Language Proficiency Level
Photo, Audio & Video
from 12 USD per project
Text Translation
from 4 USD per 1000 symbols
Poems, Songs & Prose
from 12 USD per unit
Text Editing & Proofreading
from 2 USD per 1000 symbols
- All works 175
- Text Translation 46
- Articles & Blog Posts 15
- English 78
- Presentations 7
- Rewriting 3
- Text Editing & Proofreading 17
- Ukrainian 2
101 USD Literary project "The Last Ranger"
UkrainianThe project includes a novel and a collection of short stories, set in a large, intricately developed universe with a rich history, political intrigues, contacts with other civilizations, and large-scale conflicts. The main themes are survival, moral choice, and the struggle of the individual against the harsh reality of the future.
World features:
- A carefully thought-out history of humanity from our time to the distant future
… - Contacts with other civilizations, each with its own characteristics and culture
- The impact of technology on society, particularly nanofabrication and interstellar economy
- An atmosphere of tense conflicts and political intrigues
The content of this project was proofreading and editing the first short story of the collection.
526 USD Artistic translation of the second volume of the bestseller book
Text TranslationThe work involved translating the second volume of an incredible book that sheds light on the situation regarding the war between Ukraine and Russia.
What were the historical preconditions for the events happening today between the two powerful states?
… Who is this hypocritical Russia and what methods has it cynically and systematically used to seize foreign lands, force indigenous peoples to leave their settled places, destroy nations, and carry out brutal Russification?
This book will open many eyes, change perspectives, and once again convince that a state that built its empire on the destruction of the self-identity of other nations deserves to be destroyed.
455 USD Artistic translation of the first volume of the bestseller book
Text TranslationThe work involved translating an incredible book that sheds light on the situation of the war between Ukraine and Russia.
What were the historical preconditions for the events happening today between the two powerful states?
… Who is the hypocritical Russia really, and what methods has it cynically and systematically used to seize foreign lands, forcing indigenous inhabitants to leave their homes, destroying nations, and conducting brutal Russification?
This book will open the eyes of many, change worldviews, and once again convince that a state that built its empire on the blood of other nations deserves to be destroyed.
455 USD Proofreading and editing of the second volume of the two-volume edition
Text Editing & ProofreadingA book that deserves to become a bestseller in the Ukrainian book world. Debunking myths about the omnipotence of the aggressor country, a historical excursion into the deep past as a prompt for reflection - when it all began, what was the root cause, and what consequences may await those who do evil.
383 USD Proofreading and editing of the first volume of a two-volume edition
Text Editing & ProofreadingIn the context of today's war with Russia, the book written by Oleksandr is incredibly relevant and deeply informative for understanding the historical basis of the events taking place today. The work involved proofreading and literary editing of the book's text.
646 USD Artistic translation of a fantasy book into English
EnglishTranslation of a book in the genre of theological-religious fantasy from Ukrainian to English. 16+
Translating a deeply meaningful book in the genre of theological-religious fantasy. Its feature is the fragments of religious content – quotes from the Bible, which the author successfully used to enhance the main idea and unique authorial style.
526 USD Translation of a book in the genre of Christian art into Ukrainian.
Text TranslationCollaboration with the publishing house "Wheel of Life" and translation of an interesting book on philosophical themes into Ukrainian.
What language should we speak today about the experience of the Divine? At what point do the sharpest problems of modern humanity converge with the living theological question? The author of the book, the prominent contemporary philosopher and theologian Oleksandr Filonenko, sees this place at the intersection of three most important aspects of human experience: beauty, communication, and gratitude. In the book, with the warmth, wit, and empathy characteristic of the author, one of the main directions of contemporary theology is described — the theology of beauty. The theoesthetic perspective turns out to be the cherished key to a new theological understanding of the most important aspects of our lives.
239 USD Editing the artistic novella "Plateau" by Oleksiy Kucherенко
Text Editing & ProofreadingWith the onset of the great full-scale war, caused by the attack of an aggressor country, almost every resident of Ukraine has experienced great sorrow, losing someone close, whether a relative or a friend. All that remains of these people, thanks to whom our lives were once full and happy, are warm memories, photos, and videos that serve as reminders of the important feat they accomplished for us at the cost of the most precious thing they had — their own lives.
And what should those who are left alive do when grief and despair often overpower the desire to move forward; when, continuing our journey through a country where war is ongoing, we witness new sorrow every day? How can we not stop and lose hope in this situation? How can we preserve the memory of our loved ones? How can we fight our fears and doubts and not lose ourselves without the support we have grown accustomed to?
The artistic novella "Plateau" by Oleksiy Kucherenko attempts to answer these questions by describing the unexpected and mysterious story of the meeting of two old friends. This philosophical, and at times even mystical-fantastic story reveals the problems of how a modern person imagines and perceives the surrounding world, as well as the constant search and perception of oneself within it, through the prism of one’s own hopes, fears, and the ongoing quest for meaning and truth in our existence.
The novella is dedicated to the memory of the author's close friend — Sergeant Mykhailo Rybitskyi, who died in the Russian-Ukrainian war on March 14, 2023, while performing a combat mission.
… The events unfold on a high plateau, surrounded on all sides by the sea, where one of the main characters of the book awakens. Not understanding how he got there and having almost completely lost his memory, he meets his old friend in this lonely, yet picturesque and strange place. Communicating with him, he gradually begins to understand that the surrounding world is not actually as it seems, and the "plateau" is very close to us, and each person has their own…
574 USD Editing and translation of a literary work into Ukrainian
Text Editing & ProofreadingBecoming the editor and translator of the incredible book by the amazing writer Hanna Yasna, "The Mystery of Atlantis," is a Sign of Destiny, no less. I was fortunate not only to meet a talented person but also to receive a signed book with wishes from the author Hanna Yasna as a gift. Hanna is a renowned Ukrainian writer, journalist, and TV presenter. A guide, spiritual teacher, and healer, a therapist of the Soul, a mystic – psychologist, Master of Psychology (Ukraine – Israel), author of IRDology (spiritual teaching about the Path and Mission of the Soul), Master of Consciousness Transformation, a specialist in quantum psychodynamics.
"The Heavenly Lily" is the first book of the eponymous trilogy "The Mystery of Atlantis." A mystical tale that thousands of readers from different countries have long awaited - from the Ukrainian author of the psychological bestseller "Crossroads." This unique book, in the best traditions of fantasy, was published in 2019 and fantastically predicted a future that has already become a reality today. The book foresaw the terrible war in Ukraine, which united all warriors of Light in the fight against evil, and even peered deeper – into the genesis of our planet's history.
… During the translation of the book into Ukrainian, the most inspiring and emotional moment was the translation of the poems, which for me, as a poetess, always holds sacred significance. Here are some of my favorites:
My God!
Thank you for love,
For laughter, for tears, for sorrows,
And for partings again and again,
And the miracle of meetings we did not expect.
For the sweet gingerbread, the harsh whip,
For all life's anxieties,
For shelter, as I fell exhausted,
For the crossroads.
And for the eternal veil of atonement,
And for great changes.
And for life’s new dawn,
And even the sea up to my knees!
And for the enchanting song of souls
The heartbeat lives,
For the hustle of coming days.
For the light of the future!
You and I. And the whole Eternity with us.
This endless bright love:
Between the earth and the horizon
A sunbeam binds us tightly.
Tender and untouched like the first snow
Our lily - the guardian of the Soul!
My God!
So much unites us with you:
Flight in the heavens, in the cradle of dreams,
Boredom that, like a swamp, engulfs,
The cacophony of hollow words.
And the calluses worn from chains.
And the fluids of happiness in the grayness of existence,
And the pains of torment, and the torn wounds of the heart
As attributes of true life.
And the ancient webs of wisdom,
The poison of overly sweet lies.
And moments of oblivion when the planet
Gives me a moment of solitude.
My life is a contrasting shower:
Despair – a splash – courage.
Then the soul plays Tush,
Then the Turkish march.
Then it greets the dawn,
Then sits in the shadow.
Then like a bee gathers honey,
Then sleeps from laziness.
Sorrow floods with tears
In complete hopelessness,
Then it tears apart
Nurtured dreams.
Then it flies into the blue of the heavens,
Plays with feelings.
Then it does not believe – the moment will come
And life will give a sign.
Just finished the flight –
Tears again in my eyes.
Looks askance at the world,
Meets the morning.
I hope and believe that the Ukrainian-language "The Mystery of Atlantis" will become wildly famous, finding resonance in the souls and hearts of those who are Peacemakers by nature, who, against all odds, carry Light in their Souls and can afford the luxury of Being Themselves. For being oneself means understanding the true self and not betraying the true values of one's life. This inspires and gives strength to play all other roles in life.
36 USD Editing of the training manual
Text Editing & ProofreadingThe project involved editing an incredibly interesting and aesthetically appealing book. "The Secrets of Marshmallow Tulips" is a textbook on marshmallow floristry that will help quickly master a new and exciting area of confectionery art. The book reveals all the secrets of making sweet edible flowers from an experienced pastry chef.
72 USD Редагування текстів художньої літератури
Text Editing & ProofreadingЗавдання проєкту полягало у вичитці та редагуванні оповідань християнської літератури, перекладених українською мовою.
Християнська література допомагає нам зрозуміти складні біблійні ідеї простою та зрозумілою мовою. Життєві історії, образи та переживання героїв здатні донести до читача глибокі богословські концепції, моральні принципи та цінності.
Персонажі християнських творів часто є яскравими прикладами віри, любові, смирення та інших християнських чеснот. Вони допомагають читачеві знайти відповіді на свої запитання у найскладніших життєвих ситуаціях та відіграют важливу роль у духовному зростанні людини.
646 USD Художній переклад оповідань українською мовою Збірка 3
Text TranslationХристиянська література є джерелом натхнення, підтримки та мудрості для тих, хто шукає сенс життя, постає перед труднощами або сумнівається у своїй вірі. Через історії інших людей читач може знайти відповіді на свої запитання і зрозуміти, що він не самотній у своїх переживаннях.
У світі, сповненому спокуси та мінливих цінностей, така література допомагає читачеві зберегти фокус на вічних цінностях і не втратити зв'язку з Богом.
… Християнська художня література може відігравати важливу роль у духовному зростанні людини. Вона допомагає нам глибше пізнати Бога, розвивати свої християнські чесноти та знаходити відповіді на життєві питання. Однак, щоб отримати максимальну користь від читання, важливо підходити до цього процесу свідомо та обирати твори, які відповідають нашим потребам і сприяють нашому духовному розвитку.
Саме такими творами є оповідання збірки "Дорога до Неба - 3", редагуванням та перекладами яких я займалася.
187 USD Writing product description texts for cosmetic products
EnglishVictoria Katsadze Cosmetics is not just a Ukrainian cosmetics brand. It is a new worldview and lifestyle, a unique vision and its own ecosystem of self-care. Content was created specifically to describe the unique products of this cosmetics brand.
646 USD Artistic translation of stories in Ukrainian Language Collection 2
Text TranslationIn our time, the boundaries between good and evil are often blurred. In the complex process of searching for the Truth, good Christian literature takes on significant importance. Therefore, the search for those pearls that would encourage thinking, analyzing, and daily working on oneself and one's spiritual growth becomes especially valuable. From such pearls, the second collection of wise religious stories was formed, which I edited and translated.
The stories "The Singer of Doctor Luther," "The One Who Crosses the Line," "Gaiyat," and "The Shepherd Boy" introduce examples of sacrifice and mercy and teach: how to know and love prayer, how to feel the need for repentance, how to lay the foundations of honesty and generosity, how to humbly endure grief and sorrow, how to distinguish between good and evil, and to love one's neighbor and God.
144 USD Editing a children's book (detective)
UkrainianIn children's literature, there has always been a trend for detective stories, and today it occupies its full, unique niche.
This interesting and captivating genre of fiction has fans all over the world, and this trend is noticeably growing.
… Children's detective stories, in a light and engaging form, encourage reflection, train memory, and help expand worldview.
For preschool and younger school-age children, the main characters are most often animals, as is the case in the book I edited.
In detective books, there is no place for weapons or magic wands — the main roles are played only by intellect, ingenuity, and curiosity, which help unravel mysteries, understand the intricacies of events, and find the criminal.
This is exactly the kind of detective story I edited — mysterious and appealing, intriguing, where curiosity about the unknown constantly drives the search for answers. The plot line in this text is truly intricate, and the vibrant palette of characters will leave neither the little curious readers nor their parents indifferent.
Reviews and compliments on completed projects 511
Real expert -
Craft master -
Quick answers -
First-class quality -
Nice communication -
High responsibility -
Great price -
Lightning fast
7 February
101 USD
Literary project "The Last Ranger"
The task was completed on time and in full. The quality is high. There were minor errors, but they were easy to fix.
23 January
12 USD
Everything is great, I recommend it;)
Fast, high quality, and taking all wishes into account.
19 January
526 USD
Translation. Volume Two. Kohve Prokhvesora
Very powerful work on text editing and translation into literary Ukrainian from Russian. Creative approaches to reworking the text, into which the freelancer put their soul. Detailed consultations and discussions of controversial issues. Completion - always before the established deadline. I highly recommend.
17 January
10 USD
Test assignment for book editing
Good job, done well and on time.
16 January
109 USD
Checks of the scientific article in English for grammatical errors
Everything is great, fast and quality.
10 January
455 USD
Editing of the Second Volume of the Book
Very meticulous about the smallest mistakes, thorough and diligent freelancer. Appreciates a creative approach in suggesting options for correcting errors. An ideal choice for proofreading scientific, popular science, and literary texts. I recommend.
9 January
29 USD
Translation of the instruction from Ukrainian to English (American)
Satisfied with the completed work. Quality and on time.
8 January
Editing and translation of text for social media
Very productive, pleasant, and fast collaboration! I am satisfied with the result!
7 January
48 USD
Translation of the text
I am very grateful to Tetiana for her quick and professional work! I recommend her to all clients!
30 December 2024
455 USD
Translation of the first book of Thomas
The order was completed promptly and professionally! The translation into Ukrainian, in general, did not raise any objections. Professional. With an attempt to stylistically adapt to the author's text. I recommend the performer for quick Russian-Ukrainian translation of large texts in relatively short terms.
25 December 2024
383 USD
First Personal Contract - Proofreading and Editing Volume 1
The work was completed earlier than the established deadlines, very qualitatively and responsibly. The performer paid attention to the smallest and unnoticed stylistic and spelling mistakes. A very professional approach and a high degree of responsibility in fulfilling the order. The performer offers adequate replacements for poorly formulated sentences and words. Thank you very much for the completed work. I recommend it to everyone interested in quality editing of popular science texts.
23 December 2024
48 USD
Proofreading and editing text on the website
The project was completed on time and with quality. Comfortable collaboration and communication.
16 December 2024
646 USD
Artistic translation of a book from Ukrainian to English in the fantasy genre
The text of the book was not simple, however, the translation was done with high quality and professionalism ahead of schedule!
10 December 2024
30 USD
Literary editing of the translated text (≈ 15,000 characters)
Thank you, Tetiana, for the work done. Everything was on time and of high quality! I will be happy to collaborate again.
4 December 2024
96 USD
Rewrite and humanize AI generated text on health and nutrition subject
Thank you, Tetiana, for the timely and high-quality completion of the project! Tetiana has an excellent command of English and is knowledgeable about the nuances of local language usage - exactly what I needed for the project. All additional questions were clarified, and corrections were made on time. I recommend!
27 November 2024
19 USD
Test translation of the Introduction and the First Rule
Tetyana completed the task efficiently and on time, proposed a mutually beneficial way of cooperation, convenient for both me and her, I can recommend.
25 November 2024
72 USD
Editing of a literary work
It was productive work. The author's sound was not lost (which I was most afraid of). Everything was done quickly and with high quality.
8 November 2024
72 USD
Correction of syntactic and spelling errors on the website
I do not recommend. Very aggressive freelancer. Does not know how to communicate with the client. Impolite. Twists the truth.
31 October 2024
14 USD
Translation of a children's story
Tatiana is a wonderful professional!
It is pleasant to collaborate and communicate.
It is nice to receive quality work done)
Thank you!
30 October 2024
526 USD
Translation of the book text into Ukrainian
The translation of the book was completed with "excellent" and 5 days ahead of the scheduled deadline. I recommend the specialist as responsible and highly professional.
28 September 2024
72 USD
Road to Heaven 3 - editing
Having worked with Tetiana Honchar, I want to highlight her high professionalism and attention to detail. Tetiana edited three stories in Ukrainian, and during the process, she demonstrated not only a deep understanding of the text but also an excellent command of language nuances. Her approach to editing was thorough and caring, which helped achieve a harmonious sound of the texts.
I especially appreciate Tetiana's ability to collaborate, listen to wishes, and offer useful suggestions that improved the final result. She created an atmosphere of constructive interaction, making our joint work productive and enjoyable.
I recommend Tetiana as a responsible and talented editor, with whom it is easy and pleasant to work.
22 September 2024
40 USD
Editing a fairy tale
Professionally and quickly! I recommend!
19 September 2024
646 USD
Road to Heaven 3
I want to express my sincere gratitude to Tetiana Honchar for the excellent work done in translating three stories from the collection into Ukrainian. Her attention to detail, professionalism, and subtle understanding of the text are impressive. I would also like to thank her for the harmonious interaction and fruitful exchange of experience throughout the entire process. Working with Tetiana was easy and inspiring. I recommend her as a high-level translator.
14 September 2024
144 USD
Editing a children's book (detective)
I am sincerely grateful to Tetiana Honchar for the wonderful work!
This is my first experience working with an editor, and I am incredibly happy that I chose Tetiana, as besides the excellently done work, I received answers to all the questions that concerned me.
Communication with Tetiana was very pleasant; in her work, the editor took into account all my wishes and even provided additional recommendations for further improvement of my skills.
A very responsible and highly qualified editor! The work was completed even faster than I expected, and it was done to the best possible standard.
I recommend her a million times and hope for further collaboration!)
9 September 2024
48 USD
Proofreading Russian to English
Thank you. The work was completed on time, according to the specifications. I recommend.
5 September 2024
36 USD
Editing (proofreading) of the book
Very pleasant to work with, very responsible and highly qualified performer! The work was done even earlier than we agreed!
3 September 2024
24 USD
Translation check
Quick and quality correction of the translation of 2200 words
2 September 2024
36 USD
Translation of text on marketing-business topics
Super fast communication, work completed by the set deadline. I recommend.
31 August 2024
24 USD
Editing of artistic translation (Volume 2)
I sincerely thank Tetiana Honchar for the wonderful work on editing four stories in Ukrainian. Her professionalism, attention to detail, and ability to successfully highlight the nuances of the text made the stories brighter and more meaningful. Tetiana skillfully preserved the authenticity of the originals while simultaneously improving the linguistic quality of the works.
24 August 2024
646 USD
Artistic translation from Russian to Ukrainian Volume 2
I sincerely thank Tetiana Honchar for the wonderful work on the translation of four stories into Ukrainian. Tetiana not only accurately conveyed the meaning of the original but also managed to preserve its mood and atmosphere, which is extremely important for artistic texts. Working with her was easy and pleasant; she always responded to requests on time and worked within the agreed deadlines. I recommend Tetiana as a highly qualified and responsible translator. Thank you for the excellent result! I hope for further collaboration.
22 August 2024
57 USD
Text adaptation for packaging
This is not the first time we have turned to a freelancer, and we are once again satisfied with the completed work and the great understanding of the approval processes within our company.
Everything is great, I recommend!
14 August 2024
Translation of the document into English
The translation was done very quickly and with high quality! Pleasant communication, I recommend.
14 August 2024
187 USD
Writing product description texts in Ukrainian and English.
Everything is fine, I recommend for collaboration.
8 August 2024
88 USD
Writing a product description for the website in Ukrainian and English languages.
Everything is fine, I recommend for cooperation.
7 August 2024
598 USD
Artistic translation from Russian to Ukrainian
I want to express my gratitude to Tetiana Honchar for the artistic translation into Ukrainian of 5 stories for the first volume, totaling 300 pages. From the first message, I understood that she was exactly the person I needed - professional, talented, and sincere. The most impressive thing was that Tetiana puts her heart into her work - you cannot put a price on that.
Communication with Tetiana was very pleasant, all questions were resolved quickly and clearly. The work was completed even faster than I expected, and with high quality. That is why I decided to continue collaborating with Tetiana on the second volume.
I recommend Tetiana to everyone who values quality, professionalism, and sincere dedication to their work.
31 July 2024
72 USD
Proofreading of a medical text 48 pages
Quality, quickly, promptly
26 July 2024
36 USD
Translation of text from Ukrainian to English.
Translation done according to the technical specifications and of high quality.
22 July 2024
646 USD
Translation of the text:
Translate a book from Ukrainian to English
I am extremely satisfied with the collaboration with Tetiana!
I wrote a book that encompasses my entire life and research. There was a great need to translate the book (440,000 characters) into English, and I chose Tetiana from more than 50 proposals, immediately sensing her professionalism, serious approach, and... I won't lie, a magnificent portfolio, which already included translated books that are being sold on Amazon. We communicated, agreed, and... that was it. The agreed deadline was 30 days, but I received the finished translated book much earlier (by a week, if I'm not mistaken). A titanic job. I am sincerely grateful to Tetiana; she contributed very carefully and professionally to the work of my life. And now, in the book that will be seen by a wide international audience, her contribution will remain forever! I recommend Tetiana 100% and cherish this valuable acquaintance, as there is still much work to be done) Thank you once again and I wish you exclusively Interesting Informational Funnels))
22 July 2024
31 USD
Proofreading of texts in Ukrainian and English languages packaging and description
The project was completed within the specified deadlines, very responsible and humane approach. Very satisfied with the collaboration.
21 July 2024
96 USD
Editing a book
Very pleasant experience. Everything on time. Professionally.
20 July 2024
239 USD
Writing a book
Incredible work. Thank you.
18 July 2024
17 USD
Editing text for a novel
Editing the text was done very quickly and qualitatively, I would like to separately note the friendliness and sociability. Mrs. Tetiana approached the project with extraordinary attention, had a pleasant conversation and helped in a way that no one else could. I recommend a thousand times, and I will definitely come back with other projects)
17 July 2024
12 USD
Checking text in English, copywriting
Grateful to Tetyana for the work. Everything is clear and on time. Special thanks for the useful recommendations.
16 July 2024
19 USD
Proofreading of text in Ukrainian and English languages of the label
The first experience of working with Tetiana was very pleasant, high standard, preparing a new task!
Tetiana proactively took on the implementation of the tasks set.
Correct and competent corrections, suggestions.
14 July 2024
Translation of the text into English:
Translate the text into English
all good, very fast, high quality
11 July 2024
120 USD
Переклад / Локалізація CMS. Папка admin_lang
The translation was done qualitatively, professionally, and within the agreed deadline. Thank you!
26 June 2024
12 USD
Translation of the text in triple ticks:
Translate restaurant menu
very good and fast, recommend
24 June 2024
62 USD
Translate the YouTube video from Russian to English
Thank you for the work. Nice translation.
19 June 2024
72 USD
Rewrite the text in English
Very satisfied with working with Tatiana. Everything was done in the shortest time and in excellent quality. Highly recommend!
11 June 2024
24 USD
Translate files of CMS from Russian or English to Ukrainian language
Project completed professionally, quickly and with high quality.
5 June 2024
185 USD
Editing a book in English
I am very satisfied with working with Tatiana! High quality, fast and always in touch, which is very helpful for people with high anxiety))
I recommend!
5 June 2024
29 USD
Read the text
Thank you, the work was done quickly and qualitatively!
1 June 2024
24 USD
Proofreading. Check the text for errors. 4 pages
All is well. The project is completed - I am happy!
27 May 2024
48 USD
Read the text
Thank you, I am satisfied with the result!)
20 May 2024
48 USD
Yes, everything is great, as usual!
18 May 2024
135 USD
Translation to English
We are glad that you turned to Tatiana. The project was completed with high quality and according to the established deadlines. We were satisfied with the cooperation and will turn to her again if necessary.
15 May 2024
36 USD
Proofread pages
Thank you, the work was done quickly, everything was liked! I recommend for cooperation
11 May 2024
36 USD
Reread the book and find mistakes No.2 - a personal project for Tetiana Honchar
Wonderfully done job, faster than agreed. Thank you very much!
10 May 2024
10 USD
Annotated translation of a journalistic article
Everything was done quickly and with good quality. Thank you!
29 April 2024
19 USD
Translation from English to Ukrainian
The work has been done excellently again! We will definitely turn to you more and more.
29 April 2024
48 USD
Translation from Russian to Ukrainian
The work was done quickly, deadlines were met.
29 April 2024
36 USD
Editing text
High-quality work completed within the specified timeframe, highly recommended.
27 April 2024
156 USD
Editing and proofreading (novel, Russian language)
Generally positive experience, creative approach to editing, many very valuable suggestions about the text. There were some minor setbacks. The final revision has been not fully what I was expected, as the reviewer has not used the” track changes” option in the “review” mode, so the revised copy is quite difficult to use for the future revisions. I probably need to seek for another reviewer, but I will definitely use some of the proposed changes in the text and most grateful for the work done.
| Response feedback
25 April 2024
72 USD
Translation from English to Ukrainian (topic: aesthetic medicine)
Thank you for the prompt and high-quality work!
22 April 2024
48 USD
Text proofreading
Everything is done wonderfully and qualitatively.
9 April 2024
10 USD
Translation of the job vacancy from English to Ukrainian.
Beautiful communication, speed and quality of work.
9 April 2024
17 USD
Edit text
Professional approach to the task at hand, recommended.
4 April 2024
60 USD
KUCHERIKI. Translation of the text into English.
I really enjoyed working with Tetiana. A professional in her field. She quickly and flawlessly completed the job.
3 April 2024
25 USD
Editing text in English
The work was done well and on time, I recommend!
27 March 2024
144 USD
Translation of the book into English
Everything is great!
Thank you for completing the work ahead of schedule.
And until we meet again)
20 March 2024
30 USD
Tatiana has done a great job: accurate translation, compliance with deadlines and high professionalism. I recommend !
20 March 2024
215 USD
Translation of the website into English
The professional. I am pleased with cooperation. I recommend the task to be difficult.
20 March 2024
Everything is fine, very fast work, thank you.
14 March 2024
24 USD
Translation of the document into English
As always, everything is fast and clear.
5 March 2024
191 USD
Profryding in English
I liked the work of editing and prurifriding. The book became easier to read, more beautiful and more understandable.
4 March 2024
96 USD
Translation of the text into English
Quality and timely, excellent work
26 February 2024
62 USD
Translate the text from Russian into good English
I’m working with Tatiana for the second time. This is an indicator in itself.
The impressions are also extremely positive. The work is done quality and timely.
I recommend it.
19 February 2024
479 USD
Editing the text of the English language study guide
Tatiana is a high professional of his business! It was very pleasant to work with her. The editing of the guide (Ukrainian and English) was completed unrighteously and much faster than the specified term!
16 February 2024
79 USD
Translation from English to Ukrainian and Russian
In principle, the work was done normally, there were a few corrections and observations.
Communication has not been very difficult. I hope that with the possible further projects it will succeed in easier and more pleasant communication.)
15 February 2024
250 USD
Editing and translating stories for books
Easy communication, fast implementation.
8 February 2024
23 USD
How to Set Up a Habit Tracking Journal
I have been working with Tatiana for a long time. It is very responsible, works quickly, is immersed in all the details of the material. I recommend it.
8 February 2024
30 USD
Translation of Ucon Acrobatics
I have been working with Tatiana for a long time. He is very responsible, works quickly, is immersed in all the details of the task.
I recommend it.
8 February 2024
24 USD
How to Make a Year in Pixels
I have been working with Tatiana for a long time. It is very responsible, works quickly, is immersed in all the details of the material. I recommend it.
6 February 2024
Art translation of the text
Very fast, professional, wonderful communication.I strongly recommend cooperation.
6 February 2024
24 USD
Translation from Ukrainian to English instructions. 4 by st.
The work was done very quickly. Communication is efficient and quality.
3 February 2024
120 USD
Translate the website into Ukrainian
I liked the translation and hope for further collaboration.
2 February 2024
72 USD
Translation of Documents
Thank you Tati for your work. The translation was done very quickly. The freelancer is always in touch and communicates well.
| Personal | Response feedback
2 February 2024
10 USD
Translated by ROS
Everything is wonderful.
Fast and quality
2 February 2024
10 USD
Translate from Russian to Russian.
Everything is wonderful.
Very pleased with the work.
1 February 2024
Translation from Russian to Russian
The task was done quickly and wonderfully.
I recommend it!
1 February 2024
12 USD
Check the translation of the English presentation
Quick and quick, in a short time, thank you!
29 January 2024
72 USD
Translation of the document from Ukrainian to English
Рекомендую Тетяну як відповідального, зацікавленого спеціаліста. Переклад був виконаний в повному обсязі, чітко в строки, зі збереженням структури документа та граматично правильно.
Тетяна дуже приємна в спілкуванні.
Обов'язково звертатимусь ще.
28 January 2024
24 USD
Translator from Ukrainian to English
Everything OK
thank you
27 January 2024
742 USD
Translation and editing of the manuscript Rus - Eng
I was impressed by the translation and attention to the details. The translation was accurate. Good experience in collaboration with your team.
24 January 2024
168 USD
Editing the dissertation
The work was done quickly, in full volume. Quality is satisfied. thank you
21 January 2024
30 USD
Translation of Presentation
Thanks to Tatiana. Everything is done quality and in time.