделано качественно и быстро.
31 March 2020
Draw 4 illustrations for the transport marketing site
Quick and quality in time. I will be happy to work more.
24 March 2020
Очень хорошая работа. Варианты набросков и финальный результат, все хорошо выполнено.
Также порадовало, что Оля проявила флексибельность, и в середины работы, согласилось поменять тему, и добавлять новые элементы. Всем довольна.
22 March 2020
Grouping layers in the .ai file
Thank you ! The task was not correctly set, but the result was the one that was needed!
| Response feedback
22 February 2020
29 USD
4 сложных картинок для описания услуг на Web сайте (.png, .svg)
The project was closed, as instead of the promised 4 days, only for the second week was able to get a raw option, which required a mass of improvement. The lack of communication with the freelancer did not give hope that the project will be allocated in the right time. The freelancer of the permanent disappeared for a few days and was able to provide only a copy of templates when it was required to draw from zero.
15 February 2020
Проект 15477А7
Все было сделано оперативно и быстро. Рекомендую!
| Personal | Response feedback
13 February 2020
24 USD
Проект 726345
Впервые работаю с Ольгой, были чуть задержки со сдачей работы "НО" за цену которую я заплатил, качество работы выше всех похвал. Обязательно обращусь еще раз!
| Personal | Response feedback
6 February 2020
Отрисовка концепта лого в кривых
спасибо за отрисовку логотипа и оперативную связь по правкам
7 January 2020
Drawings of trucks
Thank you, everything is done as agreed.
17 December 2019
71 USD
6 Children's Illustrations "The Body of Man"
Everything was done quickly. Olga is a professional.
| Response feedback
12 December 2019
Vector to redirect
Thank you for work. Everything is good
8 December 2019
36 USD
Calendar in the style of Petri
Everything is done very well and, most importantly, in time. Even despite the fact that it was given very little time and a large amount of work. I immediately found a common language. A huge thanks!
15 November 2019
Adding the icons to one format
Excellent freelancer, was in contact, feedback, work done well, I will collaborate
12 November 2019
Эскиз волшебного персонажа
Исполнитель сделал свою работу в срок.
10 November 2019
Логотип для телеграму
Результатом задоволений. Співвідношення ціни і якості більш ніж хороше. Рекомендую
5 November 2019
48 USD
Іконки і ілюстрації для сайту
Ольга малює чудові ілюстрації і гарно відчуває побажання замовника. Робота виконана в узгоджені строки і якби не побажання декількох правок, було б ще швидше) Дякую!
24 October 2019
12 USD
Vector illustration for the cover of the main page of the site
It was pleasant to work. Olga quite clearly felt the desire for the final result and performed the work in the specified period. I am pleased to go again. Thank you !
22 October 2019
24 USD
Infographics in PDF format
In general, everything is fine, a good level of design and communication. We didn’t get in time, but we removed all the shortcomings.
4 October 2019
Creating pictograms/icons of equipment
Very quick, quality and without any extra questions. I recommend it.
11 September 2019
The Macet
Falling for the first time. The great wise man got what he wanted.
4 September 2019
16 USD
Картинки для сайта
Второй раз работаю с Ольгой, очень нравится!
27 August 2019
17 USD
Design of Visitors
Excellent work done in time.
27 August 2019
14 USD
Multiple Banners
Olga is a professional in what he does. It was very pleasant to work. 100% I realized what I needed and did it quickly.
| Response feedback
8 August 2019
The easy vector
Olga is a great man and a professional of his business. I drawn the vector in less than an hour that completely arranged me. We will
| Response feedback
4 August 2019
10 USD
Image for printing on tissue
Everything is excellent, performed quality and in a timely manner.
15 July 2019
Convert JPEG to AI or EPS
Very clear and timely!
thank you
15 July 2019
12 USD
Drawing in the Vector
Thank you for work! It was pleasant to collaborate.
1 July 2019
Painting children's body
Thank you very much! The work is done super!
27 June 2019
Creating a Simple Logo
The work is done greatly!
20 June 2019
12 USD
Design for T-shirts
Olga made the order quickly and efficiently! He answered all the requests and quickly answered the questions. Thank you very much for your work!
20 June 2019
Зробити логотип
Логотип был выполнен быстро и очень качественно, внесены все необходимые правки.
4 June 2019
A few pages of simple infographics in the "storis" format for Instagram
Good work by freelancer.
3 June 2019
35 USD
Infographic Vector Treatment CAR-T
It works well, it paints well.
20 May 2019
Web banner for the main page of the site
It was very pleasant to work! Olga has fulfilled all the wishes, I recommend! Thank you for work!
15 April 2019
I need to paint in a vector.
Everything is good and accurate. I recommend all 1000% as a responsible and honest executive.
11 April 2019
14 USD
Great work! Operational and professional.
10 April 2019
22 USD
Illustration of articles on the topic of IT technologies - vector, raster.
I really liked working with Olga. Excellent illustrations, good color shortness, style, understanding of the topic. Current directions, excellent communication. We will continue cooperation. Thank you ! We recommend.
5 April 2019
72 USD
10 векторных иллюстраций по референсу
Ольга отлично справилась с задачей, быстро реагировала на обратную свзяь.
1 April 2019
14 USD
Изображения для сайта
Ольга выполнила работу очень быстро и качественно, результат превзошел ожидания.
29 March 2019
Drawing images for the site in a specific style
The work was done quickly and quality. We will continue to work on other tasks.
20 March 2019
Drawing 4 characters
I would like to put five stars, but it would be unfair.
Unfortunately, the deadlines are not met. To fulfill in time was one of the main conditions.
But since the project has been so long, I close without straight. We will fix here. And something to do.
5 March 2019
Make 5 icons.
The work meets, thank you!
4 March 2019
Нарисовать картинку в новых цветах
Спасибо за работу! Все получилось отлично
27 February 2019
12 USD
Drilling in the vector and preparing for printing
The professional of his business, all tasks were performed clearly and in time. It takes into account all the nuances, careful attitude to the details. Constantly in contact, which is important. Of course, I will cooperate more!
25 February 2019
Все хорошо, спасибо за работу
18 February 2019
12 USD
Illustration (Vector, Isometric style)
Everything is great. satisfied with the result. I recommend !
| Response feedback
28 January 2019
Minimalization of Euro bills
According to the applied example, more minimalism in the bills was expected, in general, everything was fine, fast.
20 January 2019
11 Icon of the Product Division
Thank you, everything was done well and with inspiration.
13 December 2018
24 USD
Create 6 illustrations in minimalist style.
Very pleased with the work with Olga, I recommend it!
29 November 2018
110 USD
Сотрудничаем не первый месяц. Все отлично
15 November 2018
Сделать иллюстрацию под статью о друпал
Все отлично как обычно. Рекомендую
5 November 2018
10 USD
Два баннера
Сотрудничаем не первый месяц, все отлично
6 October 2018
17 USD
Отрисовать векторные изображения
The freelancer was unable to scratch the images in the right style.
I wanted to close the project early because of the confidence that I won’t get the result I want, I turned to the arbitration, there they said to describe the directions and wait for the work to be done. After that, Olga disappeared and did not respond to the messages.
Until now, the dispute was beneficial, punctual, quickly drawn and quickly introduced directions.
2 October 2018
Все сделано на высшем уровне!
19 September 2018
24 USD
Все отлично. Высокий профессионализм
12 September 2018
15 USD
List of Pictures
Thank you for work! Good illustration, the directions are made quickly.The !
4 September 2018
20 USD
4 картинки
Все отлично выполнено. Благодарю
31 August 2018
12 USD
Create 3 graphics/Illustration for Website
Nach anfänglichen Schwierigkeiten wurde die Aufgabe im Gesamtzusammenhang doch verstanden und umgesetzt
27 August 2018
18 USD
Нарисовать три картинки
Все отлично как обычно. Ольга качественно выполняет работу
21 August 2018
Все отлично! Доволен работой
21 August 2018
11 USD
ДВе картинки
Оперативно, качественно. Все ок
17 August 2018
10 USD
ДВе картинки
Как обычно, выполнено отлично
13 August 2018
Нарисовать картинку
Все ок как обычно. Спасибо
9 August 2018
Нарисовать картинку для поста
Не первый раз сотрудничаем. Все ок
7 August 2018
Painting pictures under posts
satisfied with the result. thank you
26 July 2018
26 USD
Нарисовать ведведя
Отличная работа. Во второй раз работаю с данным исполнителем. Задачу поняла с первого взгляда, оперативно и качественно все сделала. Отличный специалист, прекрасно рисует!
Рекомендую, Ольга - профессионал своего дела.
18 July 2018
48 USD
Series of paintings “The Birth of Jesus”
Great creativity, I really liked working with Olga.
12 July 2018
Очень доволен! Как всегда креативно и качественно
2 July 2018
Сделать новое изображение
Как всегда очень доволен!
30 June 2018
4 дополнительньiе иконки
Доволен! Буду обращаться на будующее
30 June 2018
10 USD
23 Icons Related to Restaurant Business
He is very satisfied with the professionalism and quality of his work. In freelance they rarely find quality, idea, and creative specialties, what Olga is!
21 June 2018
[In the course of an hour] Make a card in the form of Ai
Quick and quality, thank you.
18 June 2018
Create a card in the form of Ai
Everything is great, thank you! Fast and Quality
18 June 2018
14 USD
Posts by Illustraton
Thank you very much, Cinderella for the work done. She took into account all my wishes and done all the work quality and in time. I was very pleased with cooperation!
12 June 2018
Ілюстрація для чашки
Все як треба! Гарно, якісно, зі смаком! Дякую.
5 June 2018
Painting a character
The commissioner performed the assigned task quickly and in time. He treated the work very professionally. At first we didn’t understand each other properly, but we found a common language and agreed.
Olga painted greatly. I recommend this executive, he is a professional of his business.
Thank you very much, we will definitely work further.
| Response feedback
5 June 2018
Illustration for the cup
Thank you very much for your work! Everything is professional and quality.
Projects you are working on 1 | Budget | Added | Terms | Proposal | |
9 illustrations for a folklore website
151 USD
Recent proposals 10 | Budget | Added | Terms | Proposal | |
9 illustrations for a folklore website
151 USD
Ramen Day poster, coffee pop-up, everything as always))
14 USD
Spice icons
52 USD
Conversion of raster image to vector image
21 USD
Sticker for bottles
12 USD
Create illustrations for a collection of poems
14 USD
Create a set of icons for the website
60 USD
Draw an illustration with abstract lines
24 USD
Cover for a children's coloring book about animals
14 USD
Draw graphics for onboarding in the app
96 USD