Oleksandr Fedorov
Accomplished projects' reviews 370 2
10 February
35 USD
Format two documents (2 pages) according to the template.
Clear specifications, good project. Thank you for the collaboration!
6 February
88 USD
HubSpot setup and integrations
Great client! Clear task, good feedback!
3 February
20 USD
Fix the forms
Everything is great, I am satisfied with the collaboration. I recommend.
3 February
35 USD
Fix the work
Everything is great, it works for the first time. I recommend.
30 January
55 USD
Create a form on the website
Everything is great. Communication is clear, the task is also. I recommend.
19 January
55 USD
Automation of the process on Make.com
I am satisfied with the collaboration with Oleksandr: the task was clearly and precisely defined, access was provided quickly, and there was an individual approach to the freelancer. I recommend!
19 January
100 USD
[WX] Copy 20 static pages to Wix Site
Everything is great, the client is pleasant to communicate with.
I recommend))))
19 January
53 USD
[AU] Select a template for the WordPress site
Clear terms of reference, pleasant client. I recommend!
17 January
20 USD
It's all the same, only now it's longer and can be done with one file.
Everything is as always 10 out of 10!
Everything is fast and clear. Let's continue working!
16 January
60 USD
WooCommerce integration
Everything is great! Oleksandr not only clearly defines the goals and tasks of the project but also always maintains reliable communication. He promptly provides all necessary access and information, creating comfortable conditions for the successful implementation of the project.
15 January
30 USD
Improve the voice from the video
Everything is great as always!
Fast, simple, and clear. Let's keep working.
12 January
30 USD
[WooCommerce] Consultation on product synchronization in WordPress
The consultation went excellently, we discussed the details regarding updating products in WooCommerce via Google Sheets, and clearly understood what needs to be done.
12 January
50 USD
Support for the website Dec/Jan
All good!
Clear terms of reference and quick payment!
24 December 2024
550 USD
BalloonBay SEO + Ads
Everything is great. Oleksandr clearly formulates the goals and tasks of the project, as well as provides access and materials necessary for its implementation.
22 December 2024
50 USD
Transfer the report to a new hosting.
The technical task was formulated clearly.
I recommend for collaboration!
22 December 2024
50 USD
Improvements on the website
All good!
We are making beauty!
18 December 2024
47 USD
[DS] Set up a report in Looker Data Studio
The project brief was formulated clearly. No additional tasks or nuances arose during the execution process. The client explained everything clearly and responded quickly to additional questions. I recommend for collaboration!
15 December 2024
40 USD
Glue the video
Alexander is a very good client.
Quick responses, clear terms of reference. We are working together for the first time.
I recommend!
13 December 2024
40 USD
Fix the forms on the WordPress site
Glad to meet and collaborate! Very clear project brief, no questions!
13 December 2024
30 USD
Bonus for work already done
Everything is on schedule!
We continue to create beauty!)
13 December 2024
40 USD
Fix the forms on the WordPress site
Unfortunately, I encountered a misunderstanding from the client. The access needed to complete the task was not provided for three days, despite my repeated requests through the platform and Telegram, where the client himself suggested to move and ultimately just blocked me without a response. Then the project was closed as not completed. In 6 years of working on the platform, I am facing such a situation for the first time. Arbitration, unfortunately, did not help to resolve it.
5 December 2024
55 USD
Write an article according to the specifications, 1500-2000 words, in English — personal project for Dmytro H.
The collaboration went excellent. I recommend!
14 November 2024
25 USD
[600-1200] Project manager for project development — personal project for Maxim D.
A pleasant person. We had a fruitful conversation.
12 November 2024
100 USD
SEO promotion of the website
Clearly defined task. Alexander is always in touch. I recommend for collaboration.
29 October 2024
300 USD
Website for BalloonBay.us
All good. Fast and without unnecessary questions.
23 October 2024
450 USD
Website design - decorations made of inflatable balloons
Thank you for the project, Alexander)
All the specifications are detailed, always in touch)
I recommend!)
9 October 2024
20 USD
Improve two photographs
Good client!
Thank you for your cooperation!
8 October 2024
20 USD
Improve two photographs — personal project for Ruslana Shtifanych
Thank you for your trust and for the order.
Clear project brief, quick feedback, and pleasant communication. I am happy to collaborate 🙂
3 September 2024
20 USD
Create one page of illustrations based on the photo — personal project for Oleksandr Avdieiev
Everything is great, pleasant client, I recommend.
3 September 2024
20 USD
Create one page of decoration based on the photo.
Clear technical assignment, good and polite communication. Thank you for reaching out.
2 August 2024
30 USD
[MD] Generate 5 images in MidJourney — personal project for Olena Yu.
I am satisfied with the collaboration with Alexander. The communication is pleasant, the requirements are clear, the task is not easy, but interesting, and the payment is quick. Thank you for the project )
2 August 2024
25 USD
[VD] Create a Reel for Instagram — personal project for Anastasia R.
Clear technical specification. No questions. It was a pleasure to collaborate.
1 August 2024
30 USD
[MD] Generate 5 images in MidJourney — personal project for Yuri Dikhtyar
This was an unusual project. I am grateful to Alexander for his patience, understanding, and pleasant communication. Good luck!
1 August 2024
25 USD
[VD] Create a Reel for Instagram — personal project for Andrey Prokopenko
Good communication, clear terms of reference. I recommend for collaboration.
31 July 2024
30 USD
[MD] Generate 5 images in MidJourney
Thank you, Oleksandr, for the collaboration. Clear and understandable project brief. Always in touch. I recommend for cooperation.
23 July 2024
30 USD
[BL] Find 200 photos
I recommend this client. Very clear project brief.
22 July 2024
40 USD
[EN] Find 200 photos - a personal project for Andriy O.
Great client, clearly sets the task, payment without problems. I recommend for collaboration.
25 May 2024
350 USD
Create a website page with services and contacts
Superb collaboration experience. One of the best customers in the service.
21 May 2024
50 USD
Создать ролик с рекламой для Instagram
There is a clear project brief and a deadline.
Everything was done as required. Ready to add a bonus for good cooperation. Oleksandr is an excellent and clear client. Thank you for the cooperation.
17 May 2024
50 USD
[AI] Consultation on creating a video for a blog, 30-40 minutes
Thank you very much for the cooperation. The meeting was productive. And with the continuation of the project. I thank Alexander for the time spent on us!
16 May 2024
35 USD
[BL] Consultation on Shopify, 30 minutes
It was nice working. The client is professional.
17 April 2024
50 USD
[TB] Find 30 construction companies in California
We have worked together before, everything is always excellent, clear project briefs
19 February 2024
140 USD
Starting a WordPress website on organic bioadditives
The freedom of creativity is clear.
25 December 2023
24 USD
Send 500 messages to LinkedIn in two days
As always, everything is fine, I recommend it.The !
14 December 2023
12 USD
Бонус за предыдущий проект
Отличный заказчик, рекомендую к сотрудничеству
14 December 2023
24 USD
The website of RapidAPI.com
Отличное взаимодействие.
Рекомендую к сотрудничеству.
12 December 2023
31 USD
Find the service of coverage
I am always happy to work and I will be happy to continue cooperating.
28 November 2023
19 USD
New page to the comic Pro Darth Vader - 3
Clear setting of task. I recommend cooperation!
25 November 2023
24 USD
Download video from the online course
As always, cooperation that brings pleasure, pleasant to work, always on communication, clear
23 November 2023
48 USD
Презентация на 5 слайдов по текстовому описанию
Thank you very much for your trust!)
Always happy to work together!
23 November 2023
24 USD
Create a comic page
Comprehensible TZ and operational reverse connection. Thank you for the project, I recommend you to collaborate!
22 November 2023
24 USD
Change the translation text
A great customer and a great project!
21 November 2023
24 USD
[DV] Новая страница к комиксу про Дарт Вейдера
Great collaboration, I recommend it!
20 November 2023
29 USD
Writing a script to one page of a comic - 5 pictures
Thank you for the project.
I hope for further cooperation.
19 November 2023
29 USD
Writing a script to one page of a comic - 5 pictures - personal project for Lydia Plus
Interesting and complicated task.
The customer is top. Very loyal and responsible.
18 November 2023
17 USD
Create a list of AI technologies
We’re working for the third time.
18 November 2023
Load additional material
Thank you for your collaboration, I recommend!
17 November 2023
41 USD
The text of translation
A great customer and a very interesting project! Everything at the highest level, I strongly recommend.
17 November 2023
65 USD
Save the course data on Google Drive
Thank you, we are working for the second time. Everything is wonderful! I recommend
17 November 2023
29 USD
Writing a script to one page of a comic - 5 pictures - a personal project for Olena U.
A pleasant collaboration with the customer, I recommend!
15 November 2023
24 USD
Editing translation to English + add humor - personal project for Lydia Plus
Thank you Alexander for the very interesting and unusual task) I am happy to continue working on the next part of the project)
Customer responsible, pleasant in communication, from his side clear setting of task, timely payment and quick check) I recommend
15 November 2023
31 USD
Make 4 Banner for a Comic
The work with Alexander was very pleasant and productive. He was a great customer who gave clear instructions and was always open to cooperation. I recommend for future projects.
15 November 2023
31 USD
Make 4 Banner for Comics - Personal Project for Zakhar Kirpov
Everything is great! Fast, clear and without straight! I recommend cooperation
14 November 2023
86 USD
Create a presentation on 10 slides
As always, it’s great!
12 November 2023
86 USD
[VD] Create a 14 slides presentation
Great, thank you for your work!
As always, it’s good.
5 November 2023
86 USD
[VD] Create a 12 slides presentation
One of my favourite customers!
Always very fast, positive, constructive.
It’s perfect, always in touch!
18 October 2023
12 USD
[VB] Svit Audio Road with Video - Personal Project for Timur Nazarov
Everyone is very pleased with cooperation. I can boldly recommend it. I will be happy with further projects.
18 October 2023
12 USD
[VB] Toughened Laminated Safety Glass
The task is not difficult, quickly resolved. Pleased with cooperation. I recommend it.
17 October 2023
12 USD
[VB] Toughened Laminated Safety Glass
A great customer! Clear and clear, with argumentation.
Immediate reservation of funds, as well as quick verification of the outcome of work.
17 October 2023
12 USD
[VB] Toughened Laminated Safety Glass
The clear and clear setting of the task from Alexander, was pleased to help quickly in the matter.
17 October 2023
24 USD
[VB] Find 15 competitors and fill out the table, English
I recommend the customer, the setting of tasks clear, quick check, always on contact
17 October 2023
36 USD
[VB] Найти выставки в США которые подходят по тематике
I recommend the customer, there were inaccuracies from my side, tried to correct quickly, thank the customer, pleasant to work with such people
16 October 2023
29 USD
[VB] Create a contact page for an existing site
Comprehensive and clear TZ, pleasant communication. I recommend cooperation!
10 October 2023
26 USD
[VB] Create a presentation on 5 slides by description
Great and pleasant communication. Working in a clear TZ.
Thank you for your collaboration!)
6 October 2023
22 USD
[HG] Cut the video - 1 minute
Everyone explained as clear as possible, put a clear deadline.
Alexander communicated well and went on to contact.
I am very pleased with the company and I recommend it.
1 October 2023
29 USD
Find 100 TikTok bloggers
The customer is always in contact, clear and clear.
Quick checking of work, I recommend! I will be glad for further cooperation.
30 September 2023
29 USD
Find fun pictures
Excellently explained TZ. Always answer if there is a question about the subject matter.
12 September 2023
29 USD
[OL] Find online and offline publications on health and medicine
Everything is great! Thank you for cooperation!
30 August 2023
14 USD
[EXT] Repair JavaScript code, 300 lines, 1 hour
Thank you for the prect.
I recommend it.
30 August 2023
14 USD
[EXT] Repair JavaScript code, 300 lines, 1 hour - personal project for Alexandra D.
All right, clear TZ, quick answers! I recommend cooperation!
29 August 2023
24 USD
[Extension] Add the button +
Everything is great, I recommend it as a great customer.
28 August 2023
24 USD
Preparation of the wreck
As always, everything is great. I strongly recommend.
27 August 2023
24 USD
Correction of HTML page
It was great, I recommend cooperation. Clear task and quick checking.
| Response feedback
25 July 2023
12 USD
[LP] Create tests using ChatGPT on technical documentation
Clearly described task, interesting experience.
I recommend cooperation.
19 July 2023
12 USD
[LP] Create Tests with ChatGPT on Technical Documentation - Personal Project for Olena Bechtir
The task was clearly placed, the customer answered the clarified questions quickly and clearly. The project was really interesting. I recommend Alexandra to collaborate, working with him is very pleasant and comfortable.
15 July 2023
12 USD
[PB] Recognize the test by hand
Thank you for the interesting project and confidence.
I hope the result satisfied you.)
I recommend Alexandra to cooperate!
29 April 2023
36 USD
[OC] Write 3 articles for the personal coach site, 3000 characters
Alexander is a pleasant and the most adequate customer. I recommend it to everyone!)
22 April 2023
120 USD
[OL] SEO Strategy and Promotion of Website by USA
It’s okay, we move forward.
18 April 2023
12 USD
Sites according to TZ
Everything is great. Communication, task, check and payment. Customer in all points.
15 April 2023
18 USD
[OC] Writing an article for the website of the personal coach, 3000 characters - a personal project for Daria Zaporožec
Thank you for the project. Everything is OK.
15 April 2023
12 USD
[OC] Writing an article for the personal coach site, 3000 characters - a personal project for Natalie Keller
Easy and pleasant cooperation. I definitely recommend 🙂
13 April 2023
12 USD
[OC] Writing an article for the personal coach site, 3000 characters - personal project for Irina Mraz
It’s nice to work with Alexander. Clean TZ, adequate requirements, fast payment. Thank you for cooperation!
13 April 2023
12 USD
[OC] Writing articles for the personal coach site, 3000 characters
Great is! Conditions are understandable, claims and claims to the executor - no. The reaction is instantaneous. That’s how I always work. With such a puppy!
8 April 2023
55 USD
[JJ] Journalist for writing articles
Both difficult and interesting at the same time. If you want to work with Alexander, you need to be a little more than "I have experience in writing articles".
Cool customer!
Thank you Alexander!
6 April 2023
120 USD
[OL] SEO Strategy and Promotion of Website by USA
It’s okay, we’re going on work!
25 March 2023
31 USD
[OL] Web site according to TZ
Always happy to help. Go to turn!
20 March 2023
120 USD
[OL] SEO Strategy and Promotion of the Website by the United States (Russia)
I like to work with the customer! Continuous contact, timely payment. I recommend to everyone!
4 March 2023
24 USD
[SN] Explore the technological steak of the project
We continue cooperation.
A great customer.
25 February 2023
19 USD
Write documentation for the project
We continue cooperation. Everything is great.
25 February 2023
12 USD
Bonus for the work already done
Alexander was always in contact, quickly resolved the issues on the TZ. I paid quickly, everything is fine. 10 out of 10. I recommend !
23 February 2023
36 USD
[OC] SEO Website Audit
Always in contact, I recommend cooperation.
23 February 2023
359 USD
[OL] Website re-design and transfer to new hosting
All within the limits of the tasks. clear requirements and understanding. A great customer! I will be happy to be added to the team and I look forward to the continuation of cooperation.
21 February 2023
31 USD
[Valentyn Salamakha ] Improvements in the script
Drop to the previous project.
The task is understandable.
The discussion of the details is constructive.
The check is fast.
It is easy and easy to cooperate with Alexander.
19 February 2023
35 USD
[For Nazareth Shimchuk] Spare data with Techcrunch
It’s not the first time I’m convinced that Alexander is a great customer! He gave a clear TZ, was in contact and paid quickly! We will continue to work together, thank you. I recommend !
19 February 2023
53 USD
[SM] Writing Google Apps Script to verify accessibility
A little bit of clarity and uncertainty was captured in the task, but an unpleasant surprise and problem it did not become, everything was easily solved in the dialogue.
We can cooperate boldly with Alexander.
18 February 2023
29 USD
[Igor Bridges] Make 2 slides
A pleasant collaboration, radja as a responsible customer)
13 February 2023
24 USD
[SQ] Перенести 694 строки с сайта в таблицу
I am pleased with the service, I recommend the customer, 10 out of 10
10 February 2023
12 USD
Additional payment for collected information
As always, great cooperation!
7 February 2023
19 USD
[CH] Найти все Google Chrome расширения для Google Calendar
Pleased with cooperation. We do not work for the first time. Everything is OK.
22 January 2023
129 USD
[Lp] Parser for data collection with crunchbase
Alexander immediately gave clear TZ and during the execution of the project quickly answered the work questions. A very good customer. I recommend !
13 January 2023
36 USD
[PR] Find contacts with CEO + CTO technology companies
The collaboration went successfully.
thank you
12 January 2023
12 USD
[PB] SEO Consultancy (Google), 30 minutes
A good customer. Everyone quickly discussed and closed the project.
8 January 2023
45 USD
[INST] Promotion on Instagram, 60 minutes of consultation
A great customer, I recommend cooperation.
Have a great consultation. A very interesting interlocutor.
I recommend
9 December 2022
67 USD
[KIDO] Dust Quest Producer
Thank you for the project! It was a very interesting order.
I recommend Alexandra as a good, disciplined and responsible specialist. I hope for and further cooperation.
3 December 2022
26 USD
[Eugenius Romanyuk] HR consultation
Alexander is very open, fair. He has interesting tasks that he wants to do.
I'm happy to communicate and I'd like to continue.
1 December 2022
19 USD
Create one page
I work in the second with Alexander, and happy with all 100, clear tz, on the contact.
I am a responsible commander.
4 November 2022
10 USD
Additional Bonus
Thank you Alexandra for the pleasant collaboration.
I am a responsible commander.
4 November 2022
10 USD
[PL] Transform the presentation
A pleasant cooperation, clear tz, always in contact, I advise to cooperate as a responsible customer.
He’s glad to work again.
4 October 2022
77 USD
[Vera Volkov] Write letters 2/3 + 3/3
It’s a pleasure to work with Alexander. My best customer.
26 September 2022
12 USD
[PDF] Print PDF into Google Docs
Thank you for the order.
I will be happy to regain cooperation.
18 September 2022
36 USD
Writing letters 1/3
Thank you Alex for the wonderful project. The ideal TZ. an interesting task. The best customer.
13 September 2022
29 USD
[Alena Smolarova] Make two maps for quests
Thank you for your creative projects and quick feedback. I hope it will be useful in the future. and 🙂
16 August 2022
19 USD
[MKTG] Improve the label for packaging
A interesting project. The customer is pleasant in communication. I recommend it!!The !
31 July 2022
29 USD
[DS] Configuring a report in Google Data Studio
Everything is great! I will be glad for further cooperation.
14 July 2022
43 USD
[MK] Make a presentation
Great, thank you for cooperation.
12 July 2022
35 USD
Google Spreadsheets, Part 2
Everything is fine, pleased with our cooperation. I look forward to new projects.
12 July 2022
31 USD
[BR] Get a company style on goods
Working with Alexander is a pleasure.
Clear requirements and full understanding of the final result.
I strongly recommend cooperation
9 July 2022
69 USD
[Fin] Google Spreadsheets adds two tables to one report
Everything as always, excellent TZ, timely payment, the customer is always in contact and quickly provides feedback.
I will be glad for further cooperation.
5 July 2022
[Map] Post + Title - Personal Project for Eugene Stepan
A very friendly customer with a understandable TZ, which leaves space for creativity. I am grateful for the experience and I recommend the customer to other performers.
3 July 2022
16 USD
[Map] Post + Title - personal project for Igor Vержаkovsky
Thank you for cooperation! I am happy to work on the following tasks!
27 June 2022
18 USD
[AWS] Presentation Part 2
Everything is wonderful!
Thank you for cooperation)
23 June 2022
36 USD
[AWS] Apply style to a ready presentation - 9 slides
Everything is fine, keep going
22 June 2022
Find 60 funny videos of jokes
Everything is fine, I recommend the customer.
22 June 2022
18 USD
Set up the company in AC
Thank you for cooperation. pleasant to deal.
13 June 2022
32 USD
Correct the text on the website
Thank you for work. I hope we will work again!
10 June 2022
96 USD
[SM] Move Part 3 of the website
Thank you for cooperation. I hope for further fruitful work.
9 June 2022
12 USD
[LN] Create an ad for the Social Network — a personal project for Dmitry Isaev
I loved to work with Alexander. Clear conditions, operational feedback, does not delay with the payment and completion of the project. Plus the order itself is very interesting, so it worked easy and pleasant.
9 June 2022
24 USD
Bonus to work.
Thanks for the bonus, I'm very glad we were satisfied with the project. I will be glad to further cooperation.
9 June 2022
38 USD
Create Dashboards
Excellent customer, clear TZ, quick feedback and detailed feedback on the routes. Thank you for your choice, I will be happy to continue cooperating!)
8 June 2022
359 USD
[LN] US Market Analysis
Thank you for the interesting order! Alexander is a great customer and person - I strongly recommend!
7 June 2022
Change the color of the text in the logo
A great customer, he knows what he needs. Answer quickly and clearly. I recommend the work.
6 June 2022
72 USD
[SM] Move Part 2 of the website
Thank you. It was nice to cooperate. We work further.
6 June 2022
72 USD
[SM] Move Part 1 website
thank you. It was pleasant to collaborate. We work further.
4 June 2022
36 USD
[KD] Draw maps for the remote quest
The ideal spherical customer in vacuum. Full freedom of creativity, lack of rights. Thank you for the interesting project!
1 June 2022
24 USD
[Fin] Clear the code and update the projects
As always, it is clearly formulated.
timely feedback and payment.
26 May 2022
48 USD
[SQ] Research and presentation - World Agro-Crisis
Thank you for the interesting project.
I am very pleased with the work with Alexander.
I recommend !
25 May 2022
31 USD
[AC] Set up the company at AC
I liked the work with Alexander. I highly recommend.
23 May 2022
31 USD
[Fin] Aggregate and update Google Spreadsheets data
Thank you to Alexander for the opportunity to implement this project, fairly loyal attitude, adequate requirements and fast payment.
23 May 2022
24 USD
[SM] Доработки по сайту
Thank you for the interesting project.
I was pleased with cooperation.
23 May 2022
Translate the table into English
Everything is great! I recommend cooperation.
23 May 2022
16 USD
[CH] Find booking programmes for the clinic
We are working for the second time, hopefully not the last. Alexander is a great customer. I strongly recommend cooperation.
21 May 2022
[MA] Find 30 cool pictures for MMS
Pleased with cooperation. Fast check and payment. I recommend it.
21 May 2022
16 USD
[SM] Create a project in Bitbucket
Everything is normal.
The problem is the difference in the timetable.
17 May 2022
19 USD
[TR] Gather the statistics on the car 200 units
A great customer.
Clear TZ, timely payment.
I am delighted to work again.
16 May 2022
26 USD
Discharge from OBD - Personally for Igor
The clear TZ.
I recommend the customer.
15 May 2022
11 USD
[SM] Correct the HTML wool
Good and punctual customer.
I recommend cooperation.
15 May 2022
12 USD
[SM] Сделать PSD файлы
Thank you for the project, I will be happy to collaborate 🙂
15 May 2022
26 USD
extracting data from the OBD is personal for Alexander P.
I really liked working with Alexander. The setting of tasks, requirements, contactability - all at the highest level. thank you.
13 May 2022
Add Map to Website
It’s a pleasure to work with Alexander. I recommend cooperation!
5 May 2022
29 USD
[CS] Finalize Java application, fold into tray
Thank you for the interesting project.
I was pleased with cooperation.
29 April 2022
26 USD
[SM] Google Apps script - вытягивать данные из БД регулярно — персональный проект для Олександра П.
Clear TZ and an interesting project.
I was pleased with cooperation
28 April 2022
36 USD
[SKM] Найти шаблоны для сайта
Glad to work together, everything is fine, thank you!
18 April 2022
17 USD
[SM] Develop the logo and create a 3D version
Thank you for the interesting project and clear TZ. I will be happy to cooperate in the future 🙂
12 April 2022
19 USD
[SHKM] Find the best websites on the subject of delivery of medicines
The person is distinguished by the specificity and clarity of the tasks set. Pleased with cooperation. thank you.
22 March 2022
36 USD
Promote the company in the Russian segment of the Internet
A great man, pleasant to work! Keep it so!
19 March 2022
36 USD
Провести промо компанию в Российском сегменте интернет — персональный проект для Владислава Петренко
A great, communicating young man! Everything went great! I recommend cooperation!
19 March 2022
36 USD
Провести промо компанию в Российском сегменте интернет — персональный проект для Олександри Комісарової
Thank you for your collaboration and the interesting project we have worked on. I hope for further work. Write, I will be happy!
18 March 2022
36 USD
Провести промо компанию в Российском сегменте интернет — персональный проект для Maksym Chulakov
This is not the first time we collaborate!
A very good craving!
12 March 2022
14 USD
Making Banner
Thank you Alexandra for another joint project! Everything is great, I recommend!
11 March 2022
[CP] Translate 1 page (Summary) into English
A very unpleasant aftertaste, Alexander made unreasonable claims to the translation, which was performed at the highest level manually, and not by machine (the fragments already translated by someone incompetent were even corrected and replaced with a more correct version), and checked by a carrier from the USA. He simply ignored, did not answer my questions regarding his claims, there is almost no feedback both before the start of work and at the end. Before placing the order, I asked if there were any special wishes or requirements for the translation, but there was no answer. For the first time in my prof. translation practice for more than 14 years, such unprofessional communication and sweeping accusations of machine translation! I do not recommend cooperation!
5 March 2022
14 USD
Собрать список заведений
Clear vehicle, and a good customer. I hope for further cooperation.
2 March 2022
32 USD
[FV] Add ads to the US tables (20)
Thank you for the opportunity to work with you again. I know that I can do better, I hope there will come a time when services will not hang in the 21st century.
22 February 2022
[FV] Написать тестовые проекты
It was a big pleasure for me to work with him again. Clear instructions were given.
19 February 2022
[PS] Cut 4 photos and change the background
Thank you, everything is great! Go to turn!
19 February 2022
12 USD
[FV] Исследовать возможность создания заданий
Everything is fine, we can collaborate.
9 February 2022
24 USD
[Baners] Создать 4 банера
The joint work went well. It is a pleasure to collaborate with Alexander.
3 February 2022
[Nika] Create/find 14 simple geometry tasks for a child
Thank you for your collaboration, I will be happy to work with you again!
27 January 2022
[English] Find 100 popular English slogans
Requirements for the task were clearly set. Thanks to the collaboration with Alexander, I learned something new.
22 January 2022
[Figma] Translate Figma templates into Cannva
It is very comfortable to work with Alexander. The task is clearly set, corrective directions are made. I recommend cooperation!
20 January 2022
45 USD
[Advisor] Банеры для Facebook + LinkedIn
This is not the first time we have worked with Sasha.
In general, everything is ok, but this time the contact was really upset. One message a day is tough, even the smallest adjustment that could be made in a minute had to wait one day for review. I understand that we are in different time zones, but still it would be possible to agree on an hour or two, when we are both online, in order to promptly make the necessary changes. But in any case, the project has been successfully completed, and that's good.
29 December 2021
[Presents] Make a list of gifts with Etsy.com
Thank you for cooperation.
30 November 2021
[MP] Translate two medical diagnoses by photo into English
Successful joint project. I thank Alexandra for cooperation and I recommend as a responsible customer, whose task, requirements, contactability are all at a high professional level.
22 September 2021
14 USD
[Land] Placing an advertisement for the sale of the site
A very good customer!
Clear task, quick checking and payment.
Thank you !
I recommend ! I will be happy to continue our cooperation!
9 September 2021
14 USD
[Kids] Write fun tasks for children not a week
Thank you for the interesting task and new experience.
7 September 2021
19 USD
[Kids] Написать веселые задания для детей не неделю — персональный проект для Margarita Lyuze
Очень рада, когда проект нравится и мне, и заказчику)
Выполняла с удовольствием, обсуждать было тоже легко и комфортно, однозначно рекомендую Александра к сотрудничеству и надеюсь поработать с ним еще.
31 August 2021
17 USD
Изменить текст на сайте
Как всегда, приятно работать с Александром. Рекомендую к сотрудничеству!
30 August 2021
16 USD
[AMD] Find errors on the site (English)
Thank you to Alexander for the collaboration and success of his project. I recommend the customer!
19 May 2021
12 USD
[DD] Preparing an article for publication
Everything is great. Clear TZ, timely and decent payment.
I recommend to everyone.
13 May 2021
42 USD
[Программирование] Журналист для Дописать статью — персональный проект для Русланы Гуденок
Хороший заказчик, всегда радующий интересными заданиями. Рекомендую всем к сотрудничеству!
9 May 2021
12 USD
[Программирование] Журналист для Дописать статью — персональный проект для Sabrina Viktorovna
Хороший заказчик.
Задание четкое и понятное, оплата достойная.
Спасибо за сотрудничество)
20 March 2021
[Olga.coach] Добавить капчу
Как всегда, приятно работать с Александром. Всё очень круто, работаем дальше.
10 March 2021
12 USD
[Coach] Исправить ошибку на сайте
Как всегда, приятно работать с Александром. Всё очень круто, работаем дальше.
17 February 2021
17 USD
Перенести сайт на новый хостинг
Работаем не первый раз. Все как всегда отлично.
13 February 2021
12 USD
[PAI] Transfer 100 tasks
A great customer!
Clear TZ, good communication, quick check and payment.
I recommend ! I will be happy to continue cooperation.
11 February 2021
48 USD
[WP] Дополнительный проект по переводу сайта
Отличный заказчик . Рекомендую к сотрудничеству
10 February 2021
144 USD
[Coach] Translate a project from Tilda to WordPress
All is great, I recommend Alexandra as a responsible and excellent customer.
19 January 2021
48 USD
[Coach] Разработка логотипа
Все хорошо. Впрочем, как всегда.
5 January 2021
10 USD
[SM] Сделать baсkup сайта
Одно удовольствие работать с Александром. Всё очень круто, надеюсь на продолжение сотрудничества.
4 January 2021
36 USD
[SM] Презентация школы программирования
Александр - отличный специалист и один из самых квалифицированных заказчиков, с которыми я работаю!
Работать с ним всегда максимально рада!
Ещё раз приношу свои извинения за задержки по проекту и благодарю за невероятное терпение и понимание!)
1 January 2021
120 USD
[SM] Setup of targeted Facebook advertising
It loved to work with Alexander, the municipality is short and clear, all the time on contact, quickly makes decisions, paying according to agreement, even before the final completion of the project. Thank you for cooperation!
1 January 2021
12 USD
[SK] Sound the text to reply to the call
Thank you for cooperation!
I recommend the customer.
28 December 2020
191 USD
[SK] copy of the landing page for the online programming school
The cooperation with Alexander was successful!))
The project was intellectual and creative.
I recommend cooperation!
24 December 2020
12 USD
[AMD] Изменить формат отображения поста на сайте
Не первый раз сотрудничаю с Александром, очень доволен сотрудничеством. Замечательная коммуникация и обсуждение. Отличный Заказчик, всем могу рекомендовать))
23 December 2020
22 USD
[AMD] Fill the site with content, 8 works in the description
Alexander is a great customer, very pleased with the cooperation. Everything will clearly explain, provide access and pay for work at the same speed. I was very surprised, thank you for work.
21 December 2020
10 USD
[SM] Writing text to the 2nd advertising posts of Facebook
Interesting project and task. Alexandra has a very tight supply of information that allows you to switch instantly. Thank you for cooperation!